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PostPosted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:30 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Ancient One
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I had a break, I have watched some movies inbetween, but just forgot to post the reviews. Here they are:

Asylum of Terror - one of the films I bought after seeing the YouTube video of the VHS collection of Red Letter Media. On the backside it says it runs for approx. 90 minutes and apparently you can just add 15 imaginary minutes to the real runtime if you want to. The story is about "Death Row Prison", a haunted house tourist attraction located in an old prison. The first 15 minutes (ie, 20% of the movie) is spent on people waiting in line to get in. They talk some and try to scare each other, but it's hard to make out what they say exactly, because the sound in this film is SO bad and muffled: I guess they didn't have any microphones and just made everyone yell and scream to make them audible, turning every normal conversation into indistinguishable muffled echoing. This breaks what little remains of the film, the plot that evolves around a real psycho walking around in the haunted prison. He makes scores of kills, of which a few are worth watching (chainsaw, for example), but others are really boring (bashing heads) or just there for the shock value (killing a young boy). Lots of time is spent running around in the facility, chased by the killer, slthough "chased", he just seems to stroll a bit. The ending is meh like most of the movie, what struck me is that the music of the film is simply cut off and then the endcredits start with different music in the background. Ranks among the worst films I have seen, recommended for bad moviefans.

Mirror of Death - also added to the collection after seeing the VHS collection of Red Letter Media. This one is adopted by Troma, but since I always get a brain infarct when I see Lloyd Kaufman's "funny" intros, I skipped it this time and went straight into the film. The backside mentions the main character, Sarah, turning into a sex goddess. Well, of course I don't know how often those guys who write that go out, but this woman, although not really ugly, can't be called a sex goddess by any means in my opinion. She turns into this presumed sex goddess after casting a spell, because she has been abused by her husband for too long. Now she takes revenge and heads start to roll. It's all a bit dull, and everything taking place inside one house doesn't really help. The supernatural part is meh, the only thing that made me laugh were the lightning sfx from her hands, those were cool. Acting is OK-ish, nothing special really, and apart from the clothing sometimes being extremely ugly, nothing stands out in this movie much. So you might have a few minutes of fun as a bad moviefan, but I'm sure there are "better" options out there.

Emmanuelle - after having seen sequels, sequels of sequels and spin-offs, I had to see the original Emmanuelle starring Sylvia Kristel. It's about a woman visiting her successful husband in Bangkok, where he leads a luxurious but quite empty life. At first, her life is not very exciting either and she is really chaste and loyal to her husband, while everyone else in the Bangkok jetset is frivolous and cheating on each other all the time. Slowly but steadily she discovers a side of her that she didnt know before and her sexual self comes to fruition. Not so much plain sex to be seen, but more the hints towards it, the emphasis is more on eroticism, the tension between people and not really the deed. Fantasies galore and the jungle surroundings make it a bit more interesting, but actually I was quite disappointed as I had expected something sleazy and this isn't that at all. Still nice to have seen the "Mother of all Emmanuelles", but I'm not sure if I will watch this again.


PostPosted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 1:15 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Desert Warrior - a post-apocalypse film with several tribes warring against each other. Bought the DVD wihtout looking too carefully, so it was German audio only. Watched the film on YouTube instead (with English audio), feeling really legit as I owned a copy of the film. The story is rather straightfroward: there is a black tribe and a white one, they fight each other in the desert and they use regular cars, motorcycles and someting which is a regular car disguised as a scifi vehicle. Lou Ferrigno is the muscle for one of the groups, the fighters wield medieval-like weapory and some strange sfx too. In the end they suddenly make up and hug each other and that left me flabbergasted as to what the hell just happened. It was good fun to see yet another cheesy 80s scifi flick, as a bad moviefan you will certainly enjoy this one.


PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 9:37 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Head Hunter - when several decapitated bodies are found, the police are on the hunt for this serial killer plaguing Miami. The duo who gets the job consists of Katherine Hall, dating a streetcop and Pete Giullani, who got kicked out by his wife recently. Pretty soon they get some information from a Haitian shaman, stating that the killer is a voodoo curse, killing everyone in his way until he has found the person he is looking for. Everyone who gives information on him to his enemies, becomes a target and the killer starts out like a bad Jaws-imitation which made laugh hard. His sword, because that's what he used for a sharkfin, slashes off the heads of many unsuspecting bystanders until the demon gets closer to the coips. Now he also can shapeshift and transform into people they know, turning the movie into a clone of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, where the cops now have to guess whether they have the real froends before them or the demon. Pretty messy, but so are the kills, so the gore makes up for the flaws in the plot. I had fun, so will you as long as you don't take this film too serious.


PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 11:15 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Cremators - another Red Letter Media VHS title, this is a low budget scifi from the 70s. It has this drive-in intro, making sure that you are not gonna watch anything great. The storyline is about a huge fireball which rolls over the earth setting people on fire in a way that there is nothing left of them. So when a mailman gets roasted like this, a scientist starts an investigation using some glowing minerals he found. This is all going pretty slow and therefore this movie is bad because it is largely uninteresting. The fun part is when the ball arrives: it looks OK-ish when you take into account the age and the budget of the film, but the characters, my god, they are so dumb: they see the ball and just wait for it, screaming their lungs out. The ball is supposed to be some alien lifeform, well, if this is the intelligence that is out there, we have nothing to gain from searching for extraterestrial life. The worst is the editing of the film, cutting scenes and then switching to a shot of the lighthouse (only the top of it, which is then on the bottom line of your screen, leaving the rest empty), they do this repeatedly. It seems a bit like this cast was just going with the flow and then seeing where the movie would end up. This one is OK for bad moviefans and all others should stay away.


PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 5:55 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Star Crystal - scifi about a spaceship visiting Mars and then returning to earth with what they found on the red planet. One of the things they found is a new and unknown lifeform, and well, you guessed it: on the way home this lifeform is taking out the human crew one by one. It's an intelligent lifeform as we can see from the fact that it lures people to it's hideout, it shuts off air supply, it makes the remaining humans do things it wants, etc. The big comedown is when it reads excerpt from the bible, and the it realises that humans are good and that actually it is just afraid of them, and it should try and communicate with them and become friends. Yeah, uugggghh. So it sacrifices it's life so the remaining humans can get home. Ain't that cool from the bible, eh? The acting is mwah to OK-ish, especially the black guy is overacting shamelessly. The alien is made of jelly and is only visible in close up or from behind so you don't see that the animated eyes are actually not on the "real" blob of jelly. The controls of the spaceship are the usual boards whoch are way too full of blinking lights and controlling the spaceship is done via the computer, which means pressing series of keys every time you want the ship to do something (seems awkward to me if you need to turn the ship you are to press a code consisting of 10+ keys). Enough to go on for a bad moviefan for sure, so give it a spin if you are one.


PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 10:26 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Planet of the Dinosaurs - a crew of a spaceship barely escapes it's destruction and land in a pod on a distant planet. Soon they find out that the planet is inhabited by dinosaurs (wow, what a surprise after seeing the title). They hope for rescure, but untol it comes, if it comes, they have to find out how to live on the same planet as the bloodthirsty megareptiles. A lot of fun for bad moviefans! The escape pod has an emergency door which opens by just touching the surface of it. When a crewmember has been swimming in order to fetch something, he never puts his shirt back on, for the entire length of the movie! The dinosaurs are stop motion, coolness! The laserguns of the crew can't stand the slightest discomfort: a bit of water renders it useless. One of the crewmembers is a tad too chubby for the spandex suit he is wearing. I had tons of fun! Highly recommended for bad moviefans!


PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 1:09 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Dead Fire - a scifi about a spaceship orbiting earth after our planet has died from a nuclear holocaust or something similar. On the ship, scientists are trying to find a way to repopulate the world. They have a large cryogenic container floating around for this purpose, and there is also a prison and some army-like group guarding everything. One of the prisoners is planning a coup d'etat and while literally almost everyone is doublecrossing each other, the moviehero, a convicted guardsman, saves the day and returns to earth after they have revitalized it. This film is filled to the rim with cliches, oneliners which make your ears bleed, like "it's showtime", or "thanks for dropping by" (when an opponent is swung over the railing and plummets to his death), or when a guard opens a door and says "what do you have for me today?", the criminal replies "lead poisoning" and riddles him with bullets, or "Come on, we have places to go and people to kill". Sigh. The ending made me cringe as it was so corny. Runs for almost 100 minutes, but you might have a bit of fun with the cliche oneliners.


PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:59 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Had some friends over for a movienight.

Malibu Beach Vampires - when I read a review of this which stated "Move over, Manos: the Hands of Fate. Malibu Beach Vampires is the worst movie of all time now!" I had to see this. The film starts promising, with a strange dance by four girls in swimsuits on a beach, followed by a scene which is actually about vampires and why they bite people. After this the film plummets to unimagineable depths, though. Totally random scenes with girls renting a beachhouse, a reverend healing crippled people into professional tapdancers and politicians campaigning for Congress left us confused as to what this film was actually about. There was a hearing of an officer about weapon deliveries, obviously spoofing the Oliver North case. It also seemed like they spoofed Monica Lewinsky, but the film is from 1991, so that would have been very clairvoyant of them. The best thing was when a vampire came up: the teeth looked incredibly fake and sometimes they were even in the wrong order. Somd characters were introduced but didn't do anything in the film after that, the introductions were scenes from the film that you got to watch again later. The sound had a static in the background which went on and off, and sometimes you could see a black bar with white numbers in the lower left corner, like on old VCR's, this was all because they "edited" the film using two videorecorders I guess. We were glad it was over, that says something! Bad moviefans might survive this, all others should never try it.

Deathsport - David Carradine plays a Range Guide, a lone warrior in the desert wastelands outside the totalitarian citystates of the year 3000. In one of those states, the leader likes to organise Deathsport: the death penalty was abolished, but this is replacing it. In the fights they use "deathmachines", motorcycles which have a very annoying sound which resembles the cracking of bullets in old westerns. People also tend to get disintegrated by handblasters, some sort of lasergun. When David is captured, he meets Claudia Jennings, playmate of the year 1970. She is also a Range Guide and together they escape, being hunted by David Lynch. The hunts are also on bikes, I guess they could get a whole bunch of them for free or something. Especially cheesy are the shots in which they ride towards a city or a big building: the handpainted background stands iut very nicely. We had a lot of fun with all this, and also with the plastic seethrough swords whishing away at each other in the final duel which has the predictable outconm you would expect in a film like this. So, invite your friends open up some beers or something similar and enjoy the ride. Great fun, especially for bad moviefans.

Satan's Cheerleaders - even though the title suggests that the cheerleaders in this film are property of the devil, or at least worshiping him, they are actually captives of a demonic cult for which they serve as the proverbial maiden sacrifice. Consisting of only four girls, the Huskies cheerleaderteam has great fun, exercising outside and chilling inside their home which is decorated with such intelligent posters such as "Go, team!". The footballteam, also consisting of just a few guys (you rarely see more of them in one frame together), is playing an important game and while on their way there, the cheerleader's car busts out on them. Fortunately for them, the janitor passes by in his truck. Unfortunately for them, the janitor is a member of a satanic cult in need for said sacrifice. Together with sheriff B.E. Bubb, the cultmembers prepare for the great event, but in the meantime the cheerleaders escape, because one of them has "the power". Now the tables are turned and the cult is in danger! Cheesy jokes all around, because this was meant as a comedy/horror. Not many kills and the gore is lacking a bit, but the cheesiness and the sfx make up for that. Also good fun watching this one, recommended for bad moviefans.


PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 9:43 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Mutant Hunt - somewhere in the future, people in black crafty suits experiment with cyborgs: they are competing who can create the most powerful one. The cyborgs look like men wearing suits and sunglasses, and they are superstrong, can extend their limbs when they want to and have an overdose of testosteron. The totally emotionless guy who plays the hero Matt Riker, sets out to fight all the cyborgs and save New York City. For some reason most of the fights take place right outside a restaurant called The Great Shanghai, or inside a factory building. Talking of fighting: this mutant thing is just a scifi disguise for a B-actionmovie. Acting is subpar at best, sfx are lacking: most "action" comes from fistfights and small explosions like handgrenades. In several scenes we are watching people just standing around for minutes, until we get to hear another monotone dialogue stripped of all emotion, leading to yet another fistfight, all accompanied by synthesizer music which you have heard a million times before. So yes, this is bad, above all it is repetitive. But, it gave us this fantastic quote: "I'm gonna make this the day he is gonna regret the rest of his life. If he lives that long." So brace yourself if you're gonna watch this, bad moviefans: it might get boring even for you!


PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 4:13 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Vampire Vixens from Venus - a spaceship with three ugly aliens lands in America and right after they get out of it, they turn into busty babes which are on a mission: they need to suck life from men when they are at the top of their excitement. How convenient, the film was planned to be a sleazy B-movie! So, the babes are crashing into the nightlife and suck several men dry. The residue of the men, a slimy, shapeless entity, is being found by the police and they are stupified. The investigation is led by an ex-Scotland Yard agent who is extremely absent-minded and clumsy, but he gets results in the investigation. He also gets into a love affair with a stranger, played by Michelle Bauer, of Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers-fame. The ending is quite sudden and features some prehistoric cgi. Acting is ok for a movie like this, sfx are good except for the cgi creature in the final scene. It's a very repetitive story, and unless you are into t&a and corny jokes, you won't miss much. Bad moviefans will enjoy themselves, though.


PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:29 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Matango il mostro - aka Attack of the Mushroom People. Saw this in Screaming in High Heels, but only bought it recently. The only DVD I could find wad an Italian release, so I watched this in Italian (my Japanese is worse, lol). A yacht with a group of people gets damaged in a storm and the people end up stranded on a deserted island. They find a shipwreck covered in mouldy funghi. In their search for food and information, they find little and tensions rise. When they encounter strange creatures the situation becomes even worse. Pretty typical Toho film, with several familiar faces, the miniature sfx and an explanation relating to nuclear energy. Acting is ok, setting too. The monsters are hilarious: the last 15 minutes are the best, and pretty trippy as well. Even if you only know little of the languages on the disc, you can easily follow the storyline, it's just that simple.


PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 10:47 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Girl from Rio - a guy arrives in Rio de Janeiro where rich people and criminals live their dandy lives. The guy is carrying a suitcase presumably holding a large sum of money, so a certain mobster is interested in his whereabouts. He escapes the city together with the woman who gave him a manicure (with happy ending), but he ends up being a prisoner of Femina, a state within a state ruled by women, led by a fierce woman named Sumitra. Their goal is to take power and feminize the world, and they have an army of women dressed in scifi outfits (reminded me of scifi films such as Flash Gordon) and armed with plastic guns. To thwart this plan, the imprisoned guy with the suitcase plans an escape. This Jess Franco film is clearly inspired by, or a rip-off of Danger: Diabolik. The similarities are plenty, but of course Jess turns it into much more of a B-movie. Acting ranges from ok to overacting, the dubbing is sometimes out of sync and the effects are pathetic (in a firefight the actresses just jerk at their guns to imitate the recoil, there is nothing to simulate muzzleflash). Bad moviefans can have fun with this, especially with the female army scenes.


PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:27 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Eliminators - with the superb coverart I thought this would be some sort of Mad Max-like scifi with robotic men fighting each other in an all out war. That's not it. Instead, there is only one mandroid, and after he has returned from a mission to find out if timetravel is possible, he sees that one of the scientists who created him is an evil man. So he escaped the compound and starts a quest in order to seek revenge: with the help of Nora Hunter, a specialist in robotic technology, Harry Fontana, an adventurous guide, and later on a ninja who turns out to have his own agenda concerning the mad scientist, he returns to the location where he was a normal human being for the last time. The plan is to go to the compound from there, but several hired guns are standing in their way. Acting is OK, sfx are cute, especially the little robot made by Hunter, flying around and bleeping it's ass off. There are also a lot of lighting bolt effects and of course the laserbeams of the mandroid. Watching this gave me the feeling that thos was more of an adventure/action film for kids, than a scifi or anything like that. Yes, there is a mad scientist and a robotic warrior, but the main part of the film consists of chases and fighting. So don't expect anything outworldly, this movie takes place in the jungle of Mexico most of the time. The simple stroke with which Fontana decides the fate of the mad scientist is one for laughs. Mildly recommended for bad moviefans.


PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2019 1:49 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Metal Storm: the destruction of Jared-Syn - on the backside of the DVD this 80s scifi flick it's advertised that this is the battle of the ages between giant cyclopses and intergalactic magicians. That's a real nice way to try and sell this moie. The cyclopses are not so very giant, they are just a tad taller than other characters in this film. When I think cyclops, I think creature with one eye in the middle of it's forehead, but these guys are just humans with one eye taped off. The intergalactic magicians are not many, in fact I could only see one and he played a very minor role. So, is this a bad film? Not really, you can have a fun time if you like scifi and also if you are a bad moviefan, because of the outfits the inhabitants of the "desert planet Lemuria" are wearing, because of the acid squirting robotarm used by Baal (the son of dictator Jared-Syn) and because of the magic crystals that of course have several superpowers. This stuff is to be admired in a bunch of quite interesting scenes. The remainder of the film is filled up with chases in the desert, a race between spacevehicles, in which the space-aircraft is cut in the image in a very obvious fake way. If they are not chasing each other, they are fighting, so you get it like this: chase, fight, interesting scene, chase, fight, chase, fight, interesting scene, etc. etc. It was good enough for me to keep being entertained, but it wasn't anything really original. Recommended for bad moviefans, that's for sure.


PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2019 9:28 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Emmanuelle vs Dracula - when Lucy is having her bachelorette party, her friends, among whom is Emmanuelle, gather together to wave goodbye to their collegetime "witch coven". While they are waiting for the strippers to arrive, an unexpected guest is being invited in and hypnotizes Lucy. While she is udner his spell, she is having an orgfasm, and then she wants more, so even after the guest has left, he is still with her, through her mind. She is a willing victim and she falls prey to his lust for blood. Because this guest was a vampire, she is a vampire too now. Things start to change drastically on the party, one by one the friends turn into sexcraving maniacs. Emmanuelle knows that the vampire is after her, so she tries to keep her cool, but then Dracula himself arrives... This film is a pretty sorry excuse to show off as much nakedness as possible, but I must say that the vampires looked a lot better than in, say, Malibu Beach Vampires. There is next to no blood, so don't go in expecting gore because you will be disapppointed. If you expect tits and ass though, you will be served right. Acting is mediocre at best, but that's not what this film is for. I didn't find this film very erotic, at least not as erotic as Malice in Lalaland if you ask me. Bad moviefans might enjoy this, but not as much as several others in this very same subgenre.


PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2019 8:10 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Asylum of the Damned - while I was watching this, it felt familiar, like I had already seen this movie. Turns out this is the same movie as Hellborn, which I saw in 2011. So kudos to my memory, I was actually a bit milder now than back in the days. The monster is not that bad, it's actually a bit scary even, but that might have had to do with the 5.1 surround system that I have now :) For more info, check here: viewtopic.php?p=217561#p217561


PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2019 8:31 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Jitters - a film which mixes kung fu and Chinese hopping vampires with some American big city crime. The bbackside of this DVD mentions Mr Vampire's succcess, and trying to go on this success, John Fasano made this film, which was apparently meant to bring the hopping vampires to American audiences. Well, I can see why it didn't take off: this film is bit of a mess, with the hopping vampires being a bit of a gimmick which you may laugh at, but they are not scary at all. For a vampire, that is a bit of a problem. The action comes from the streetgangs in Toronto and the main male character, a guy who is played by the same actor who was the leadsinger of the demonic band in Black Roses. The movie is more a comedy than anythig ele and comedy is not really my thing. So I'd say skip this unless you are interested in cross genre oddities, because then this one is a gem.


PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 10:42 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Defcon 4 - a spaceship's crew witnesses World War III breaking out below them: countries nuke each other and they also get targeted themselves. On their way down they jettison their own nuclear weaponry and then they crash somewhere in South America, one of the areas where the fallout is sparse. Of the four crewmembers, two survivexwith one being in some sort of a coma. The other one sets out to see what it's like on the outside. Soon he gets captured by some adventurer, and then they all in turn get captured by a community led by some sort of a totalitarian dictator. Now it's up to the crewmembers to save mankind from this madman before it's too late. Some classic postapocalyptic stuff in this one, like the ragtag outfits of the inhabitants of postnuclear earth, the bulldozer with drill which has become some sort of a tank, and the "new society" emerging from the ashes of the third world war. What is actually quite nice is that you get to experience that war a bit, while most of these movies start after it is all over. Still, it's by far not a scifi warmovie, so if you are looking for that you will be let down a bit. Acting is OK, sfx are good enough. Fun watch especially when you are into the subgenre. Recommended for B-movie fans.

