
Beyond Re-Animator
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Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

graag wrote:
Some more offtopicness

I know I probably already mentioned this, but I just have to do it again: Matrix borrowed a lot from Ghost in the Shell.


Yeah well I think to movie fans the significance of the matrix is not as big as for what I refer to as "lame-wads" or the "norms" :lol: Try telling a matrix fan that it's a decent enough movie but nothing new and they go ape shit. I was taunting someone on the bus and he just couldn't take it :lol:

Although the quote from ghostbusters springed to mind
"Quiet Ray, your scaring the straights"

Author:  ohgodnotanotherone [ Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

graag wrote:
Some more offtopicness

I know I probably already mentioned this, but I just have to do it again: Matrix borrowed a lot from Ghost in the Shell.


Stretchin' it somewhat :lol: but it would have definetly influenced those W bros.
ghost in the shell kicks Matrix's ass though....WOULDN'T YOU AGREE SPUD ? You have watched it by now ? What ? not ? :x
Right mister - you have a stalker !!!!

You technology might indeed became man's biggest nightmare one day ?
Shocking news reached my eyes the other day is that we are indeed on the brink of INSTANT communication - fotonic "teleportation" IS ALREADY HERE people!!!! :o :shock:

Now be horified when they'll one day devellop & adapt that technology to teleport other elementary particles !

They could just teleport positrons and electrons strait into my brain, controlling the ways my neural pathways connect...
Total new degree, indeed dimension of mind controll - Orson wells , shut up whining you ain't seen SHIT yet !!!!!!!

Wait a minute....
Since it's not bound by distance , maybe someone is already " broadcasting" functions & commands......that would make free will , the faith of/for the enslaved......and thus th..>SNIP<

Author:  graag [ Tue Nov 25, 2003 5:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

spudthedestroyer wrote:
I was taunting someone on the bus and he just couldn't take it :lol:

So, did you beat the shit out of him? Is there at least a CAM available? :wink:

Author:  DxaKrator [ Tue Nov 25, 2003 9:40 pm ]
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Next time just start poking at the guy with a pointed stick...that generally gets me a reaction everytime.If no stick is available then just use your penis...now that really gets a reaction.Hopefully not an allergic reaction though :P

I can't help myself though...I do like the Matrix...can't really explain why, I just do.The thing with other movies heavily borrowing from each other though sort of strikes me as this...It seems like most movies borrow from another one at this point especailly horror movies,basically confirming the fact that there are no real new ideas floating around in Hollywood.It's just regurgitation of anothers work told in a simulair way.Pick any Zombie movie and you can see the blatant infringment on another storyline made a year earlier.Perhaps I am just jaded though.

*Topic Officially flushed in the crapper as of 11/25/03

Author:  Purple.Nightmare [ Wed Nov 26, 2003 4:13 am ]
Post subject: 

havent seen Ghost in the shell 4 a while but it rocks!
gotta agree with dxa as for sum strange reason i liked matrix(no more debates bout wooden acting etc please tho.......slashers was pretty cool n the acting in that made keano reeves look like he should have a whole cabnet of oscars), tho the 2nd 1 stank n not seen the 3rd 1 yet
back on topic tho i liked beyond a little more than bride which i think is not that bad! both reasonably worthy sequels

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