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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 5:52 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Ancient One
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Retribution - somewhat weird 80s horror about George, a guy who wants to commit suicide but when he lands on the tarmac, the spirit of a murdered mafioso nests in his mind. So after recovering from his injuries, he gets therapy in order to have some more pleasure in life. After a while, things start to happen which he can't explain and people start dying, but he doesn't know these people at all. He panicks when a colleague of his psychiatrist calls the police on him, and then it is a race against the clock in order to see if he can be saved from the malicious spirit. Strange story, at least the execution is weird. The running tim is also a bit long for the story (105 mins). Acting is OK-ish, effects are supercheesy, like when George is "possessed" his eyes turn greenish yellow, very fake. The gore is nice, though. Music is very 80s, so are outfits and hairdo's. If you like 80s horror and don't mind a bucketload of cheese, then this is for you.


PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:33 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Puzzle - aka L'Uomo Senza Memoria. A giallo by Duccio Tessari (The Bloodstained Butterfly), who makes not so typical giallos, and this is another example of those. There aren't many kills in this crimeplot about a man with amnesia and a missing load of drugs. The man who doesn't remember a thing is slowly recovering his life, he finds out he has a wife called Sara, and bit by bit his life comes back to him. Some old friends approach him and one of them keeps talking of a missing batch of heroin, hidden in a string of sausages. When the man tries to remember, he is not taken seriously and almost gets killed. Since other people already died in front of his very eyes, it is now very urgent to gather his memories in order to not get murdered himself. As I am quite an experienced giallo viewer, I found out the plot quite fast, but the twist at the end, although not very radical, was not so predictable. Acting is OK-ish, effects are Italian and so are the music and the shots. Well done, but not an everlasting impression. In other words: there are better giallos out there.


PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 9:25 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Murder a la Mod - first feature film of Brian de Palma, who rose to fame quite some time later as this one is from the 60s. Not too much of a plot, this film spins around the idea that the viewer gets to see the plot several times, each time from the viewpoint of a different character, which means some four times in total. Like the title already mentions, the plot is about a murder and because you get to see it happen through the eyes of the differnet personalities in this film, you slowly but steadily find out what actually happened. Quite nicely done, but overall this film was a tad boring, being black and white didn't help really, the acting was at times atrocious (the bank employee as worst example) and although the title song is cool, it can't save the film by itself. Still, this is quite a nice piece of cinematography, something which would make De Palma famous later. So if you are an avid fan of his work you should check this out, otherwise you won't miss much.


PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 6:09 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Bastard - weird slasher in which a serial kiler couple of newlyweds, a runaway brother and sister with a VERY close relationship and an alcoholic and suicidal homosexual cop come together in a B & B while people are missing in the surroundigns. Those people are murder victims, and slowly but steadily you will find out who the killer is: but not before you get to see some gory scenes and some very extreme stuff
a guy cutting out a baby from a restrained woman
Acting is OK, music was nice. The ending was also a tad weird, but if you want to see something different, this is a nice pick, especially if you are short on time (some 75 mins runtime).

Westworld - the 70s scifi about amusementparks for the rich who can feel like they are a Roman, a medieval prince or a cowboy in the Wild West. Most other inhabitants of those world are robots, which are programmed to act, talk, make love, bleed and die according to the guest's wishes. When Peter and John are making a trip to the park, they have fun fighting in a bar, shooting gunslingers and making love to saloon prostitutes, but then something goes terribly wrong: the robots don't respond to their controlelrs anymore. The entire technical department is being shut ut while the gunslinger robots start hunting down all guests. Now Peter and John have to try and escape alive. Quite a slow movie, not surprisingly considering it's age, but I feel like more could have been happening in it's runtime (a quite regular 87 mins). Acting is good, Yul Bynner is a master in playing a robot. The ending is OK, but also felt a bit unfinished. I'm curious if Futureworld is any better.

Phantasm Ravager - it had been quite some time (almost 5 years) since I last saw a Phantasm film, and I was actually surprised that a new one got made. It has all the old characters too, Tall Man, Reggie, Mike and Jody, you can all see them in this movie. It will be the last time, because Angus Scrimm died so a part 6 with the Tall Man can't be made imo. This film is for fans only, and even for them it will be a bit painful to watch as it is so much worse than all earlier movies. Atmosphere has it's moments, but the spheres are not scary at all, some of the blood is cgi (which looks ugly) and Tall Man feels like only a distant fear factor. The dementia thing with Reggie is pretty well thought through, but the dimension hopping doesn't get any clearer. I would have liked it if some of the scenes were explained a bit better like when
Reggie shoots at medical personnel because he thinks they are minions of Tall Man
If you are new to Phantasm, don't watch this one, watch parts one and two instead.


PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 10:26 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Futureworld - watched Westworld yesterday, so I thought it'd be nice to watch it's sequel not too long afterwards. This is more a thriller than anything else, the whole robot thing is nice, but it doesn't make it into a pure scifi in my book. After having exposed Westworld's disaster with the robots taking over, reporter Chuck Browning gets a tip from an employee of Delos, who gets killed before he can tell Chuck anything about his former employer. So Chuck goes to investigate together with his rival and former lover Tracy Ballard. Together they get a tour of Delos' worlds and also one behind the scenes. When they meet Harry, the former associate of the killed employee, Chuck and Tracy are finally on to something. This film left a better impression on me, the whole thing looked a bit more professional. Especially the story is better, and you might enjoy it more if you have seen Westworld first. The robot thing is a bit predictable, but overall this was a nice watch. Take it as a thriller though, otherwise you might be disappointed in the lack of scifi stuff.


PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 4:12 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Bunny the Killer Thing - Finnish horrormovie. In the past, it turned out that I really like Finnish movies because of their dry humour, and fortunately, this one is no exception. It's about a couple who are gonna hire a cabin in the forest in Finland in order to get some writer's inspiration. Upon opening the door, they are kidnapped immediately, and the man is injected with something unspecified, which turns him into some kind of sexual predator: dressed in a bunny suit he screams "Pussy! Pussy!" all the time, swings his third leg around and then tries to hump everything which remotely resembles the female genitalia. Of course, this results in scores of victims, both male and female. A bunch of friends have to deal with this unusual threat and they try to get help from the police, but all they do is add to the pile of victims. The ending is, like most of what you will see in this film, pretty insane. Watch for the last scene after the credits, it is also quite funny. Acting is good, music is nice (a good portion of metal) and gore is great. Recommended, especially if you like insane funny movies with horror in them.

Satan's School for Lust - came across this title when searching for something else. It's a movie starring Misty Mundae, so you shoudl know what you are in for: lots of sex and nudity and a flimsy storyline. This flimsy storyline is about a private school for girsl where every year some girls disappear. A journalist goes to investigate, but both her and the newly arrived girl fall victim to the satanic practices in the school. The number of characters is limited to seven, of which five are women, so most nudity will be girl on girl as you might guess. The storyline is ridiculous, but it only servs the purpose of showing as much female nudity as possible within 65 minutes, and in that it succeeds quite nicely. Wooden acting, a severe lack of locations and no ternsion or development whatsoever, but who cares, as long as you don't expect too much of this film. Only for fans of nudity, and maybe for bad moviefans.

Vampyres - the remake from 2015. I don't remember much of the original Vampyres film. I must have watched it a long time ago, because I don't have a review of it on here, and since I started back in 2007 it must have been ten years or so. This remake didn't really entertain me in any special way, acting was so so, the accents were over the top (or they shouldn't hire non-English speaking actors at all) and the vampires were having sex more than they were drinking blood. After having watched Satan's School for Lust, this was a bit repetitive, althoiugh there was a little more to the storyline this time. Number of characters and locations was both low again, and this almost always means that the budget was tight and it shows. Quite forgettable movie if you ask me. It is time for a good new vampire movie, they have been neglected a bit in the zombie fashion. So if any director reads this: you know what you have to do.


PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:39 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Dark Stranger - saw this one available, watched the trailer an decided to give it a chance. The story is about a young girl Leah Garrison (Katie Findlay), whose mother committed suiced while sh was painting. Leah also has artistic talents, but she is also being haunted by supernatural powers, just like her mother. These powers make her draw superbly beautiful pictures, but it's always at the cost of some blood. When Randall Toth (Stephen McHattie), a local businessman, shows interst in both her mother's and her piantings, she is suspicious: the man looks exactly like one of the main figures in her supernatural visions. Is she gonna end up like her mom? Like I said, I gave it a chance, but it's not a film I would have missed much if I hadn't. The story sounds nice and the animations of the comics Leah draws are cool. But Katie Findlay just doesn't cut it as the tormented girl with suicidal thoughts. Actually, when she gets better, the acting comes more natural. Stephen McHattie still can play a nice bad figure, so the Dark Stranger himself is the best thing this film has to offer. Unfortunately, how it all ends is a bit stupid. If you wanna go for this one then do it but if you are in doubt, like me, then search for something else.


PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 11:08 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Tras el Cristal - aka In a Glass Cage. Spanish 80s film about a former nazi camp commander who used to abuse little boys for his own sexual pleasure. Now he lives in Spain, hiding himself and his family from the outside world. After having beaten up another boy (with this scene the film opens, so it is quite some introduction), he tries to commit suicide, ridden with feelings of guilt. He survives however, and now he has to live in an iron lung (the glass cage from the English title). His wife realizes he needs a permanent nurse, and when a young man arrives telling her that he is the new nurse, she is suspicious because she didn't ask for one yet. But since her husband tells her he wants the young man to stay, she accepts it, with grave consequences. The relationship between the nurse and his patient is central in this somewhat arty film about nazi cruelties and the following traumas. The ex-nazi sees the tables turned on him and he can't do anything about it as he is in the iron lung. This makes a film which is both intense, interesting, a tad shocking at times but also boring. The runtime of almost 110 minutes is too much imo, although the atmosphere is great, it could have been a bit snappier. Still, this is a film which you won't forget easily, although I don't understand the comparisons to Salo, at all. Something for fans of the unusual, it's a plus if you like films to make you feel uneasy.

The Last Starship - this is an example of how not to fill 110 minutes. Where the previous film I wrote about had it's moments of boredom, this one has it's moments where you might start to think that it is not boring anymore and then you get disappointed anyway. The story was a bit unclear to me, but that's also because the plot is a bit messy. Imdb says it's a UK film but it looked more like a Euro international project, with lots of German castmembers, speaking English with Gerry accents or just plain German. They work together with castmembers speaking cockney and there was a whole mixed bag of accents and some of them were hard to follow without any subs. There were a few cgi aliens which looked quite bad, all other dangers came from dressed up humans in a postapocalyptic world. I know that such worlds give directors a freedom in which they can decide almost everything in the way they imagine it, but this film is a very deep abyss which symbolises the lack of fantasy and respect or the viewer. The poster is the best part, the rest is total rubbish. Save yourself half an evening and go pick something worth watching instead.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:19 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Conjuring 2 - the length of this film (133 minutes) kept me from watching this for a while, but I gave it a spin the other day and although I think it could have been done in less time, it wasn't boring or anyting. Not as good as the first one, this sequel shows us the Warren couple travelling to London to help out a single mum family in their struggle against something evil in their house. While there are all the good reasons to help these peolle, it is a bit overdone. The ghost is rfeally nice, especially that nun-type of thing appearing and disappearing was unsettling. The children in fear looked quite genuine, the possessedness not so much though. The visual hints you get during the film are easy to spot for an experienced moviewatcher, therefore I guessed the name of the demon right the first time. So while this is quite an entertaining ghostfilm, and it was scary enough for my liking, it is not better than part one. I sincerely hope they don't go down the Insidious road, and stop here before it gets awkward. This one I can still recommend, though.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:22 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Even Lambs Have Teeth - rape revenge film which has all the known ingredients and is therefore a bit run-of-the-mill, but because it has two main characters it is also a bit refreshing. Most other films of this type have a lonely struggle, and the loneliness of the main character adds to the despair she feels against her oppressors. In this film it is a joint venture in which the girls plan together and use the fact that they are together in their favour. The people who abuse them are a bit dumb, though: you literally wait for the moment they can take their chances because of their stupidity and their lackluster enforcing of rules. But I was entertained, although it was just a little. Nice passtime, but if you want an introduction in the rape-revenge subgenre, you will need to watch a different film.


PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:07 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Dark Amazon - I thought this might be a nice cannibal-flick, but it was something else entirely. It's a supernatural found footage thing, in which a group of scientists goes to the Amazon rainforest in order to search for a cure for cancer. The are being accompanied by a documenatry team, who film it all. Of course this has all happened in reality and the film we are watching is compiled from the footage found after the bodies of the whole group turned up dead. Yes, major spoiler in the first minutes, but it is not so important. What is important, is how the plot evolves and it is quite cliche what you get to see in that department. At first, the group is enthusiastic and playful, even though what they are gonna do is quite serious business. They travel a bit and then meet up with John, who has been living and working with the locals for a while. After that, a Brazilian guide joins the group and they head into the forest. They hear stories about nature getting back at people who only take and not give, and about Anhanga, a forest spirit who attacks people when they go overboard against nature. Of course people start to disappear and die, in the end there is an attempt at making a nice twist, but it falls a bit flat, not in the least because you only believe it for a very short time: after that the film itself explains that it's not like that at all. The latter part of the film is a bit BWP-like and that is not so good in my book. OK timefiller, but nothing really special. I think I'll have forgotten about this film within half a year.


PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 5:48 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Monster - Lizzy lives with her mother Kathy with whom she has a problematic relationship: Kathy is acting immature, abusing alcohol and neglecting her parental task. Lizzy is gonna travel to her father, but her mother sleeps in and they are gonna be late: now they have to drive through a forest during a rainy night. All of a sudden a wolf is in the middle of teh road, they hit it with the car and the car is broken: they can't continue the trip. After calling the father, a tow truck is coming to repair the car, but then a monster appears. It turns out that this monster is gonna haunt Kathy and Lizzy throughout the night, and is symbolic for the relationship the two have. I liked this film: the plot is nice, the acting is good and the monster is very visible at times, which is a nice change of pace with all those "let's keep everything in the dark" films. There is enough gore to go by and it's also cool that the monster is not just a monster but it symbolizes something important in both Kathy's and Lizzy's life. The ending is a bit of a tearjerker, but still pretty well done. Monsterfilms can be original after all, recommended. Just don't go in to have some mindless fun, because this isn't mindless.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 10:44 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Films for the season:

Krampus: the reckoning - not part of the Krampus trilogy. This one is about a girl who lives with foster parents. When they don't treat her well, Krampus comes and burns them to death: only a charred skeleton remains from both of them. The poloice works together with a child psychiatrist to see if they can find out why she is such a problematic child, but in the meantime more and more people get visited by Krampus and die a fiery death. Krampus, by the way, looks butt ugly as some third grade cgi monster, this doesn't help much to get into the story of course. In the end there is a plottwist which is nie at first sight, but when you start thinking it sucks a whole lot, because
apparently the girl has been dead from before the beginning of the film. This means that not only the child psychiatrist, but all other people have seen a ghost. For the child psychiatrist this can be explained, but for everyone else it can't.
So this means the plot tiwst is very badly thought through and executed. I can't recommend this, not even for bad moviefans because there is so little to enjoy for them.

Krampus 2: the devil returns - this is the sequel to "Krampus: the christmas devil". After this comes "Krampus: unleashed", which I'm gonna see tonight. In this film it's the well known combo of Santa and Krampus who get to naughty kids and punish them. Some characters from the first movie are still looking for their kids, so after some new disappearances the police sets out on a new search. A local crimeboss adds some spice to the flavour, but nothing too much as this sideplot is pretty obsolete if you ask me, except for the busty babe maybe. When it looks like there is some plot development, the film suddenly ends, after a shootout in which most characters die. Yeah, filmmaking 101 was pretty much lost on this crew, I guess. Acting is bad, it feels staged throughout, music is forgettable and plot is non-existent. Not recommended, maybe for bad moviefans because of the babe and the scenes in which Santa and Krampus have dialogue.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 2:52 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Krampus: unleashed - as promised, the last Krampus movie. It starts out with a text about the Wild West, so I feared this might be a stupid "prequel" with Krasmpus killing cowboys in SAnta Fe, but fortunately it wasn't that bad. However, this film succeeded in almost completely severing the link between Krampus and xmas, with only a few lines of dialogue referring to the seasonal festivities. Also, the main task of Krampus (punishing naughty kids) has been replaced by relentlessly killing anything moving, making this film a very generic monsterflick. What's funny are the kills, in most cases Krampus rips out intestines, which are sometimes visibly held in a plastic bag underneath the unlucky character's clothing (you son't see the bag per se, but you can see the actor trying to hold on to the bag as much as possible) and sometimes he rip[s off heads, in which case ou can clearly see the fashion mannequins being torn apart. Apart from that there is some lame acting, especially on David's behalf, but that's all you get as a bad moviefan. So there it is: a mild recommendation to bad moviefans, everybody else should steer clear of this.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 6:45 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Movienight with friends.

