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PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 8:14 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Ancient One
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The Predator - the 2018 film, continuing on the Predator-storyline, mixing it with some other scifi stuff and putting in a child hero so it can be a film for the entire family (eeehm...). When on a mission in Mexico, Quinn McKenna, a special forces sniper, witnesses the crashing of a spaceship. nowing that he might get into trouble for it, he sends home some of the evidence he found: a helmet and a wristarmor. His son, who suffers from Asperger's, is trying to figure out what it all means, while his father is being transferred to the looney bin. However, just when they are leaving, the captured Predator from the ship awakens inside the special research facility in which they are holding him. They take advantage of the situation and start hunting the Predator, who is also hunted by something else than the humans who are after him. The storyline isn't so bad, but it is not very original: rogue aliens being pursued even onto our earth is nothing new, but that doesn't mean this isn't a nice story. The execution however, is a bit tacky at times, with the father-son relationship, the son having this syndrome, the ruthless research leader who murders his men in cold blood, it's all a bit too much. The cgi is OK-ish, although the "dogs" look pretty fake all the time. I did have fun, but that's because I like the Predator as a creature. As a movie, this is not much above popcorn-level.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:08 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Flora - a team of scientists goes out into the wild to explore nature. It's the 1920s, which is a smart move in order to explain why they can't communicate with each other when lost. Because they can't find the professor they were supposed to meet, they start searching for him. In the meantime, they notice that there is no animal life in the forest: just plants, trees and bushes. It's this flora that they will learn to fear, as the pollen turn out to be a deadly force. This movie is pretty boring if you ask me. Acting is overacting, the events are few and far between and nature is just uninteresting in this one because there are no animals whatsoever. There are a few interesting things like women trying to start a scientific career but not being able to because it's the 20s, but they never add to the storyline really. The "monster" is not scary in the least, there is no actual sense of fear and while the music tries to give it to you, it's just not enough. The ending is kind of predictable, the movie is pretty forgettable. On the plus side: there are worse things to look at than Teresa Marie Doran, but that's it. I'd skip it.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 8:19 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Prospect - a teenage girl and her father work on a spaceship. On their way to a last job, they hear that the connecting line will be closed, so they have to be back in time or they will be stuck somewhere in outer space. When they have engine trouble, they land on a planet, whee the father soon finds some mine which could make them rich. Unfortunately, there are other dwellers out there who want the riches of the planet for themselves. After a while, the situation changes drastically for the girl
her father is dead and the only survivor of the duo who killed him is after her
Now she has to adapt to the new situation and find a way off the planet if she ever wants to make it home. Long film which drags from time to time. The atmosphere is OK, it gives you a desolate feeling even though the planet is forested (instead of desert, the usual desolate surrounding). But because there are only a few things happening, it is also a bit boring. Acting is good but can't save the movie from being pretty bland overall. I'd not watch it again I guess.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:44 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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About a month no movies at all, whoa. My time got consumed by gaming mostly (and travelling, superb!).

Werewolves of the Third Reich - I picked this one because I really felt like watching a nazisploitation with monsters and supersoldierthingies. No camp torture expected, but this was laughably bad, wow. The cast was 23 or 24 people, which poses a problem immediately: how to portray a believable army? A believable guard at a prison? A believable concentration camp population? Well, simple: you just don't. One soldier has training with one sergeant, four prisoners are in "Camp 7" (a nod to the nazisploitation Love Camp 7 from the 70s?), being guarded by one guard, who is Ilse Koch (a real - and very brutal and nasty - person in Buchenwald in the war). In this movie she is a couple with Josef Mengele, who in real life served in Auschwitz, several hundreds of kilometers away and had a totally different wife. Mengele is making a werewolfmansoldierthing, to win the war in the end of 1944, sure. Of course I was waiting for the werewolves, but there are actually only two of them and they appear really late in the film, never turning into proper wolves and never fighting outside of the compound they were created in. The heroes of the movie, heavily inspired by Brad Pitt in Inglourious Bastards, are inmates of their own Military Police, who apparently have jurisdiction even deep inside Germany, where, when the prisnders have escaped, they wander around freely without being interrupted. Well, not really, they get ambushed once by two (!) nazis who have put trees on the road as some kind of roadblock. Useless, because there are open fields on both sides of the road, but still the driver stops. Also quite a feat from those nazis, as the nearest forest was miles off, so dragging those treetrunks must have been a pain. While it is already very special for four US soldiers to just wander around deep inside Germany while the war is going on, it makes it even better, becasue oe of them is a black dude. Totally not conspicuous apparently in Nazi Germany :S There is more fun to be had with the dialogue, but by now you should have the picture: this movie sucks balls hard, but that makes it funny again. Recommended for bad moviefans, maybe even highly.


PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:42 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Yep, that one is a total pooper. :suicide:

PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 9:16 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Watched two better movies since ;)

Await Further Instructions - last 10,15 movies from the UK I had seen were quite shit. Await Further Instructions will not win any global prizes, but at least I was entertained and not annoyed by watching this. Afrter having been absent for several years, Nick comes home for Christmas to his sort of disfunctional family. His mother is sweet, but his father has an authority problem and keeps gettoing scolded by grandpa. Nick's sister is superdumb but acts like she knows everything and her boyfriend seems to be OK but is not to be counted on when the sit goes down. Because Nick brught his girlfriend Annji (from Indian descent), this immediately brings tensions because the family is quite racist. Because the atmosphere is superunpleasant, they decide to leave very early in teh morning, but then they find out that they are locked in the house. Some weird metal cover is palced over it and they can't escape. The TV starts telling them what to do, and while the father tyhinks it's the government giving ordes whic he is trying to follow, Nick thinks it is something else so he tries to sabotage it as good as possible. This emphasizes the already existing tensions, and even the first death doesn't change all that much in that aspect... Now they have to decide wheterh or not to do what the TV tells them to. OK movie, acting is pretty good I was super annoyed by the dumb sister so she played well ;) Effects are also OK, could have been a bit better especially with the blood being so blackish. Starts out as a thriller and turns into a scifi/horror at the end. Final shot great, but the morale of the story is so superobvious that it sort of insulted my intelligence. I forgive the film for that, because like I said, I was entertained and that's what counts.

Terrifier - pretty cool old school slasher in which you know right from the start who the killer is, but that doesn't matter. The clown is scary and also very brutal. Jenna Kennell is a sweetheart in this movie and she also wears a nice outfit 8) The story is rather straightfroward: a talkshow guest tells her story about how she escaped the killer, and the the killer sees on TV that he is declared dead. This of course enrages him so he makes a comeback and his first victims are the owners of a pizzajoint where two friends Tara and Dawn are hanging out after a Halloween party. Of course the clown goes after them and we get to see loads of gore and brutal violence. Drawback in this is that he also uses a pistol which makes him weak in my book, the plus is the beauty of his victims, especially Tara. Whwereas I really didn't care whether Dawn would make it, I was rooting for Tara, also because her character is nice. The ending is classic, so we might see a Terrifier 2 in a while. Solid slasher, shame about the pistol though.


PostPosted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 12:00 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Possession of Hannah Grace - this possession film starts with the exorcism, and I was surprised to see a familiar face there: Gijs Scholten van Aschat, so I checked and yes, this was explainable because the director is a Dutch born man (that must have been the reason why he knew Gijs). Gijs plays a father trying to get the demon out of Hannah, but he fails, otherwise the movie would have been 5 minutes long only. After the exorcism we jump to a different setting: Megan, an ex-cop who is having addiction trouble because she froze at a scene where her partner ultimately got killed. So now she has to find a different job and stay off the pills and the booze. She takes up a graveyard shift in the morgue, handling incoming bodies. A strange man tries to get in and even attacks her, and a little later a weird body is being brought in. This is Hannah's body, but what about the ;possession? And who was that strange man? Megan has some sort of character development going on by doing the rehab thing, keeping the job and fending off any other types of danger, of which there is plenty in this film. Pretty OK, nothing groundbreaking but it was interesting enough to keep me watching and not getting annoyed. Effects and acting are both pretty well done. Nice, middle of the road, good timefiller.


