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PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:33 am  Post subject: Hellgate: London Source Code "stolen"?
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Its not quite diablo 3, but its pretty much the guys behind it making this.

Anyway, the question mark is there for a reason, this is still a rumour that's trying to be confirmed.

Hellgate: London Source Code Stolen?
amers With Jobs Press Pass passed along their scoop that the source code for Flagship Studios upcoming spiritual Diablo sequel, Hellgate: London, has been hacked right out of their network, like meat from the bone. Ex-Blizzard developer, and co-founder of Flagship Studios, Bill Roper stated "that while they have heard the same rumors they cannot confirm or deny that any code has been lifted from their servers." Can't he check? We'll wait ...

... anyways, according to Press Pass' sources -- sources we can only imagine exist in the shadowy, illicit corners of the internet that our library filters won't let us anywhere near -- "the virtual break-in was conducted by a Chinese individual who is currently attempting to sell the code from a personal website." See, shadowy contraband getting pushed on the black markets of the internet ... it reads like a hackneyed beach thriller, but nerdier and not mass-marketable.

Let's hope the team at Flagship doesn't follow the historical antecedent that Valve set when the source code for Half Life 2 was stolen in 2003: the already delayed title suffered another year of delays before being released in the fall of 2004. Then again, that delay ended with the release of a fantastic game, so we'll take that back. Half Life 2 is fine company to be in, delay or not.

http://www.joystiq.com/2006/07/10/hellg ... de-lifted/

Reliable sources have indicated that the Flagship Studios network has been hacked and the source code for Hellgate: London has been stolen. I contacted the Flagship head cheese Bill Roper directly for comment and he has indicated that while they have heard the same rumors they cannot confirm or deny that any code has been lifted from their servers. The Flagship Studios network went down and has since been brought back online and (hopefully) more secure than before.

My source indicates that the virtual break-in was conducted by a Chinese individual who is currently attempting to sell the code from a personal website. That’s all we have on the story for now, more as it develops.

For those of you who don’t know, Hellgate: London is the first project by ex-Blizzard developer Bill Roper and his new studio, the game has been at the last two E3’s and looks to be shaping up very nicely. The release date is currently “when it’s done” and there is no indication that any potential code theft would impact the game’s development. You might recall the Half-Life 2 code theft story that Gamers With Jobs broke back in the day, by some accounts that had some impact on the game’s development cycle as it had to be re-engineered to avoid vulnerabilities in the final release. Given Hellgate: London’s multiplayer focus, this could be bad news if true.


Just stumbled across this at joystiq. As you'll remember, its not the first anticipated game to have its source code 'stolen'. HL2 suffered the same fate and subsequently was stated as the reason for a year long delay (some also claim this was a scapegoat and the game was set to slip anyway).

Anyway, i haven't managed to track down a copy or even 'confirm' its been stolen at other big sites.

one more site reported the rumour too:

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