
Friday 13th Remake
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Author:  Conky [ Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:16 am ]
Post subject:  Friday 13th Remake

wtf :o
The new Friday the 13th is going to open with Jason as a legend in the Crystal Lake area. Five kids out in the woods looking for a bunch of weed they planted and stumble upon the deserted Camp Crystal Lake. Sitting around the fire that night, the dweeby one (there’s always a dweeby one) tells the legend of Jason Voorhees. After that the Survivor Girl and her boyfriend wander off into the woods, where they find a shitty old cabin. Inside are some clues, like a bed with the name Jason carved in it. An old picture of a girl who looks just like Survivor Girl.

And Mama Voorhees’ head.

Cue Jason. He murderizes the other four kids, and as he grabs Survivor Girl… slam into the opening credits.

This sounds like a terrific way to revive the series. We get right to the point, and it opens damn strong. From there the movie essentially becomes a rehash of the first four movies, but who is going to complain about that? One of the big changes is that the script attempts to explain some of Jason’s supernatural aspects - the script goes out of its way to specify that he’s a human being, not a zombie or a superman - including revealing that our favorite hockey masked killer has a series of hidden tunnels under the woods and the old camp, which is what allows him to pop up at the most inopportune moments.

Nicholas Brendon :o :o
Michael Bay :o :o :o :o
Anybody got any opinions or further info.
I thought this was just a rumoured release but these links prove otherwise :eatthis:

Cinema Suicide

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:36 am ]
Post subject: 

To be honest, I never thought much of the original. At all really.

Author:  elchupacabra [ Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:18 am ]
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I agree. The first part wasn't that good. It just can get better. :roll:

Author:  Slayer [ Mon Nov 19, 2007 6:19 pm ]
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I have yet to watch part 1...

Author:  RedVeil [ Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:24 pm ]
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I think it will suck. Remakes tend to be stupid nowadays. :cry:

Author:  BadBugs [ Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:26 am ]
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If you like slashers, these are a lot better than the no budget clones.
Problem is, they went too far & made too many sequels thus they were just more of the same until they went OTT & regenerated Jason in the future.
As for Freddy vs Jason..... WHY?

A remake? Yet more of the same, will appeal to a younger audience who've not seen the originals but otherwise its gonna blow chunks. 8)

Author:  Avanze [ Tue Nov 20, 2007 5:09 am ]
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Remake it, but, get Zombie to direct it.

Author:  Media Cult [ Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:02 am ]
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I don't care for 90% of the re-makes out there, and this is one of them. I'll wait until I hear the general feedback... I don't think I'm gonna see the Halloween re-make.

Author:  memoriesofnam [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Why is it about Jason and not Pamela? :o

Author:  elchupacabra [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:06 am ]
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I don't think it is mainly about Jason. Maybe you see Jason appear in the movie, but if it is a remake it should be about his mother.

Author:  Phantasm [ Thu Nov 22, 2007 1:45 am ]
Post subject: 

spudthedestroyer wrote:
To be honest, I never thought much of the original. At all really.

same here Spud. I don't even see original F13 as good movie. Crappy direction and crappy acting, only good thing is gore. I think F13 is popular only because it was first true slasher movie. Halloween might be the first, but it's not actual slasher movie in my opinion. It's too dark, no gore or single drop of blood in the movie. But it started the era and F13 just defined slasher genre.

Author:  Media Cult [ Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:08 am ]
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Bava's "Bay of Blood" was pretty close though.

Author:  LordOfPain [ Sat Dec 01, 2007 3:20 am ]
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no way, jason history is dead a long time ago :outsider:

Author:  Oberon [ Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Media Cult wrote:
Bava's "Bay of Blood" was pretty close though.

