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PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2002 2:31 am  Post subject: A few formal issues (avatar, site address, link sorting)
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Mod of the Living Dead
Joined: Fri Nov 22, 2002 4:30 pm
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Hi there.

Looks like this is the site I've been looking for. Thank you Spud! :D
Just a few issues, perhaps what I post here will be helpful to you or some other members, hope so...

First of all, the avatar. I'm using the one I had on Filenexus, this is my first post here, so I don't know how this will work, but the point is that this is the one I remotely linked. I guess as long as fn exists and is online, it's ok.

Second: I read you are considering getting a domain for this site. If I may say something as to this matter, I think it would be nice if it was "mortuary", as everyone has good connotations with the name. Also, it's much shorter than eg "horrorhasahome". So I vote for Mortuary, just to commemorate that fantastic section.

Finally, I would like to refer to Cybersatan's idea with different link sorting.
wouldn't it be much more clearer to have just only long list ( like he old mortuary) that you can easily scroll through and immediatly see what it contains?

I second that. It is only plain text, so it shouldn't be too big. I find the necessity of clicking on 27 links quite uncomfortable, too. Spud, perhaps you'd consider some other option then: how about a list sorted in alphabetical order, cut into numbered pieces, something like on fn or sr release sections, with, say, 100 entries on each page? This way you wouldn't have to download the whole list, but you will have it fragmented into somewhat bigger chunks. Could you please consider this for a moment?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2002 9:36 pm  Post subject:
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Firstly, thanks for visiting :)

The name horrorhasahome is long, and it wasn't the first name I came up with, but there were problems with the others i came up with. When i came up with the site idea months ago, I didn't want to be accused of copying or what have you so i wasn't sure about taking the mortuary or crypt (as both already existed, at FN and SR). I also came up with some other names, normally to do with the occult/dead etc., I had a problem though, in that often they were either uncommon names or regional, in so far as that spelling or understanding of the name might have caused a problem (and i wanted it to be simple to find). There would probably be an ideal name out there but i couldn't think of one (okay, i didn't spend enough time thinking, my bad). Now that BSOD has so kindly offered to host this site as part of filenexus, i think using the mortuary will be okay.

Anyways, I have already resorted the list and it's up. However, the was a problem with it's appearance in opera, and the way opera displays tables. So at the moment it's split between #-U and then V-Z . The problem is that if the table is two long, with a lot of spaces (ie. between each letter), then a horizontal scroll bar appears. If your using opera and want to see this glitch, go to http://tvshadowzone.host.sk/series/index.htm :( Anyway, I've tested the appearance in Internet Explorer, Opera and Netscape and it seems fine. As for making it like Filenexus, that is done with a database, and unfortunately I have no access to one (except on ever so slow Lycos), which means i can only do static HTML where it becomes more difficult.

The avatar thing, the problem is that lycos has limited space. It is simple to allow uploading of avatars, but I didn't want to use up all the space for avatars. I wrote some sticky topics about sites to host sigs and avatars in the sticky topic to help this problem though (and your avatar shows up fine).

All feedback is appreciated,

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