Lenteveld - a film made by an acquaintance of mine, and some of the actors were also acquaintances (one of them even a housemate). Funny to see familiar faces appear in a film. The story is simple: five students want to go to a festival in Germany, but they end up in the village of Lenteveld, where their car breaks down and a murderous family a la TCM awaits them. Cinematography was pretty good, as was the music (although it was sometimes annoyingly loud). Acting was sometimes OK, sometimes not up to par. Some dialogue made us laugh, like when one of the girls is tied down to a chair in the middle of the forest, she sees a friend coming and shouts "He is running right behind me!". There was also the classic boommic visible in the reflection of the car's window. Most fun was watching everything familiar: not only persons, but also locations. I wonder if anyone not knowing these places and people would have similar fun, though.

The Stabilizer - after a very unfunny intro from Lloyd Kaufman, this Arizal product entertained us for the next 100 minutes. According to the DVD cover, this is a revenge story, but in the movie it is not very clear why The Stabilizer is coming to Indonesia to kick some butt. But who cares? Peter Goldson, as his "real name" is, just stays cool with his shirt half unbuttoned (even when he is diving his wetsuit is half unbuttoned) and in the meantime kicks, hits, shoots and rams with his motorcycle various thugs, who look like James Bond, B.A. Barackus and everything inbetween. Of course, the villains are superinhuman, killing minions for trying to apologize and everything. In the first half there is just one explosion, but in the second half Arizal makes up for that and building after building goes up in flames. There is again some cool mortorcycle action with impossible jumps and there are various fights in storehouses which only house empty crates, barrels and boxes. Enough fun for every bad moviefan out there, so this is a clear recommendation to them.

Orgy of the Dead - written by Ed Wood, so that created some enthusiasms beforehand, but after a while we were wondering when this film was finally gonan end as it was superboring. The story is non-existent, there is this guy Criswell (who didn't ring any bells with me, I had to look him up) and he sits on a cemetery as some cheap Dracula rip-off, together with a rip-off of Vampira from Plan 9. There he watches several dead people dance, and they are all goodlooking girls who drop their clothing within a few minutes (sometimes seconds). There are some ten different dances, so it gets boring quickly, as these dances are the main part of the film. Inbetween there are a few minutes of obsolete dialogue, and there are two characters appearing who have no real role whatsoever: a mummy and a wolfman. So yeah, a bad movie indeed. Never gonna watch this one again, that's for sure.

Friends left after this, biut I had thirst for more, so I watched:

The Taint - tapwater is contaminated, so every male in the wide surrounbdigns gets infercted and just wants to kill women, while their dicks hang out of their trousers. There is only one man who seems to be able to control himself: Phil O'Ginny (haha at the name) and he teams up with Misandra (again, haha at the name) to fight the enraged men. Lots of gore and dubious dialogue enues, and especially the gore is something to enjoy. What the masked guy was doing remaiend a mystrery to me, but I also missed some parts maybe due to me spacing out from time to time (it was getting late after all). Still, I had a good time watching this and I cans afely recommend this to bad moviefans as well.


PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 5:45 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Beyond the Gates - when their father has gone missing for 7 months, two brothers who have been leading separate lives, reunite in order to clean out their dad's obsolete videostore. In the backoffice, they find an old VHS recorder with a tape sticking out of it and an accompanying boardgame called "Beyond the Gates". Since it is the last thing their father has seen, they put in the tape, and by doing so they start a game which has to be completed, but brings with it a new dimension of fear. The two brothers have to cross their boundaries in order to find out what happened to their father and how to finish the game, something which hasn't been done before by anyone. This entire film breathes the 80s: the storyline, the setting, the music, everything reminds you of the golden age of horror. It's not imitating the 80s, though: it's just that the atmosphere is spot on. Even though the plot is quite simple, this film keeps being entertaining until the end and if you think you might know what's gonna happen it takes a nice twist. I didn't know any of the actors, but they all delivered a fine job. I had fun! Recommended.


PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 8:56 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Spectral - scifi with James Badge Dale as the hero: he is dr Clyne, a scientist working for DARPA, a company which develops high tech weapons and equipment for the army. When the army encounters strange entities while they are suppressing a civil war in Moldova, Clyne is sent to the country in order to make a definitive assessment for the chain of command, so they can draw up a plan on how to deal with it. There is a certain amount if urgency, because the entities kill soldiers and they are growing in number. Together with major Sessions and a CIA agent, Clyne goes on a field mission to look for means to counter the threat. It doesn't take long before they are being cut off from their base, though: now they have to fight the creatures, find a way to kill them and a way out of there. Fortunately, Clyne is the grandson of the A-team and McGyver, so he builds high tech weapons from scratch in no time and with these weapons and his intelligent chain of thoughts they solve all problems. He even builds large robodogs to carry his special inverted camerabeamlight! Acting is OK in this one, story too, but the way Dale stands out like a superhero is a bit too much: i feels like a comic. I had fun but started laughing after about one hour bvecause everything is getting so ridiculous. So yeah, this is a nice watch and if you like exaggerated actionmovies or are a bad moviefan, then you can have fun with this one.


PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:38 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Double Oz-night:

Charlie's Farm - the cover of the BR says "exactly what the slasher genre needed" and I agree to some extent. I don't agree fully, because there have been other slashers which entertained me enough to survive, but this one is really, well, tasty. If you like 80s slashers, this one is a safe bet. It's an Aussie film which brings you everything you want in a slasher: an urban legend, locals warning you not to go there, a bunch of guys and gals who do anyway, and a monstrous killer with not only an axe, but also a huge machete and other nasty means of killing people. The story is Ok enough, it's nice to see a kind of people who are not teens or freshmen in a US college, although Tara Reid maybe still counts as one of those... not sure (or is that botox, lol). The kills are nice and gruesome, there is plenty of gore to go around., Atmosphere is well done, the surroundings of the desolate farm are a perfect place to have some nice kills. It's not a very intelligent film, it's a WYSIWYG slasher. And that was quite enough for me! Recommended, maybe even highly.

Bullets for the Dead - also an Aussie film, but this one is taking place in the Wild West of the 1870s andd that is it's first istake, as the nature obviously spells "Australia", and not "Wild West". Maybe not too obvious if you watch this film separately, but just after I had seen Charlie's Farm, the similarities were striking to me. The story is pretty OK, it's about a bounty hunter who has captured a gang of outlaws and is transporting them to get the reward. On his way he meets a padre and they all team up when the zombie outbreak suddenly happens. The zombies are the weaker point of this film: they look like Dawn of the Dead zombies, a tad worse, but without the quality and the reputation of that film behind it. The gore is mediocre, but there is still enough of it to entertain you through the whole film. An average zombieflick, I have seen better, both from Australia and from other parts of the world.


PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 10:56 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Bought a box of Black Action movies, and the first one I watched was

The Baron - blaxploitation without any punch. Jason wants to make a movie with an all-black cast and crew, but he doesn't have enough money. So he borrows it from a dude called Cokeman, who obviously doesn't get his money in a way the US government would endorse. His money is not all his own, he again made some deals with Italian mafia and when the moviedeal goes wrong, the mafia is hot on the heels of Jason. He has to do some nasty stuff in order to fix his problems. I must say this was a bad start for the box, as this film was rather boring. I expected more action, more kills, more music. This was all going along nicely like a little brook in a forest, but it should have been a raging river with waterfalls here and there. Acting is OK-ish, the sparse music that you get to hear is good enough, but the story itself is simply too small of scope: too few things are actually happening. The bad quality of the image and sound were not helping a lot either: it looked like a bad VHS transfer. I sicnerely hope the other films in the box are better, like the Black Cobra trilogy. Skip this one.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:07 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Ancient One
Joined: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:13 pm
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The Black Cobra - aka Cobra Nero. Stelvio Massi, of Mondo Cane and polizziotteschi fame, made this black action flick in the 80s and Fred Williamson plays a badass cop who shoots all criminals who make him angry. This is of course without any prudence, example: hostage situation, criminal asks for money and Fred just says "No way, dude" and shoots him dead with his shotgun from 2 meters distance in order to proceed killing the other two criminals and thus freeing the hostages. Of cours,e his bosses don't ant this bad ass behaviour because it is bad for politics bla bla, and therefore he just continues and doesn't think about the xonsequences, because that would be boring, right? His next job is protecting a female photographer who coincidentally made a picture of a local leader of a motorgang. This guy is out for blood now, but well, so is Fred. Lots of chases in cars and outside of them, some firefights and some fistfights, bad imagequality like in The Baron (but in this one it is sometimes so bad that you just see a flashy whitish image with vague outlines of people on them), complete lack of typical blaxploitation music, but overall a nice exaggerated actionflick with Fred the superhero. I wonder if parts two and three will be as entertaining.


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