
E3 2006 Thread
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Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue May 09, 2006 12:26 am ]
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/me waits patiently for the Sony press conference to start
(should have started 30mins ago!)

Live feed from gamespot (warning: its lgonna be ong!)

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue May 09, 2006 2:52 am ]
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Live feedback (ie. as its announced)

PS3 pad looksexactly like the ps2 pad, not that utterly terrible boomerang monstrosity. Very good news for anyone buying one.

They've added a tilt switch I assume to fight against nintendo, it looked like the Microsoft's Freestyle Gamepad., which is just a tilt switch in the pad. It doesn't seem to have the wii z-space awareness, so it can't detect backwards or forwards, or swinging, but you can tilt it. That's kind of neat, i have one of those microsoft pads. Should be good for flightsims if they get it right, but i don't know if it would work for bats since its a tilt switch. Unfortunately the video didn't show the display so i couldn't see how it reacted, it looked like it was just tilting the bad and the display responded. Will look for a better video

Nov 17th, 20GB $499 = €499
Nov 17th, 60GB $599 = €599

I'm not up on conversion down right, but they seem to be screwing over europe with a direct $=€ :matrix: Not exactly new state of affairs though.

Game wise, lots of post matrix style look at me i'm an uber chick with swords-horny-sick-japanese guy style games. But Sony London has some nice game under the wings. EAs next gen games looked cool, but then again, they aren't exactly "killer games" and they are multiplatform.

There was a final fantasy game. Reddog (crash bandicout) showed a indiana jones guy on crack game, which was more third person slow motion shooting, not as cool looking as the third person slow motion shooting game that the Sony london people were working on (not the slow motion shooting game set in england, the slow motion shooting game set in the states).... urgghh i gotta start learning names. :lol:

Nintendo's is next, in 14hrs. Then Microsoft a couple of hours later.

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue May 09, 2006 3:53 am ]
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classic, its taken hardly anytime at all and nintendo trolls are out in force:

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue May 09, 2006 4:39 am ]
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The $499 model does not appear to have
Memory stick, SD reader etc
IEEE 802.11 b/g (wireless)

which means its pointless for hdtv as its missing the all important HDMI connection :(

So viably, the $599 model is the worthwhile one if your after HDMI, which sony really stressed the importance of.

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue May 09, 2006 6:32 am ]
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More news on the pad, the forcefeedback is now gone because it interfered with the motion sensor.

Its lighter and sports 2 analogue triggers:

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue May 09, 2006 6:35 am ]
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Kavorka wrote:

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue May 09, 2006 6:56 am ]
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Seems I got the impressions of the pad right, here's a comparison ign have done between what the differences are between the wii remote and the ps3 pad:

Essentially, the ps3 pad is just tilt sensors locally, whilst the wii stick (remote) knows where it is in 3d space (back/forward, etc), and the wii orb (the analogue stick) can be tilted like the ps3 pad.

So the wii you can move your head around by tilting the orb, move in the world with the analogue stick on the orb, and then thrash someone to death with the remote. Whereas with the ps3 you can just look by tilting the pad but you can't do batting or stabbing motions and stuff like that :(

What type of gameplay styles will work on the PS3 controller?
Here are a few examples: Kirby's Tilt 'n Tumble (which featured tilt control on the Game Boy Color), Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, racing games (using the tilt to rotate), flight sims, Monkey Ball, fishing (flick the tilt controller).

What type of things won't work on the PS3 controller?
The following actions can't be done on the PS3 controller with the same precision: Throwing/Catching a ball at a specific spot shown on screen, swinging a sword in 3D space and performing stabbing motions, aiming a weapon light-gun-style, swinging a racket, punching, general 3D item interaction, 3D drum simulator, swatting an "on-screen" fly, performing two separate tilt/motion functions at the same time.

man i love e3, so much news :)

btw. check out the sony conference there was some funny bits. My personal favourite was either this japanese developer going on about "realistically creating famous historical japanese battles" and then minutes later in the same (dynasty warriors essentially) game fighting a giant crab boss. And the dropping of the price bomb, where you can here a collective gasp and can fill in the blank with a "wtf?"

Got nintendo and microsoft to luck forward to, they usually make a fool of themselves too :lol:

Author:  Geezus [ Tue May 09, 2006 9:23 am ]
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quickly and briefly off-topic : you stayed awake all night :lol: ?

Don't delete ; I'll add further comments once I dug thru it all myself...

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue May 09, 2006 9:33 am ]
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i know sad aint it... actually, my sleeping habits are usually built around deadlines, which is partly the reason today, but i'm also using that as an excuse :lol:

Lots of ps3 news for you to go through, although most of it is really bad news. They've crippled the hardware again, its very expensive and the reaction has been overwhelmingly negative. its quite crushing really. 1up editors have done a podcast which i always find funny listen to them argue at each other:

I think the nintendo and microsoft conferences clash, anyone going to be watching in on the m$ one? I've seen some leaked shots of the new zelda using the wii stick to fire a bow and arrow so i'm not missing nintendos.

