
we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....
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Author:  d0c [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but nearly none of them posts anything, what is up with that?...

i have been away for a while but i at least posts stuff here now when i am back... this death silence is a bit worrying, is this site dying?...

Author:  Slayer [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

No, I think the site is dying when no more movies are posted and when it is not adminned/modded anymore. FH is more dying than we are, imo.

Author:  Emperor [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

I have been visiting the site last few weeks like every day. But I had a hiatus for like 4 years hahaha.
But there is like really no activity here, too bad since a few years bad we even had an irc channel up and running which was rally fun.
at least i enjoyed it but i must admit i don't have much spare time to go around these days.

I will click some movies along the way, will post some in the forum. but in the end I will contribute very little to the site. Maybe a lot of people here have the same problem?? :(

Author:  d0c [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

i think you emperor and some other here do fine.... commenting about movies, saying thanks, and joining discussion like this one. all these little things count. one thing is for sure we are upon new times and things are not what they used to be, now days there are million of sites out there not a few like it was in 2003. but hopefully people dont forget that if they find a ed2k/torrent/nzb, they can also post it here, they dont need to share it them self.

Author:  Emperor [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

Thanks d0c :beerchug:
The board could use some boost in activity, people mainly seem to click the download links if like it is the only available thing on the board
But its like you said, there are som many sites atm, maybe an overkill in some sort.

People maybe get tired of reading and posting and since this place is small it shows.

maybe this topic will gain some interest again

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

Kiddies want torrents these days, and the site is completely open therefore people don't register and post. We can artificially induce posting by adding in the restrictions you'll see at other sites.

However, overall, mule just isn't that popular anymore

Author:  Emperor [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

yeah it's true about the torrents, mule is not popular anymore.
I'm guilty too, I dont use the mule.

but still people talking about there favorite genre is fun, at least to me it is........... so it would be neat if there were some more peeps active

Author:  d0c [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

@spud, as you say the kiddies want torrent... then give them what they want :-) you can expand the forum, with a fully torrent movie link section instead of one little post... we can actually have both, the fully ed2k link section as we have now and a fully torrent section... i think that will help us get more users. while your at it you can even expand the nzb section to... then we have covered most of it... we will rock as a forum, drown in new members and be the most active forum in the perv2perv universe :rock:

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

I'm not a huge fan of the closed tracker sites, and I don't see people bothering posting no matter what is done if you don't force registration and jump through hoops to get at the content.

Author:  Mataesfola [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

Well, I for one would love more torrents, since I almost forgot the old mule. But I come here at least once a week to see how you're all doing and say hi. Hi! :D

Author:  warre [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

I visit this forum each day but not active poster.
This because my English (written) is not good and i believe in quality of post instead of quantity.
Yes i could say "thank you" more often, but mostly I go for the torrents.

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

There is one thing, you can set the forums as not readable unless you register. Take now, there are 11 guests on the board and only 3 registered.

Author:  d0c [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

spudthedestroyer wrote:
I'm not a huge fan of the closed tracker sites, and I don't see people bothering posting no matter what is done if you don't force registration and jump through hoops to get at the content.

if you look at what i posted in the torrent section there aint one closed tracker. the amount i posted in the short time periode show that the hugh 'hoops' wasnt a difficult jump at all.. if you get a few guys to hunt for torrents and posting, we should fill up the forum in no time. indexing is the game now days most of the sites do this.. :D

Author:  wargand [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

What is 'mule'?
But really, I think last year I downloaded one or two movies using mldonkey. All the rest were torrents. But not only that, my overall download decreased tremendously. I think I have most of the good old stuff and at least 90% of all new stuff is crap.

Author:  wargand [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

d0c wrote:
if you look at what i posted in the torrent section there aint one closed tracker.

d0c, just forget it. Torrent sites without their own seedboxes are a joke. And running a seedbox is expensive and dangerous.

