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PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2023 8:22 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Ancient One
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Cathy's Curse - a 70s film about a girl being possessed after finding a doll in the house she is going to inhabit with her parents. Her mother, on the brink of a nervous breakdown, and her father, very busy with work at a construction site (actually a wall with a phone with hammering sounds in the background), have no idea that finding the doll has made their daughter a supernatural killer. The doll belonged to her aunt who died in a car crash which you can witness at the start of the film, which is a pretty badly transferred VHS copy btw. There is little to no suspension, special effects are almost absent and there is zero gore: the kills made are lame and uncreative. The ending was probably the lamest, which made me even doubt you can call this a horror. Very bad film, bad moviefans might have fun with the "burn wounds" or the wooden acting.


PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 5:32 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Curse Of Bigfoot - a 70s monsterflick which ironically starts out with a class on 50s scifi and monsterfilms and then doesn't do any better than those even though it's been filmed twenty years later. The monster is a guy in a bad looking suit who appears from time to time but doesn't really do anything. The teacher from the class works together with a professor specialized in the phenomenon of bigfoot and they are hunting it down together with some students. The image is pretty ugly and most of the time you are looking at brownish scenes where nothing much happened. A very boring film which caused me to fall asleep while watching it. I'd skip this. This was on the same disc as Cathy's Curse and I'd only buy it if it is supercheap.


PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2023 4:32 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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P.G. Psycho Goreman - two siblings, Mimi and her brother Luke, are playing in their backyard when they stumble upon a mysterious artefact, which turns out to be the control mechanism for an alien creature who got banished because of excessive violence and murder. Mimi gets to call the shots and after some shenanigans with the alien (letting him do tricks and other kid's stuff), they get to deal with other aliens who found out that this one had broken free. So they send in a Templar (some kind of female version of a Power ranger) to solve the problem. This conflict is nicely parallelled to the marital relationship between the parents of Mimi and Luke and also between Mimi and Luke themselves, nicely done. The endfight is ridiculous, but it kind of fits the film. Film is walking a thin line between campy fun and violent children's film, with plenty of gore and weird effects and childish jokes and lines. I'm a big fan of Steven Kostanski, so I did enjoy it, but I can see why several reviewers state that this is not his best work, So if you are new to Kostanski, try out one of his earlier films (Manborg, Father's Day, The Void), otherwise just slip this ione in. Recommended.


PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2023 2:51 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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American Gothic - a group of friends is gonna take a trip with a waterplane but when it breaks down they get stranded on a remote island. Searching for help to get the plane repaired they stumble upon a cottage where they find all kinds of old stuff like a recordplayer and old toys. Soon they find out the family who lives there is far from normal: they have large grown up "children" and they have strange hobbies, very dangerous hobbies for "outsiders"... NIce film, not too complicated and I liked the plot and the ending. Acting was OK and effects were pretty OK too. Don't expect much gore, but do expect a great deal of weirdness and you'll be good. I don't really understand the title though, I didn't find anything gothic about this film.


PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 5:33 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Inbred Redneck Alien Abduction - with a title like this, you must know what you're in for! A spaceship hovers over a car where a couple just had sex and the girl gets abducted. The guy runs off screaming and he meets several rednecks, one of whom fires at the spaceship, chasing it off. Two secret agents are being sent to the area to investigate, and when they arrive they first have to deal with the local yokels, bit after a while they discover the spaceship. The female agent now slips into a fancy outfit, making her look a bit like Trinity from The Matrix. With the rednecks they enter the spaceship to find the abducted girl but of course they run into all kinds of trouble, mostly one eyed aliens with weird guns and also some weird bodyparts. This film is fun, especially the part in the spaceship. Effects are cheap but apart from the carscene, in which you can easily see the secret agents in front of a green screen; and apart from the scenes with the spaceship being viewed from outside, it's pretty well done. There are some nice so bad it's good moments in which you can see the boom mic: you have to watch all corners though. Acting is mediocre but overall it's bearable enough and if you can stand some bad jokes you will be good with this as long as you are looking for some B-movie fun. I was, and I enjoyed it! Recommended for bad moviefans.


PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 7:59 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Video Violence 2 - started watching this a while ago but fell asleep and woke up during the end credits, so I had to give it a go again. Fast forwarded to the part where I didn't recognise it anymore and finished it this time. While I thought part 1 was a clever story done on a shoestring budget, this one was on one hand a sequel that made sense storywise, but was way less clever than part one. Part 2 actually evolves around the Howard and Eli show where you get to see guests being tied up and cut up, intermingled with clips which are kind of absurd. I liked the Wilbur fragment, it was rather funny. Acting was OKish, in the show Howard and Eli are actually the least interesting persons, it's their guests and the guy at the organ making the show. I guess they concluded after making this that a third installment wasn't a very good idea, and seeing how they went from part one to this I think that was a good move. Watch this if you like low budget gratuitous violence, or if you want to see where torture porn was born. Otherwise stick to part one.


PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 9:53 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Crypt of the Vampire - aka La cripta e l'incubo, which means The Crypt and the Nightmare, which is an infinitely better title for this film. An Italian Gothic horror from the 60s starring Christopher Lee about Dr Karlstein, living a secluded life in his castle with his personnel and his daughter, who keeps having nightmares (the nightmare from the title). Her nurse thinks she is possessed by an ancestor, Carmilla, who centuries ago died a horrible death being accused of witchcraft. This black and white film is slow and doesn't have a lot of spectacular things to look at, so it's mostly about atmosphere and that's something where it shines. There was one moment where I actually got goosebumps which is kind of an achievement for such an old film. The dubbing is obvious, you can see mouths move very differently from the soundtrack, but this will be nothing new when you are into Italo horror. A nice slow burner for a hot summer night like last night.


PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 8:53 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Black Zombies from Sugar Hill - another blaxploitation with horror elements, this time voodoo and Haitian zombies. Main character is Sugar Hill, a foxy lady whose husband-to-be Langston owns Club Haiti, where shows are being held for the audience in the Haitian voodoo style. Some crook wants to buy the club, but Langston doesn't want to sell, so they beat him to death. Sugar is outraged and calls for help from an old lady who lives in the swamps close to her house. She gets to have an old zombie king who commands zombies to do whatever he assigns to them. This way Sugar starts to get her revenge on the guys who killed Langston, but when dead bodies turn up, the police appear, and it's not just a regular cop, it's her ex-boyfriend... Not your everyday blaxploitation because most kills are done by the zombies, who also look a bit odd (with those glassy eyeballs). Also not that much typical music from the era, but I still enjoyed this one very much because I like those mixes of action and horror in this genre. It's a pretty predictable story, so it's kind of relaxing to watch this one, no big surprises or difficult plot twists or anything. Just lay back and enjoy the ride.


PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 9:55 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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He Knows You're Alone - one of the few 80s slashers with above average fame that I hadn't seen yet. It has most of the stuff I adore about 80s slashers, only the gore is lacking in my opinion. The story is great: there is a guy who kills brides to be and when Amy is about to marry Phil, she starts seeing a man stalking her. Phil is off for some time with his friends at some sort of a bachelor week, and Amy's old boyfriend Marvin shows up, things get even more complicated. Marvin tries to protect Amy but the killer gets closer and closer... Some genuine scary scenes in this one, the music was great. Amy's character wasn't as hot as some other screamqueens but her screams were earpiercing. Acting was good too and I loved the ending although it wasn't the most original. Recommended, especially if you are into 80s slashers.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:51 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Channel 13 - this film starts with an opening by Mark Polonia, one of the Polonia Brothers who have tried to destroy your brain before with films such as Night Thirst and the most abominable Preylien: Alien Predators. He explains that this film is yet another example of them releasing something to the public which isn't really a film: he found some old footage while cleaning house and thought "hey, let's release it". They made an anthology out of it (which was the original though according to Mark) in which the wraparound story is very lame and boring, it's a guy sitting in front of the TV sort of forced to watch "Channel 13". On this channel he sees short horror films, of which the first one is actually not that short. The first installment is about a geek who gets picked on and he takes his revenge with the help of a scarecrow who kills everyone who ever picked on the geek. The second one is about a guy walking around who gets harassed by a monsterbird because he is carrying a bag of seeds (yes, they thought this was a good plot for a film). The last segment is a cheap rip-off of Motel Hell and while they try to make a nice story out of it, the rip-off feeling prevails. Gore is good as it always is with the Polonia Brothers but boy, did this cost me another huge chunk out of my brain. So beware and only watch this with lots of beer and other good things within reach, and/or with a group of friends.


PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2023 11:40 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Pandamonium - in an office, a few stories get intertwined. One is about a guy on "level six" trying hard to get a promotion, one is about a new guy who starts work for the first time on the same "level six" and one is about another new employee: a young woman who is trying to get away from her past as a dancer. When the level six guys are throwing a party with booze, blow and babes, the new employees, trying to make a good impression, are being locked in while working late. When the party is in full swing, a killer appears wearing a panda mask, stabbing his way through all the people left in the building. The new employees are sticking together in order to survive the ordeal but the killer is hot on their heels. This was a very simple film, straightforward and all. The plot made sense, the kills were OK and the gore was pretty good. Acting was also OK, I actually felt a bit for the young woman, although she goes a bit over the top in the final part. The British horrorfilm was in a bad spot in the past years, delivering a god one only very rarely. This isn't top notch, but hopefully it's a sign of thigns getting a tad better


PostPosted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 12:08 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Sickle - aka The Slaughterhouse Massacre. The movie opens with a scene in which a lovers couple goes to visit a slaughterhouse because the girl gets aroused by death. After they arrived, the guy tells her a story about the guy who used to work there: he got accused of murdering a girl and then lynched by an angry mob of youngsters. Since then there is a legend saying that if you say a rhyme about him three times, he will rise from the dead. Switching to the present, a group of students have a party and of course they want to check out the old slaughterhouse and see if the myth is true. A prank is being set up, but instead of the guy dressed up as the killer, something else appears... Simple, straightforward and really very unoriginal, this film doesn't win any awards of course. There are some nice scenes though, with the sickle kills being the best. No idea why a butcher would use a sickle, but it makes for some good action. Gore is OK, acting is meh but I have seen worse. Very run of the mill so if you want to be surprised or see something original, skip this one.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 11:17 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Mindflesh - a strange film. It's in my opinion an attempt to make some kind of an arthouse-like horror/mystery in the line of Cronen berg/Lynch. It doesn't get to those levels, but it's a nice try. It's about a guy called Chris, his job is "professional driver" (they mean taxidriver) and he is dealing with a trauma from his youth. This trauma makes him grow some kind of nipples on his belly from time to time (this is where the film resembles the body horror of Cronenberg), and trying to deal with this he also has visions of entities of which he can't tell whether they are real. For example, he keeps seeing a strange woman who never talks to him but does have sex with him. Along the way he gets a warning by someone that there are guardians out there and he needs to kill his sixth sense in order to conquer the whole thing. This is where the film resembles Lynch and Carpenter a bit, with some kind of alien stuff (don't expect grey or green martians, these aliens are totally different). I kept wondering what this film was about, it was a bit too messy to make out most of the time, except for the scenes towards the ending: this is where the trauma becomes really clear and everything gets explained. Although this film only runs for 72 minutes, it felt really long which is not a good sign. Acting is OK however and effects are also in order. This film just didn't grab me like the Lynch/Cronenberg films did way back when, and the audio was also hard to follow sometimes: dialogue with a hollow echoing sound and some inaudible lines didn't really help to clear the mess for me. It's pretty original in it's own way though, so it's not an entire waste of time. If you want dsomething odd and don't have too much time, pick this.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:42 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Nesting - aka Apparition. Doug and Lori recently bought a house in the countryside to fix up and make their own. While working on the house, an elderly local tells Doug about the history of the house: a woman, returning home from the Civil War, found her family dead. She then hired maids from Ireland and killed them consecutively. Not thinking much of it, Doug and Lori get engaged, but an annoying ex-boyfriend shows up at the engagement party. This angers Doug: on the way home he is speeding and the result is an accident in which Lori dies. Doug returns to the house to finish the fixing up, to deal with his loss. He befriends a woman in the neighbourhood, but he also starts seeing things, and soon fantasy and reality are hard to tell apart. While the storyline is not very original, the acting is pretty good and the atmosphere is also well done so this entertained me anyway, I even had goosebumps for a bit. The ending was pretty desolate and it made sense plotwise, so that's also a plus. If you can see through the unoriginality of the plot you'll enjoy this I guess. Recommended.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 10:25 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Hunger - there are many films with Hunger in the title, this one is the 2009 film by Steven Hentges. Five people wake up in a dark cellar and they are disoriented and fearful. After carefully approaching each other and introducing themselves, they suddenly find themselves bathing in light: the ceiling lamp switched on. They find a room in the cellar with four barrels filled to the brim with water. They start asking themselves why they ended up here and why there is so much water. Slowly but steadily they find out they are part of some sick experiment to see what happens after thirty days without any food. There are cards which tell you on which day you are, first they go by each day and then they speed up a bit. The differences between the days are minimal, so if you would look at a still from day 5 or from day 22 they would look very similar, but it didn't bother me apart from the fact that you had to pay attention to which day it was and keep it in mind. Acting was great, atmosphere felt a tad claustrophobic so that was good too. To me the only drawback was the way they tried to explain the trauma behind the gruesome experiment: I sort of guessed it at the opening scene and they kept repeating it over and over. But all in all I thought this was a good film. It's not fun to watch, it makes you think a bit about human behaviour. Recommended.


PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:09 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Shuttle - a nice film to watch if you are making a planetrip soon. Mel and Jules, BFFs, return to the US after a trip. They need a shuttle into town and one driver sort of draws them in. Some boys they met on the airfield are also joining. After a while Jules notices that the driver is taking a strange detour and when they almost get hit by a speeding car they find out one of the backtires is blown. One of the boys offers his help but his hand gets caught while placing the wheel. Because he is wounded now, the driver suggests going to a hospital but he just keeps driving through distant desolate streets. Getting fed up, the other boy wants to deal with the driver, but he draws a gun on him: it turns out that this is not a normal shuttle service, this is a busride to hell. Mel, Jules, the boys and the other passenger seem to be at the complete mercy of the driver now. They are not prepared to let everything happen without a fight though. This grim thriller is pretty realistic. The story reminded me a bit of Hostel, acting is great and the resourcefulness if the characters is nice and ibteresting. The ending is great and would fit a horror film quite nicely. There is violence, gore and a pretty intense atmosphere. Runtime is 102 minutes but they fly by. Good film, recommended.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 11:20 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Don't Speak - in a secret military lab, an army special unit created a monster which scans its surroundings for sounds and then attacks accordingly. Itr escapes and kills a few people in the neighbourhood, butr because it's a sleepy town with only a few inhabitants word doesn't get out. When a family is gonna visit their grandma, they run into the monster. Moreover: grandma has disappeared, and now they have to find her and stay alive at the same time. I was in for a monstermovie and although this one isn't that bad I wanted to see more of the monster: more kills, more action. What the monster leaves in the victims who don't die immediately (it seems rather random who lives and who dies, which is kind of a bad decision by the filmmakers because it makes no sense), looks like small eggs or something, covered in grey goo, that looked cool. The concept of a monster reacting to sound is not new and actually "A Quiet Place" did it a lot better. This is only one monster and you can just stay indoors to avoid it. Even though gore is quite good, acting is pretty bad and destroys the rather flimy atmosphere the film is trying to build. So if you wanna be scared by auditive monsters, skip this one and go for "A Quiet Place".


PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 6:58 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Barbarian 2022- boring and few scary scenes but its ok 6/10

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 6:12 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Bloody Hell (2020): After protagonist Rex is released from prison he decides to leave his past behind by moving from the US to Finland. At the airport he notices a strange family that seems to watch and talk about him. Shortly after his arrival he is kidnapped by said family who lock him up in the basement of their big house. As the drugged Rex wakes up earlier than he should have and with one leg amputated, he has to figure out why he was captured and more importantly a way to get away alive. What the crazy family doesn't know is that Rex might not be such an easy prey and is perhaps even crazier than them. This is a comedy/horror movie that reminded me a bit of "You're Next" which I also liked. They are similar in the sense that the supposed bad guys have to deal with an unexpectedly prepared/strong victim that fights back.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 11:29 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Good movie. :beerchug:

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