Here's sony's conference for download:

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue May 09, 2006 7:13 pm ]
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So here's what info we got from nintendo:

About the launch and price
Wii is launching in fourth quarter with price to be announced (rumours are $150-250, with the mid point most likely).

About the hardware
Wii is always on, when its on standby you'll have it connected to the online service (which nintendo has previous said is free) and it carries out stealth updates. Nintendo gave the examples that in an rpg if someone comes to your village and leaves you a message, your wii downloads this so when you turn on your console you'll get a message. Or a company might give people upgrades, like new weapons, cars, tracks, characters will be downloaded and released while your console is "off". This is called "wii connect24". Power consumption is like a "tiny lightbulb" whilst its in standby

Wii remote is vastly superior in terms of motion sensing to what sony showed. It had very accurate looking controls, compared to the demo of the harrier jumpset and some erratic tilting of the pad in the sony conferance, they showed zelda (can't wait!) which was totally controlled using the

Wii remote has a speaker in it, so you can "hear an arrow being show from your hand to the screen". In the demo you could hear their pads making a sound as they hit the ball in a tennis game.

Wii remote has rumble

About the software
Zelda is a launch title, there will be a Wii-enchanced and gamecube title launched at the same time.

The new mario is called "Mario Galaxy"

There were other titles, a couple of racing games, etc.

RUMOURS - these come from sources other than the conference
This leaked info says the price is $249, amd got the always online and built in speaker thing correct:
* $249 Price tag
* Virtual Consoler (we knew this)
* 3d Controller (we knew this)
* ALWAYS online (console is always online, even when OFF)
* Built in speaker on the controller
It was speculating about the price, a smart bet would be nintendo have an estimate and will adjust moments before launch like they have just done with the "DS Lite"

There's also a rumour that nintendo might be trying a new distribution model for its hardware, if you buy 4 games, or 3 games and a nun-chucka pad, at launch you get the revolution free. This is *unconfirmed*

The "base" of the console is also its hub and powersupply, so it has a large heat dissipation area.

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue May 09, 2006 7:20 pm ]
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ign "hands on the controlller" for 10mins review:

Author:  Geezus [ Tue May 09, 2006 7:29 pm ]
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I don't even know where to begin hammering sony..... :oops:
How much longer do they think they can rely on the aging warhorses ? (MgS , GT , tekken etc)

Saw 2 new franchises , one of them merely a tomb raider clone.....tsss..
Eight days looked stunning , though was it pre rendered ? the debate is already burning...

FFXIII for ps3..... guess that's Japan in the bag then :matrix:

Could swear I saw a Getwaway teaser situated in amsterdam :wacky:

Summarized, the words going thru my mind were " oh my gosh !".... just add some colorfull metaphors though....
Sure you get a Blue ray player included for your 600 bucks......but I didn't ask for one.....
I'm just stunned....
The audience was dead.... and not even I can blame them....

Ofcourse, this doesn't stop super Kenny from making these remarks afterwards :

PS3 is not expensive !

...and just finished watching:

Nintendo conference..... like wow... NOT..... :lol:

In the sense that , I don't think it will convert any new gamers...

Yeah Zelda looks set to be different......if it's your cuppa.....which it ain't for me...never was I must confess...probably never will....
Will have the drones shouting GOTY06 for the rest of the year no doubt....
Red Steel was nice .... though still not convinced about some of its mechanics...
Metroid prime 3 didn't seem to make a quantum leap either , so before you laugh at sony....
Most 3rd party games seemed to put forward old franchises again *yawn*
Oh dear...what an awfull e3 so far .....
You know.....if M$ is smart they just call off the entire show and that way "Win E3" by default .... :lol:

I'm not up on conversion down right, but they seem to be screwing over europe with a direct $=€

....taxes :matrix:...
and ease off the rumours man :P

Author:  Geezus [ Tue May 09, 2006 8:34 pm ]
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:o .....

>>>! BOOM ! <<<

GTA 4 (love it or hate it , it's a system seller ) coming this oct X360 exclusive


EDIT: ....and they also snatched exclusivity of the insignificant title that is Alan wake.... </sarcasm> :evil:

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue May 09, 2006 8:47 pm ]
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damn, i feel sorry for you not giving zelda love. That's easily the greatest set of games i've ever played. Link to the past on the snes owns so much. Zelda is always amazing, and that looked like easily the best zelda game to date by far. It so owned. :) Depends if they got the controls right, either way i'll buy it, gamecube if the wii thingy sucks, but if the wii thingy doesn't suck and in comparitive reviews it proves worthwhile... and it did look pretty cool, then i might just get one of those. *sigh* which would mean another friggin console for ONE game. As it stands there's ONE game i'm interested in out of 3 consoles. That's hella shit. Of course if i get a console i have no doubt buy a few others but nothing is really appealing beyond that, just like i'd end up with a couple of those generic shooters sony showed yesterday if i was crazy enough to spend £500 on a console.