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

As i said in the other thread in site development, I use newsgroups exclusively since I moved to spain 2 years ago. The only use of torrent I have made was to download isos of various distros, and compared to news its painfully slow and saturates my line.

I think its all about the angle now. If i had the time I would write a movie colleciton manager application with the emphasis on got and what people would like to see, with all logs anonymous of course, hook up an NNTP archiving tool and then integrate things like 'want lists' (ie. hey you can now download this movie here as soon as its detected on news, with a 'these are the specs' [pulled from people who have parsed and entered that into their collection]). I'd also write message to encourage people to share things that are rare or not available, ie. "500 people have this on their wish list! did you know spud has been after this for 2 years? would you like help sharing! You are rated the alternative cut master, nobody on the database has as many different alternative cuts of xyz".

That's a system that I personally would appreciate, and is not available. There's some other ideas I had about a 'post box', where you could dump a file, and it would be released for you.

The other thing would be to write a points system to encourage sharing, posting of news, articles, reviews, etc. I very much enjoy reading horror movie news and things like Slayer's reviews I find invaluable and which we had a better framework for him to post and manage his reviews.

There is a, damn I don't even know, 7 years?, community at this site and preserving that would be a good thing. eMule just doesn't have any sway any more :(

Author:  Slayer [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

spudthedestroyer wrote:
The other thing would be to write a points system to encourage sharing, posting of news, articles, reviews, etc. I very much enjoy reading horror movie news and things like Slayer's reviews I find invaluable and which we had a better framework for him to post and manage his reviews.
Heh, I'd start off with 10000000 points then, eh? ;) As a matter of fact, I use my own reviews as some sort of an online archive. I sometimes search them to check what I thought of a certain movie back when I watched it, or if I even watched it at all :) I watch so many movies, I can't keep up remembering everything if I don't post about them.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
There is a, damn I don't even know, 7 years?, community at this site and preserving that would be a good thing. eMule just doesn't have any sway any more :(
These "new times" people are talking about, are just about fulfilling one's needs asap. Kiddies want movies and they want them NAOW!! Patience is out of the window, it is seen as old-fashioned to wait for something. So everyone goes for the fastest lane possible. Like most "developments", this also means a (dramatic) decrease in quality. I am very old-fashioned, so I'd rather wait a few days (wow, that is long!! you say days? /sarcasm mode off) and then get my files through the trusty mule.

Author:  Macabria [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

40+? more likely 6+ :mrgreen:
i also use emule not so often - but im here not for that - i like "the company", i mean you guys, i like discussions, interesting opinions and, well, really good - and maybe little bit special - atmosphere.

about posting... im not so active anymore cause of image&hack - i just dont want to reupload those images, fuck it, i better skip one movie or another. Through, i also dislike imagessshack (and photobucket-same shit, especially with that redirection of every image into theyre site), so it looks like is the fault of those other postrs in other forums :wacky: :mrgreen:

as i also use torrents more, i try to find there something more inteesting, like those two horror porn movies i recently posted

p.s. its dead donkey, it should be daed :mrgreen: but, in other hand, there comes the dawn of the dead and we, the walking dead, will rise :mrgreen: maybe its strange one, but its some kind of frienship, our friendship, and it will keep this mule alive :beerchug:

Author:  Slayer [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

Macabria wrote:
about posting... im not so active anymore cause of image&hack - i just dont want to reupload those images, fuck it, i better skip one movie or another. Through, i also dislike imagessshack (and photobucket-same shit, especially with that redirection of every image into theyre site), so it looks like is the fault of those other postrs in other forums :wacky: :mrgreen:
Well, you can start posting again, then. The imageshack ban is lifted. :beerchug:

Author:  d0c [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: we have at least 40+ members visiting daily but....

@slayer, the imageshack ban is liftedits, hallelujah!!!... you keep up writing thoes reviews, they are a great read :)

@wargand, torrents with out a seedbox do just fine... i have no probling finding stuff, if the torrent dies there is always a new one to be found of the same file...

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