
RIAA are gonna use Chuck Norris to stop p2p
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Author:  d0c [ Tue Sep 30, 2003 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  RIAA are gonna use Chuck Norris to stop p2p

The latest stunt from RIAA... they have included a world famous actor, to work for them. He is one of the best actors in the world and goes by the name Chuck Norris and is called Chuckie by friends. Chuckie is going to drive around to schools and inform the youth of today that p2p is illegal and tell them that they will be hurting the music and movie companies if this continues. Chuckie will of course do autograph and show of some karate kicks as a part of the show and he will also promoter his two up coming movies called "Texan ranger dead beat" and "GYM Workout part 4".....

read more about it here hxxp://www.theregister.co.uk/


i guess we had it coming since alot of ppl that are into horror p2p sites dont like him....

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue Sep 30, 2003 9:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

confirmation that the RIAA are infact the YMCA? :lol:

Author:  monkeysmasher [ Sat Oct 04, 2003 7:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

spudthedestroyer wrote:
confirmation that the RIAA are infact the YMCA? :lol:

either name, i'm not allowed back in either building for peeing in the pool, some lockers, a couple waterfountains, really everywear. marking my territory.

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