Crucible of Terror - an artist makes bronze sculptures so perfect, it can't be true. But it is true, because he uses the models very extremely: they are inside the sculptures! He quit a while ago, but now an art dealer wants him to make a new sculpture. So the dealer, his wife and some friends are gonna visit his remore house in order to make sure a new sculpture is being made, but they don't know what they unleash. Very, very British horror in the style of Hammer and the like. Acting is top notch, atmosphere is solid and sfx are pretty well done. The ending is a bit silly, but it doesn't ruin the entire film. I had good fun watching this, but bear in mind that it is a bit of a slow film. Recommended for fans of old Brit horror.


PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:01 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Dungeon - aka Dr. Jekyll's Dungeon of Death. In a remote house, Dr Jekyll, a descendant of the infamous doctor of the same name, conducts experiments on the nature of aggression of the human being. He pits people against each other after injecting them with a serum, making them artifically enraged. The subjects are asleep and after a few seconds they wake up and start fighting each other furiously. Jekyll watches and films the fights to analyze the behaviour. He kidnaps people with help from his sidekick Boris, a large simpleton who gets punished severely if he disobeys the doctor, is a bit slow or makes a mistake. One day Dr Jekyll kidnaps the daughter of his former teacher Professor Atkinson. When this professor visits him, Jekyll makes him watch the experiments, even though Atkinson is horrified by it. Jekyll goes into extremes to perfect his aggression serum, and is willing to put Julia Atkinson into the pit if necessary. This all boils down to a climax from which not everyone will escape alive. Acting is quite atrocious in this one, the "Ice! Ice!" scene with Jekyll and his lobotomised sister Hilda is a fine example of this. The entire film plays out inside the mansion where it is always dark, apparently because Jekyll can't stand sunlight (as if he was a vampire, but hey director/scriptwriter, that's a different horror character!). This gets boring pretty fast, with all the fights evolving the same way as well. Bad film, some stuff to laugh at for bad moviefans, but there are "better" ones out there.


PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 8:05 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Blood Beach - a beach patrol guy wants to investigate the disappearance of an elderly woman, and her daughter (once the girlfriend of said beach patrol guy) is visiting to help. Meanwhile, more people and animals get sucked into the sand of the popular Californian beach. The police, under command of John Saxon, are investigating too. This creature feature is kind of refreshing, as there is no capitalist causing victims by not closing the endangered area. The beach gets closed down, but opened again after a period of quietness. Being totally in the dark about what it could be, the police gains advice from both locals and from scientists, but they can't really help either. When one of the victims is found, the patrol guy goes down underneath an old building to solve the riddle once and for all. Story quite refreshing as I said, I watched the fullscreen version, so there were some scenes where the boom mic was visible on top, and in one dialogue something is sticking to the camera. The creature itself is quite cool, but it's performance is a bit disappointing you only get to see it 5 minutes before the film ends, and it's total of screentime seconds maybe adds op to one whopping minute. So if you are looking for a bit of a mysterious creature feature and you don't mind that you next to never get to see it, pick this one. Acting is pretty good, atmopshere is very nice. I could actually seriously recommend this, at least a little.

The Bite - aka Curse II: the bite. Next up: another creature feature. In this one the creatures are so numerous that you really can't miss them. Nuclear testing causes animals to go astray: hundreds of snakes go wild and gather on the roads where they get driven over by the jeep of Clark and Lisa, who are on their way to California. One of these snakesbites Clark, and gets some help by a busniessman acting as a doctor: he injects him with some snakepoison, meant as an antidote. Unfortunately, the businessman is wrong and injects the wrong stuff: now Clarks arm becomes a huge snake itself. This snake influences Clarks behaviour, he becomes more aggressive and secretive. When things gewt out of hand, Clark tries to hack his own arm off, but he fails. Now the snake really starts to take over... acting is OK-ish in this film, atmosphere is lacking a bit. The creature effects are great though, lots of slime and gore, and even while they don't make a realistic snake it looks cool. It's a bit dumb to see pythons in the American desert, but I understand why that is. The ending was nice too. I had good fun watching this and both Jill Schoelen (as Lisa) and J. Eddie Peck I(as Clark) are goodlooking youngsters, althoug Clark deteriorates quite fast, lol. Bad moviefans can have a go at this one, count the snakes if you can.


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What's blood for, if not for shedding?