
Official Vista Thread
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Author:  BadBugs [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  Official Vista Thread

Are you using it? Are you thinking about it?
Lets face it, unless youre going to try out linux this is the future being forced upon us by america wether you like it or not :wacky:

Theres some pretty bad stuff inside Vista but up to now its not affected me but maybe its affected you ?
http://www.dead-donkey.com/scripts/inde ... _cost.html

Discuss your experience with it, please no rumours or other peoples experience with it or this could get messy :P

I've been running the x64 Ultimate edition on my other PC for a few weeks now & I don't see what the fuss is all about. Its running fine so far & I've managed to get it ripping & gaming without any problems.
The official beta version that I tested before was bad, couldnt get anything to work on it but the retail release seems fixed. :mrgreen:

Author:  Conky [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:45 am ]
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I chose the last option BUT I'm about to take a very BIG plunge and delve into the world of UBUNTU (Linux) gonna wipe my machine clean and fresh install the latest ubuntu release and see if i can actually live with out windows (or it's associated appz/programs)

I installed Vista - as I'm sure most people have but just didn't take to it and reverted back to XP. Maybe it's because of all the beta copies and the hassle of actually getting it up and running with out a time limit or some sort of shitty validation etc etc.

I remember installing Windows 95,98 and even XP and it was like hitting the ground running and i didn't look back to the previous OS but with Vista there where too many complications/pit falls etc etc and it was back to XP.

I'm going to give linux a serious try and I do believe (maybe more - hope) that I can live without windows :mrgreen:

Just my opinion.

Maybe now if I grab a copy of Vista it will rock - but I'm really happy without it :P

Author:  Avanze [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:10 pm ]
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XP is working fine and dandy.

Author:  elchupacabra [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:20 pm ]
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I'm running Windows 2000 :roll: and don't need Vista or Office 2007 with that docx format

Author:  RedVeil [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:14 pm ]
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I have Vista installed and I am unable to start any of the standard Microsoft games. For example Mine Sweeper - it always crashes.

It is possible to live without windows. Ubuntu is a good (userfriendly) option. Although it takes its time to find out which applications you can use to replace the windows ones.

Author:  PC_Arcade [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:41 pm ]
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I'm running Vista Ultimate X64

Although I've still got XP installed, I've not rebooted into it for months now, Vista is ok IMHO

Author:  Slayer [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:41 pm ]
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I'm about to try out Vista, but only because it's free (I get my CD's at work). I have seen it running on a colleague's computer and it looks ok, the fuss is about Microsoft finally putting some good stuff of other OS's (like Mac) in Windows. Well, at least that's my guess.

I'm not sure when I'll try it: XP does what I want it to, so no urgent need.

Author:  BadBugs [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

For everyone who said theyre not trying vista, what are you going to do when MicroShit stop making windows updates for XP?

For XP Home users... mainstream support for all versions of Windows XP will continue at least until April 14, 2009.

For XP Pro users... consumers can count on security updates arriving until April 2011.

So its only 18 months away for the majority of XP users :o

RedVeil wrote:
I have Vista installed and I am unable to start any of the standard Microsoft games. For example Mine Sweeper - it always crashes.

So youre using a pre-retail beta version?

Look for the NOPE release of x64 ultimate as that works fine :wink:

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Thu Nov 22, 2007 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Official Vista Thread

BadBugs wrote:
Theres some pretty bad stuff inside Vista but up to now its not affected me but maybe its affected you ?
http://www.dead-donkey.com/scripts/inde ... _cost.html

Discuss your experience with it, please no rumours or other peoples experience with it or this could get messy :P

I think there's a problem there, in so far that that article is rumours. As far as i can see anyway, i'd like a more "name brand" article/journalist to support those claims because i don't know what to think of it, i thought it was all shot down a year ago.

I also think that article is more of a speculative anti-microsoft piece than anything that's overly applicable. All the backup arguments and sources appear to be from before vista even launched, and i'm actually using S/PDIF now and yet a big section of the article says i can't do that (but i guess it just means in the future it won't work, but i really don't see how) :?

I've been running the x64 Ultimate edition on my other PC for a few weeks now & I don't see what the fuss is all about. Its running fine so far & I've managed to get it ripping & gaming without any problems.
The official beta version that I tested before was bad, couldnt get anything to work on it but the retail release seems fixed. :mrgreen:


I started using vista since it came on my new laptop. It was stable, the thing that annoyed me was the nagging but anyone who has really used vista knows in three or four clicks its off permantly, both the nag for performing actions and the nag about security being turned off. I'd say that's a n/a complaint for vista

I've found benchmarking claims against it to be an utter fabrication, infact network speed, file system access, and searching is HUGELY quicker and heavily optimised.

The problem i had with vista was a BSOD when i attempted to isntall with 4GB of ram installed. I had to take out a stick, install, patch and then put the stick back in.

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