
Good Movies (Recomendations here please)
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Author:  John_Doe [ Wed Apr 02, 2003 12:16 am ]
Post subject:  Good Movies (Recomendations here please)

I have so many movies I haven't seen, and it's always hard for me to decide which to watch, so I thought a little recomendations post would be in order.

Yesterday I watched 'Death and the Maiden' and it was VERY good! Supsense filled movie in the same league as Tesis almost! Just don't expect and blood splurting chainsaws or yucky monsters...

Please post more, only don't put any of those 'so-bad-they're-good' movies. I can find those on own.. =)

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Wed Apr 02, 2003 12:50 am ]
Post subject: 

spudthedestroyer wrote:
these are the movies listed in the definitive guide to horror by Empire.

American Werewolf in london
Birds, the
Blair Witch Project, the
Bride of Frankenstein, the
cabinet of Dr. Caligari, the
Carnival of Souls (not the shit one)
Cat People
Company of Wolves, The
Curse of Frankenstein, the
Dawn of the Dead
Evil Dead II, the
Exorcist, The
Fight Club
Fog, The
Haunting, The
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
Hills have eyes, the
House of Wax
Howling, The
Interview with the vampire
Keep, The
Mummy, The (not the shit one)
Nightmare on Elm Street, A
Night of the Demon
Night of the Living Dead
Omen, The
Pit and the Pendulum
Rosemary's Baby
Shining, The
Sixth Sense, The
Texas Chainsaw Masacre
Wicker man, The
Witchfinder General, the

I'd scan it in if it wasn't 138 pages and my scanner wasn't shit.

I thought i'd add this here too. These are horror movies that everyone really should see. Mainly mainstream, but the genre is based on these movies.

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Wed Apr 02, 2003 1:01 am ]
Post subject: 

and of course there are my personal recommendations:
In the Mouth of Madness
Event Horizon
House on Haunted Hill
28 Days Later
House of 1000 corpses

(none challenging, enjoyable flicks)

Author:  izac [ Wed Apr 02, 2003 2:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

spudthedestroyer wrote:
and of course there are my personal recommendations:
In the Mouth of Madness
Event Horizon
House on Haunted Hill
28 Days Later
House of 1000 corpses

(none challenging, enjoyable flicks)

spud.. the you know if there is a good rip of it yet?

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Wed Apr 02, 2003 3:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

izac wrote:
spud.. the you know if there is a good rip of it yet?

There is an almost DVD-rip quality VHS rip that i got of Bit Torrent. I have no idea if it's still alive or not. I have it on my hard drive so will hash it for you next time I run emule.

Author:  izac [ Wed Apr 02, 2003 3:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

ok.. think im going to pass it.. at the moment.. but thanks anyway:)

i will wait for the dvdscreener or something..

Author:  monkeysmasher [ Thu Apr 03, 2003 9:10 am ]
Post subject: 

i think due to the extreme amount of poor and sub-poor movies i watch on a daily basis, the lines between what i would consider a good movie, and ones that are pathetic pieces of maggot crawling feces, have becomed blurred.

but here are a few i think i like (at the moment)

-ones about the end of the world..
The 7th sign
virus(the one with chuck conners)

Haunted house movies-
Ghost Story
The haunting (1963)
Bloody new year
The Changeling

And Then There Were None
Ten people are invited for a weekend on an island by a Mr U. N. Own, but he isn't on the island. At dinner a record is played, by that all the people are accused of murder, suddenly the first of them is dead, then the next... It seems to be that one of them is the murderer Mr. U. N. Own, but the person in suspect is always the person who is murdered next. At last only two people seem to be left.

Angel Heart
Harry Angel has a new case, to find a man called Johnny Favourite. Except things aren't quite that simple, and Johnny doesn't want to be found. Let's just say that, amongst the period detail and beautiful scenery, it all gets really, really nasty.
Harry Angel is a private investigator. He is hired by a man who calls himself Louis Cyphre to track down a singer called Johnny Favorite. As he begins to investigate, all the people he contacts concerning Johnny are killed in mysterious ways. As he finds out more about himself and his client he discovers that he is fighting for his very existence and is forced to deal with the devil himself.

The Seventh Seal
its the one with the knight who returns from the crusades and plays death a game of chess.

most of the above i think are better than average movies.

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