Indeed. You'll see A LOT of similarities between the two movies but Bay of
Blood was a good 7-8 years earlier. F13 is fun if you like the slasher genre
but I tend to agree with many above that it is not a great film.
As for remakes, I'm sick to death of them. Michael Bay seems to do
nothing but remakes. I think for people who have seen the originals, going
to see a remake the suspense of the plot is completely eliminated. Once
that is gone you are left with gore and special effects. Not that gore and
special effects are a is a bad reason to see a movie but it doesn't make a
good movie.

Author:  Geezus [ Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Phantasm wrote:
spudthedestroyer wrote:
To be honest, I never thought much of the original. At all really.

same here Spud. I don't even see original F13 as good movie. Crappy direction and crappy acting, only good thing is gore. I think F13 is popular only because it was first true slasher movie. Halloween might be the first, but it's not actual slasher movie in my opinion. It's too dark, no gore or single drop of blood in the movie. But it started the era and F13 just defined slasher genre.

Hogwash !
Italians experimented with it years before Carpenter.
Bava's twitch of the dead nerve AKA bay of blood has a scene that was jsut duplicated in F13.

:matrix: Avanze for suggesting the Rob Zombie approach.

And snub all you want, Jason has become a movie icon.
IMO, somewhat deserving so. It damm well saved paramount studios from economic dire staits nearly single handedly.

I guess I just have a softspot for the guy ; I grew up with him in a way ; There I went into the video-rental with my mom's pass, 8-9 years old renting the latest swarzenegger and new Jason ("It's for my dad; he told me to go get it :twisted: :lol: ")
Ahh good old days.......

Author:  Geezus [ Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oberon wrote:
Media Cult wrote:
Bava's "Bay of Blood" was pretty close though.

Indeed. You'll see A LOT of similarities between the two movies but Bay of
Blood was a good 7-8 years earlier. F13 is fun if you like the slasher genre
but I tend to agree with many above that it is not a great film.
As for remakes, I'm sick to death of them. Michael Bay seems to do
nothing but remakes. I think for people who have seen the originals, going
to see a remake the suspense of the plot is completely eliminated. Once
that is gone you are left with gore and special effects. Not that gore and
special effects are a is a bad reason to see a movie but it doesn't make a
good movie.

Beat me to the punch by seconds :wink:

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jason became a film icon, but that has nothing to do with this movie and everything to do with the sequels (or more so, the amount of sequels and how frequently they were released ;)).

Author:  PlagueH [ Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:47 pm ]
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Okay was looking forward to the new F13 till I saw the quoted intro and all that. How can Jason NOT be a supernatural force. He was drowned as a kid. Hatcheted in the face. Died as in was burried and Tommy whatever his name was dug him up and accidently ressurected him. Had boulders attatched to him, drowned again, and was ressurected by lightning again. Was blown up by the cia (loved that movie btw!) and then had his heart eaten only to body jump the rest of the film. The Dude then fought with other horror film icon Freddy Kruegar and he even went out into space. How can you say he is NOT supernatural.

Also I agree that the original wasnt that great although the twist of the mother being the killer was cool and also the spear through kevin bacons neck always makes me chuckle....ahhh those premaritatl sex having pot smoking teens always get me.... :twisted:

And P.S. Freddy Vs. Jason was an EXCELLENT movie! Hopefully the sequal has Michael Myers in it rather than ash because bruce is getting a little played out. And yes I know I will get a lot of flack for saying that.

Author:  elchupacabra [ Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:02 pm ]
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PlagueH wrote:
Also I agree that the original wasnt that great although the twist of the mother being the killer was cool

Oh that's meant to be a twist? :roll: I think there is a total lack of deception in the movie. I never thought that one of the teens could have been killing the others.

Author:  PlagueH [ Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

elchupacabra wrote:
PlagueH wrote:
Also I agree that the original wasnt that great although the twist of the mother being the killer was cool

Oh that's meant to be a twist? :roll: I think there is a total lack of deception in the movie. I never thought that one of the teens could have been killing the others.
Hey now you never know maybe one started offing the others in a sex and boozed up stupor!

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