
What kind of music do you listen to?
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Author:  Truba [ Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:32 pm ]
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FMsaziri wrote:
Right now? Viva Forever - Spice Girls.

just found spice girls CD in basement :mrgreen:

Author:  mcdouchealot [ Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:44 pm ]
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Truba wrote:
FMsaziri wrote:
Right now? Viva Forever - Spice Girls.

just found spice girls CD in basement :mrgreen:

I just found The Spice Girls in my basement.

they ain't lookin' too good. :eatthis:

Author:  memoriesofnam [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:19 am ]
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SPAZZ wrote:
Iconoclast wrote:
malfeitor wrote:
Death - Human this record kicks ass ! ! ! ( R.i.p Chuck ) .... Rock on ! :D

Glad to see that so many here like this album. It's my personal favourite too, but love all Death's albums. If I have to say something bad about Human. There's only two things; way too short. One or two tracks more and damn! :D Second: DiGiorgio's excellent bass tracks are mixed way too back... but these two little things don't mean that much :)


Even better than Death is Cryptopsy. Check out "None So Live", "None So Vile" or "Whisper Supremacy"

If you're a Death fan, check out their "Live in LA" disc, it's great! Although Symbolic is my favorite by them.

Hell yeah, Those Cryptopsy albums are my favourite. The vocalist on None So Live is fucking amazing! Cold hate, warm bloooood! \m/

Lately I'm listening to a lot of Mr Bungle, through to lots of crust and dbeat, powerviolence, emoviolence, doom and thrash. As well as heaps of post rock and ambient, drone stuff thrown in the mix.

Heres a cool Canadian band: http://www.myspace.com/orphansincoma

And a local band, will have some new more brutal stuff out soon, if they ever release the cd theyve been working on for years. Live, it slays!

Author:  EvillSpell [ Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:57 pm ]
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What kind of music? It's simple mainly heavy metal or other genre from metal, without that I like classical music, jazz, blues and much more stuff 8)

Author:  PlagueH [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:02 am ]
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Metal, more Metal core though like soilwork or Killswitch is the main kind of music but honestly I like a lot of softer stuff too like adult alternative such as goo goo dolls and such also a big rock fan such as seether, stonesour that type of stuff I dont know, if I can relate to the lyrics and it has a decent beat I'll listen.

Author:  Dunkelheit [ Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:50 am ]
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Mainly Black Metal, like:

Carpathian Forest
Satyricon (earlier work)
Ulver ("Nattens Madrigal" is the best BM album ever made imho)

Death Metal, like:

Cannibal Corpse
Morbid Angel

But i enjoy most extreme or melodic metal aswell:

Cradle of Filth
Strapping Young Lad
Old Man's Child

Should give some idea what i'm into..
I'm very interested in underground Black Metal so any tips etc is most welcome! :rock:

Author:  Media Cult [ Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:02 am ]
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I once had this huge list with bands, but I deleted it....

Into extreme metal, electronic, hiphop, classical, opera, rock, you name it.

Author:  elchupacabra [ Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:34 pm ]
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The Yardbirds
Led Zeppelin
The Who
Shok Paris
The Cult

Author:  GrindCallus [ Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:14 am ]
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elchupacabra wrote:
The Yardbirds

Brave choice my friend! Spawned three legends: Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton!

'Mr you're a Better Man than I' is my favorite song, though not the only.

I loves Classic Rock, fuck all you whigger wannabes and emo kids! I like some hip-hop and some errrrrr fringe emo bands (Fall of Troy, Glassjaw, At the Drive-In,etc), but rock from the 60s/70s had purity not found in the known bands nowadays. I do like the new White Stripes though, all the other CDs are shite... ANyway wait what oh yes beer and weed make music goos to me now thats right!

Anyway, some good fresh bands to me:

White Stripes - Icky Thump - fuckin great foot stomping party rock, strangely close-to-home lyrics...

I guess the Raconteurs album - not tto new but damn good 'claasic rock'

Fall of Troy - Manipulator - Insane! if coheed fucked mars volta and birthed old dillinger escape plan!