Conferance wise, it was pretty obvious sony wasn't going to have good news running up to it. I know you don't like me posting the negative news stories, but its been har dto miss them. Report after report has been bad news, from ibm chip delays, price hikes, bluray,etc. Not been a good year for sony, the sony conferance could have been MUCH worse given the problems the company has had.

So compared to that sony disaster, which was going to be a hard sell to me given how totally underwhelming the ps3,xbox360,wii have been, zelda alone thrashed it since i actually want to play it. Its the only game i want to play, which is not very good for this current gen.

The other game i want to play overall is the new Total War on the pc. PC is so owning about now.

Other games? 'meh', no appeal for me. They said there's 27 games, but showed about 4. if the revolution is cheap, and on the strength of zelda, its the only likely candidate for a purchase. Those sports games are all one title rather than just a tennis game according to ign.

Red Steel was nice .... though still not convinced about some of its mechanics...

not 100% with it here, although it seemed to go 'okay' dispite a few problems. btw, definitely not a light gun game. ;)

That great london sony game i mentioned, set in the states... people on the various forums are saying its mostly, if not entirely fmv. Which would mean my opinion has been knocked down even lower :( Have sony done their "fmv but it should look like that again" on that one?

and ease off the rumours man

like? If you mean the revolution ones. Those rumours came out a day before nintendo's press conference, and it got the speaker in pad and connect24 spot on which means the rest are very trust worthy. It comes from EGM and if you look at the scans, they've obviously had access to the demos for a long time (it had stuff from zelda we punters haven't). Ignoring them would be a bit silly since they are 2 for 2 atm, the other stuff nintendo hasn't mentioned. I think egm should be on sale, so you can grab a copy and check it out if you care, which i guess not given as though u said u have no interest

Here's a source link that's dated from yesterday, so its definitely got more weight than a mere rumour.

People enjoy rumours, doesn't mean we can't salvage a bit of joy by making shit up :lol:

Anyway, more investigative journalism, like people have drudged into the sony website to find out about the $499 pack being crippled, seems people have dug through nintendo's site and found one of the pads:
http://www.nintendo.co.jp/n10/e3_2006/w ... oller.html


lol, looks like they are really pimping out virtual console, its a freakin snes pad with analogues :lol:


In microsoft news, the m$ pr people have refused to allow a live feed and I have to wait an hour before i can watch the stream. I guess that's in response to the sony debacle, so they don't get trolled out immediately after and let the real press write some less critical reports.

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue May 09, 2006 8:49 pm ]
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Geezus wrote:
:o .....

>>>! BOOM ! <<<

GTA 4 (love it or hate it , it's a system seller ) coming this oct X360 exclusive


Well after they missed it the first time, that's not surprising news. Good news though. Plus it means microsoft are going to pimp it to windows vista faster :)

Damn it... need... feed... u reading a blog? source???

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue May 09, 2006 8:58 pm ]
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more important than GTA4 for me:
Formally announces Fable 2, runs trailer. Sinister woods, lady with hat with paper fortune teller thing from grade school. Fable 2 logo--name now official. Lady asks lady to show destinity. Amazing montage of fire and shadow, Xbox 360 logo comes up to enthusiastic applause. 12:04: Moore thanks Molyneux who's sitting in the front row. Molyneux smiles.

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue May 09, 2006 9:04 pm ]
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GTA4 is coming in October 2007, not 2006 according to:
"Major announcement about one of greatest franchsies of all time." Says its so exciting that he has to take his shirt off. Shows Halo 2 tatto--GRAND THEFT AUTO IV tatoo on other arm. Grand Theft Auto IV October 16 2007 to Xbox 360 ONLY.


Author:  Geezus [ Tue May 09, 2006 9:04 pm ]
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.....seems to be some AAA class confusion here :

Moore showing off his new Tattoo GTA4 x30 exclusivity just minutes ago....

and now a rockstar press release stating it will be simultaneously released on both x360 and ps3..... :lol:

Might be fake .....but if not..... oh dear Mr.moore

Author:  PC_Arcade [ Tue May 09, 2006 9:08 pm ]
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NOT exclusive :
* 12:24pm: Grand Theft Auto IV coming to Xbox 360 on October 16th (USA/CAN) and October 19th (Europe). Doesn't say if game is exclusive, so guess not. MS will get exclusive episodic content from RockStar via Xbox Live though.

Author:  Geezus [ Tue May 09, 2006 9:14 pm ]
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PC_Arcade wrote:
NOT exclusive :
* 12:24pm: Grand Theft Auto IV coming to Xbox 360 on October 16th (USA/CAN) and October 19th (Europe). Doesn't say if game is exclusive, so guess not. MS will get exclusive episodic content from RockStar via Xbox Live though.

ah....that'll be it then....

Gotta wonder where he'll tatto Halo 3 though :wacky:

Yeah it's been announced - I'm sure the teaser will pop up everywhere soon...
Supposedly the crowd went ecstatic.....no accounting for taste I guess.... :P

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