PostPosted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 8:06 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Tag - aka Riaru Onigokko. A bit weird and arty Japanese movie, the horror is in the "dreams" the main character is having: they are superviolent. Lots and lots of people keep dying, but she survives time and again. The storyline takes some strange twists in which the main character changes identity, but in the end there is a little explanation which suffices to make you see what was going on. Problem is, that although this is a nice setup, it left me wanting: the explanation is kind of cheap and unsatisfying. Acting is OK, although the yelling of the girls gets on your nerves after a while. The cyberteachers were quite cool, though. Strange film, if you want something different, pick this.

Unnatural - aka Maneater. A photographer, his assistent and two models travel to northern Alaska to do a fotoshoot, while in a nearby facility, scientists have geneticalle engineered a monster. This monster escapes of course and is now threatening the photoshoot crew and the people in the lodge where they are staying. One by one they fall victim to the monster, but of course there is a hero of the day who ends the misery while saying a cool oneliner. The models were cute, especially Ivana Korab. Acting was mediocre at best, the cgi was below average. Pretty forgettable movie all in all.


PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 9:21 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Doll - this is about a really pathetic guy with a bitchy gf and a troublesome friend who lives with him. He orders a mailorder bride after the gf has left him (because the troublesome guy had invited some hookers over to the house). This hiring the mailoder bride is all part of a cunning plan to get the gf back, but the bride sent is a killer under the spell of a demon. She kills off a bunch of hookers ordered by the friend, but aparyt from that doesn't really do anything. She doesn't get the chance because the gf returns faster than planned and now both gf and killer hooker are under the same roof. The killer doll starts working on both guys and the gf. When the doll is after a hooker, the gf hides under bed in the doll's room and stays there (even after the doll has left the house to complete the murder of the hooker in the garage). Everyone does really stupid stuff and in the end
they all die and come under the power of the demon
Very dumb movie, the main character is trying to act but comes off as sorely pathetic, the other castmembers are better although The Doll does not really act, she just walks around slowly, staring in the distance. Bad moviefans might enjoy it, but this is a waste of time for most.


PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 12:12 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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La Region Salvaje - aka The Untamed. This is one weird horror film. Most of the film is social drama, with a couple struggling because the woman, Alejandra feels neglected and her husband Angel is secretly gay. He dates her brother Fabian without anyone knowing it, and he is a doctor, treating strange wounds on Victoria, a friend of Alejandra. The wounds are from an alien: this creature has landed on earth and is now taken care of by an elderly couple. The alien needs a lot of sex, so Victoria volunteers to have sex with it, because it feels so good. But, she also gets wounded from time to time. This whole setup is somewhere in Mexico and it is quite strange. A while ago I saw We Are The Flesh, which was also a strange Mexican film and of course there are movies like Alucarda etc. also strange. Maybe Mexico is the France from across the Atlantic ;) The parts with the alien are few and far between, so most of the film is drama. I wasn't really prepared for that, so maybe you should take it into account when sitting down to watch this. Acting is good, it was all pretty convincing. If you want something different, try this one.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 9:42 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Primal Rage - this one has the subtitle "the legend of Konga", suggesting that we might get to see a big ape-like creature. The film is actually about a creature called Oh-Mah, better known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch. The story is about Max getting released from prison and picked up by his wife Ashley. On their way home they have an accident and Max drops into the river. Ashley tries to save him so she jumps after him, and although they get out, it leaves them far downstream without a car in the middle of nowhere with night falling. Their distress call has been picked up, but the local sheriff can only salvage the car, as Max and Ashley are too far away by then. The next morning they try to get back to civilization, but they run into a group of unfriendly hunters. Walking along with them towards their trucks, the creature makes itself known and soon the first victims fall. Setting is great, the forest looks menacing enough and seemed endless, which is good. What surprised me a bit is the subplot with the sheriff and his younger colleague. On one hand, the cliche was turned around (the older man doesn't believe in the legends) but on the other hand it seemed like they didn't really try hard to find Max and Ashley. The creature looks cool, the acting overall is ok. Not a very impressive movie, but a nice effort anyway.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:51 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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It Follows - a girl runs out of her home screaming, she disappears re-assuring everyone that she is fine. The next morning she is dead. She got killed by "it", and now "it" will need to find a new victim. The main plot evolves around a girl named Jay, who has two sisters, a childhood friend who is madly in love with her (and to his frustration it's oneway traffic) and a neighbourhood boy hanging around sometime with them. As you might guess, Jay also gets to see "it", which is some kind of a ghostly appearance that only she can see. It walks up to it's victim slowly but securely, and when in the grasp, you will be dead soon. Jay must find out if she can escape this thing, and her entourage is gonna try and help her. This leads them to various kinds of adventures. I liked this film, I was afraid that the message of this film would be that sex is bad, because
"it" starts following you when you have had sex with someone who was the target before
but in the final scenes you can pretty much conclude that that is not the case. The gjostly appearances are cool and also pretty scary, but the emotional background thing with one of the ghosts appearing as
Jay's father, who we otherwise only see on a family picture
was a little unelaborated thing and therefore failed a bit. This movie has more to it tha most bubblegum horrors, so if you want to see some serious effort to make something original and scary, check this one out.


PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:35 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Here's an idea: why not put an ed2k link at the end of each review for the interested folks? :beerchug:

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 7:28 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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^Rogue^ wrote:
Here's an idea: why not put an ed2k link at the end of each review for the interested folks? :beerchug:
Go ahead, mod ;) Seriously: I can't get ed2k to run with VPN for some reason, I haven't figured it out yet at least. So now I'm getting my films elsewhere and I wouldn't know if they even have an ed2k release, let alone the films I watch from my DVD collection.

Occupation - Australian film about aliens landing in Australia to occupy it. They come to take over the earth, because they can't live on their own planet anymore. A group of peope in a small town resist though, and they form an unlikely alliance against teh invaders. In everyday life they were rivals, in work, in sports, etc. but now they have to work together in order to save the planet. This leads to both action and drama, which plays on your emotions but gets very bombastic at times (in the action scenes it's done with slowmotions and first person shooter-like views). I didn't know any of the cast, but they acted very well and Rhiannon Fish looked beautiful! The cgi was pretty good, sometimes it showed it's ugly face though, but not so much to ruin the film. It's a bit of a drawback that the moral of the story is pushed so hard in your face. It already starts at the beginning of the film with that cringy voice over and in the end it's dripping off the screen. Too much if you ask me, and together with the bombastic fightscenes they make for the minuspoints of the film. If they would have trimmed those down, it might have been a nice film, now it's just a little too much over the top and not in a nice way. Since it runs for two hours, you should know what to get when going in, so here it is :)


PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:39 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Summer of 84 - nostalgic film taking us back to the 80s, when horror was still really cool and new and refreshing and everything. Davey Armstorng is the local newspaperboy, and while dropping the papers around his suburb, he wonders what's happening behind all those closed doors. Since he has a feeling for weird subjects (like UFO's, monsters and secret nazi bases), and it's all over the news that a serial killer is haunting the neighbourhood, he starts suspecting his policeofficer neighbour. Together with his friends, with whom he plays games like "manhunt" at night and dreams about losing virginity to Nikki the local hot girl, they start to investigate. They stack circumstantial evidence, but are they wrongly accusing their friendly neighbour of something gruesome or are they actually spot on? Nice film, not muich gore but the tension is all over the place with the friends finding out stuff and doing forbidden things like getting out of the house at night. All pretty innocent, although they go quite far to see if Davey's theory is correct. Acting is well done, it must have been a real pleasure to play these roles. I had some good fun, don't expect too much serial killer action and you will be fine. And longing to be back in the 80s again, too ;)


PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 9:45 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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I suppose I could, if I were a mod. You're the only active moderator, mister. :)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:42 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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^Rogue^ wrote:
I suppose I could, if I were a mod. You're the only active moderator, mister. :)

Oh, got confused with "that other forum" then, I guess ;)