Radio Moscow - S/T - sweet new blues rock band produced by the guy from the Black Keys, this shit is short but sweet with some tasty inspired licks!

and Lesbian - Power Hoer - is fuckin great! Like a hypertizized Mastodon!

Author:  RedVeil [ Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:38 pm ]
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- The Bravery
- Chikinki

make marvelous music!

Author:  tonerone [ Fri Dec 28, 2007 2:49 pm ]
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uniform choice

Author:  smcmullin2001 [ Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Schmuzak, eh?

I notice an awful lot of metal in this thread, which is to be expected I s'pose. So, if horror fans dig metal, why do so many horror films only have shite metal on their soundtracks? Goddamn commercialistic poo-stuff!

Anyway, I'm currently listening to Brian Eno & David Byrne's My Life in the Bush of Ghosts (I don't think it's supposed to be rude, but it could be. Could someone make a movie based on this title, please?). Into all kinds of things, but my favourite band at the mo is Oxbow (http://www.theoxbow.com).

Recently discovered Alec Empire and the whole digital hardcore thing, which is amazing. His collaboration with Merzbow is noisey-good. Black metal can be great (I started with Cradle of Filth, but soon hit the harder stuff… Wasn't Thornography awful?! Midian still rools!), Bergraven, Xasthur, Burzum, Darkthrone (esp. their recent turn towards black-punk-metal, or whatever it is).

Also big into Pulp, Dylan, Nick Cave, Tom Waits, Lou Reed, Ramones, Bowie, Jesu, Isis, other stoner rock stuff, Sunn O))), Boris, Tom Zé, er… Oh, and Oxbow.

I could type in this little box all day, but that would get us nowhere…

Author:  LordOfPain [ Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:48 pm ]
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:matrix: black metal

Author:  GrindCallus [ Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:28 pm ]
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FO rblack metal I like Old Man's Child, Enslaved, and Emperor.

Author:  TaKYoN [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:16 pm ]
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Well, I am still eclectic in this area. Like I said before I tend to like songs rather than the bands, I could probably find atleast a few songs from any genre that I would like.

Gotta say though, for a few months earlier last year I had a real thing about Nightwish for some reason, that interest resurfaces every now and then for some reason.

P.S. Is my sig too subtle? Not sure it stands out enough.

Author:  RedVeil [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:11 pm ]
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Could be takony instead of takyon. :roll: (HUN anyone?)

Author:  elchupacabra [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:13 pm ]
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lmao :mrgreen:

Author:  Spengler [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 8:11 pm ]
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Mainly metal with a strong leaning towards extreme metal:

King Diamond
Mercyful Fate

I'll stop myself there. I also like other bits and pieces, King Crimson, Yes, Boston, Sparks. Mainly metal though.

Author:  Lystener [ Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:47 pm ]
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spudthedestroyer wrote:
Iron Maiden

Seen live 5-6 times, and this year there's the Somewhere back in time Tour :mrgreen:

Beside the Cult of Iron Maiden:

Mainly industrial/ambient/Neo Folk: Freak Animal Stuff, Slogun, Genocide Organ, Con-Dom, Grey Wolves, SPK, Blood Axis, DIJ, Current 93, Boyd Rice, Amon, R|A|A|N, Changes, LJDLP, Triarii, Der Blutharsch and blahblahblah...

A lot of black metal (from Darkthrone to Ildjarn, Bathory, Isvind, Burzum, Forgotten Woods, Darkspace, Mutiilation, Nargaroth, Graveland and other No Colours' bands and so on...)

Hardcore, Death Metal (Bolt Thower!), Classical, Soundtracks (from Badalamenti to Morricone), some Italian Pop oldies... in no particular order. More or less everything that has a story to tell or has a weird story behind.

Author:  memoriesofnam [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:03 am ]
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I'm hoping to see Iron Maiden for the first time next month but at this rate I won't have the money or be able to find a cheap enough ticket (they were sold out before they even made it to stores)

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