
A new trilogy of Terminator movies coming....
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Author:  GrindCallus [ Sat May 23, 2009 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A new trilogy of Terminator movies coming....

Why don't they just send an army of terminators back to the 80s and kill everybody?

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Sat May 23, 2009 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A new trilogy of Terminator movies coming....

because then skynet wouldn't have been made, plus they would have to deal with johnny five:

Author:  karstmobile [ Mon May 25, 2009 2:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A new trilogy of Terminator movies coming....

... and Robocop... and the Eliminators... they wouldn't stand a chance...

Author:  Vae Victis [ Mon May 25, 2009 4:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A new trilogy of Terminator movies coming....

spudthedestroyer wrote:
What about sending a terminator back to when they send the first terminator back and tell them not to do it?

It can be a political drama staring only robots.

Wasn't that Battlestar Galactica sort of?

Author:  perkin2000 [ Mon May 25, 2009 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A new trilogy of Terminator movies coming....

Is it just me, or does the trailer for 'Salvation' look a bit pony & trap?

The original film in the flashback/dream scenes hinted that it was pretty much just Terminators and Hunter Killer craft, the Salvation trailer has some 200 foot mega-terminator looming over the last shoot. FFS, what a pile of Transformers, CGI, popcorn-spectacle arse.

I'm hoping to be pleasantly suprised as the first Terminator film is one of my favorites of all time, but I fear it'll be complete trousers.

Author:  SlowIrishBud [ Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A new trilogy of Terminator movies coming....

I thought that "Terminator: Salvation" was not as bad as people were telling me it was. It was actually very entertaining and action packed, I thought it would suck hard when I heard about the PG-13 rating, but it didn't suck much at all. It was an above average war film with some really good terminator back story. This film definitely got me re-interested in the Terminator story line and even though I think he is only a so so director, I can't wait to see what McG does next with the terminator.

Author:  elchupacabra [ Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A new trilogy of Terminator movies coming....

I saw it last week. It was pretty weak just like part 3 imho.

Author:  perkin2000 [ Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A new trilogy of Terminator movies coming....

Saw it last weekend...

To add a little to the above, the main faults with the film are...

Where's the army of Terminators killing the humans on the vast fields of battle promised in the future scenes in the previous films?

Why do all the survivors look like well nourished, handsomley groomed athletes, instead of the near-feral, diseased, sewer dwelling faces of desperation so well yet briefly portrayed in the first film? Global nuclear annihilation obviously throws tons of breathable vitamins into the air....

How is it that the few terminators that are seen look like 8ft tall Mattel dolls that have been carelessly left in front of a radiator for too long, whereas Sam Worthington's proto-terminator is the most advanced one ever created when he was 'built', we are lead to believe, in 2003? And he's a tubby emo-bot who's all wibbly about being half-man, half-toaster!

Why does the film suffer from the George Lucas syndrome of technology becoming somehow more regressive over the timeline of the story?

What's with the giant fucking Transformers-style, grabby people-bin in the desert?

Flying spy-bots, fish terminators and motorbike ones are just wank. What's wrong with just the original T800's, Tanks and H.K.'s?

The dialogue was just remedial. Utter cock.

Christian Bale, once again, seems to think that acting consits of frowning. And talking with a twat's voice.

McG? McCunt more like.

Seriously, I could go on about this for a long, long time, but I am running out of enthusiasm to spend time slating this unimaginative, profit orientated, tedious sack of shit movie that performs the one impressive feat of making the third film enjoyable by comparison.

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