Slaughterhouse Rulez - a bloke called Don is being sent to a boarding school which has a reputation of raising world leaders and other prominent people. The fat that it's called Slaughterhouse, that the previous owner of the bed he sleeps in died last semester and that half the surrounding forest is off limits, doesn't sit well with Don though. He suffers from the ilitary drills, he falls in love with Clemsie who is way out of his class, and tries to figure out what his enigmatic roommate is all about. In the meantime, a company is fracking on the terrain, which is the reason why the boys and girls are not allowed in the forest. One day, a large sinkhole appears, and what comes out is not just gas... Very Biritish film, with the whole class society thing going on it felt very old fashioned, but I'm not really aware of how things are in that department in the UK atm. The cgi was bearable, as most of it was wisely in the dark. The subpolots were interesting enough, even though the headmaster (The Bat) was overacting pretty intensely, almost ruining the film. After a series of total crap from the British isles, this one was tolerable at least. Good fun for an evening, don't expect anything groundbreaking though. Although, hehe, pun intended ;)

Hellraiser Judgment - total superfluous episode in the Hellraiser franchise. What could be a really original take on the story (Pinhead gets punished), results in a dragging and uninteresting story of which you will know that the most important charcater will survive. This is no spoiler, you will gues before the opening credits. There is plenty of gore, but it doesn't seem to serve a purpose other than shocking the crowd. Good thing this thing runs for only 80 minutes, otherwise it might even be considered a waste of time. For completists only.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 12:40 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Pyramid - a team of archaeologists has found a unique threesided pyramid ij the Egyptian desert. While Cairo trembles under riots, a filmcrew travels to the excavationsite to document the progress of the father-daughter archaeology team. On the first day they shoot some outside shots, on the second day they plan to enter the mysterious pyramid. Unfortunately, they are being called back because of the riots getting out of hand. Since they think Cairo is far enough off, they take the risk and enter the pyramid anyway. What they find there is unimaginable... Mediocre film, which had a plot I had not expected, given the setting. It was therefore a bit original, but the whole creature is badly cgi'd and that makes it less than unbelievable. Gore is OK but since almost everything is in the dark you can't see as much of it. There is little concern when it comes to killing off characters, so enough to see for the bloodhounds. Some funny nonsense when it comes to archaeology, but nothing too extreme to make this an SBiG film. OK timefiller.

Hell Fest - typical group of students go and visit Hell Fest, a Halloween themed festival with gorey mazes, ghosthouses and spooky rides. The drama is very corny, the killer is noticeably uninteresting. During the film you might start wondering why he is making all those kills
and the film won't answer them. This is not clever or anything, it's just a bit annoying
Acting is OK, some of the characters are pretty irritating, so it doesn't really matter that they die, but others are nice people brutally slaughered for no good reason. In the end you get to see a scene which is both unnerving and ridiculous at the same time, it was the best scene of the film and saved it at least a bit from utter forgettableness.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 8:35 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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A Quiet Place - in the near future, monsters roam the world, and they have extremely sensitive hearing. So when you make a noise, they jump you and slash you to bits. A family tries to have a life, making no noise at all, communicating through sign language and dealing with a big trauma which is monster-related. This premise, blind monsters that react to sounds, is not new, but still this film felt very original. It also touched me in the drama piece of things, I really felt the father's love for his kids and the problems the eldest child was dealing with. The monsters looked very good, even though they must have been cgi. Acting is great, the kids are very believable. Atmosphere is one of continuous tension, as every noise, even as little as dropping a nail on the floor, will attract the superfast moshters and cost you your life. This constant threat, together with the practical problems (and the trauma) the family has to deal with, make for a nice film. One of the better horror films I have seen lately. Recommended, maybe even highly.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:01 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Boar - Ozz horror with Bill Moseley. In the Australian outback, a superhuge pig terrorizes the countryside. It tears down fences, kills off some livestock and when people are gonna check out what the heck is going on, they get impaled on it's monstrous tusks. One by one the characters in this flick fall victim to it, nothing is explained as to how and why this creature became to be. There is just a lot of growling and then blood: next person is dead. Although this film tries it's best by killing off even the more central characters in the story, it never gets past the ridiculousness of the pig itself. It's not only way too big, it is carnivorous and ferociouslky bloodthirsty, a combination seldomly found in pigs (and therefore a little explanatory backgroundstory would have been nice). It is able to kill both silently and with the loudest noise possible. It implaes and devours it's victims partially. It can knock you over by running 50mph, all adding up to a monster beyond belief, that, when it's down, of course isn't really down *sigh*. Mindless fun, laugh a lot and you will be fine.


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