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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:57 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Ancient One
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Curfew - home invasion thriller, in which two brothers take revenge on the judge, the doctor and the district attorney who sentenced them to an asylum for the criminally insane. That this punishment was justified, is lear very soon because he brotehrs kill and maim almost everyone who gets in their way. Once they get to the family of the D.A., things get a bit more complicated, because one of the brothers feels something for the pretty daughter of the D.A., some jocks of her school enter the house while they are there, and the police finally gets a feeling that something might be wrong in their home. Entertaining but not very special, the acting is mediocre, the music is cheesy 80s (so if you like that you will have a nice time listening to this film) and alhough there is plenty of violence, the gore is not abundant. OK-ish, but there are (much) better home invasion films out there.

The Demons of Ludlow - another 80s cheesefest, but this one made me laugh more often. This is a target for bad movielovers, as there are nice and ridiculous sfx and also some fake make-up to make the demons right, and then there is the quite dumb ending. Effects are best., though, with the greenish hand reaching out and the lightbulbs flowing from the hands of the reporter near the end. The story is very superficial: in Ludlow, the community elebrates the 200th birthday of their town. For some reason, a piano from the days of the foundation is being sent back to the people, and while it is being played, it wakes up demons who then start to terrorize the townspeople. The main conversation between the mayor and the priest is about if and how to take action and it is very, very repetitive. This film is so repetitive, that there is even one scene which is being shown twice in it's entirety. Not sure whether this is the fault of the crappy VHS transfer, though. The ending is quite fantastic with a lot of the bad sfx I mentioned above. Recommended for bad moviefans.


PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 8:41 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Mirror Mirror - an old woman dies and her house is being emptied and sold. A diary, plus several books about occultism and black magic are found in a box standing next to an old mirror. The new owners of the house come from LA and move in because of the woman's psychiatric problems after the death of her husband. Her daughter has to fend for herself in her new highschool, which is not easy as she dresses in black and has a passion for the darker things in life: the popular girls pick on her from day one. Nikki is a nicer girl who tries to make her feel more comfortable, but soon the new girl discovers something sinister about the old mirror, which accidentally has been left behind in her new home. Together with what's inside the mirror, she can make things happen. At first it is a bit play-like, but it doesn't take long before things get more and more violent. OK film, with some good effects and a cast with a few familiar names like Karen Black and William Sanderson. I enjoyed this, it is not really original, because we have seen these teenager troubles before, but how the plot evolves has some nice touches and the way the beginning and the end are connected is very nice.


PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 7:24 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Robbers of the Sacred Mountain - aka Falcon's Gold. This movie is a blatant Indiana Jones rip-off, appearing the year after the first Indiana Jones film came out. Because of this we get an adventurefilm with an archaeology theme, riddled with bad guys hellbent on getting the archaeological treasures to do bad stuff with it. It opens with a scene in the 1930s where a convent is being raided: one monk succeeds in getting away with a gold treasure. Years later, in the 1980s, a mysterious visitor shows one of the gold tablets to an archaeologist in Mexico, who immediately calls his colleague who is excavating somewhere in the Middle East. This colleague, Dr Franco, determines it is a part of the lost treasure of Cavita and an expedition is sent to the jungle of Mexico to find the remainder of the treasure. Meanwhile, the biggest bad guy of all is planning to get that treasure in order to make a laserweapon out of it, which can silence all atomic weapons worldwide for one hour. Yes, that is ridiculous, but in this film anything goes. So with some threatening and some double crossing, he might even succeeed in his very evil plan. The story is a bit cliche and predictable, acting is OK-ish, some castmembers try to make something out of it but most extras are acting like dolls. Effects are surprisignly good, with few exceptions. The humour is a bit childish, overall this film is quite enjoyable but it never loses it's B-movie feeling and the heavy cloud of being a copycat keeps hanging over it until the end.


PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 3:58 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Scared to Death - Bela Lugosi is famous for his vampire roles and his black and white appearances. In this film, he doesn't do either of those: the film is colour (supposedly the only one, or one of just two colour films Lugosi ever made) and he plays a magician instead of a vampire. He does have his cape, though. Apart from Lugosi, this film doesn't offer anything interesting. The story is told by a dead woman on a slab in a morgue, and that in itself is quite original of course, it just doesn't add anything to the story itself. The plot is about how she died, and it involves a couple of doctors, reporters and the household maid. The humour is only funny for children, and also not quite fitting the film. Apart from Lugosi there is maybe one actor doing his job right, the rest is a caricature of stageplay. Avoid.

Caged Women - aka Caged: Le prede umane. This WIP film is made well after the golden days of Italian exploitation, namely in 1991. It bears many similarities to those days, though: a woman is on a holiday in a remote South American country when she gets arrested by a corrupt cop. She ends up in a prison on a deserted island, where the warden of course is out for lesbian sex, and the commander of the prison sells his inmates to rich people. First to have sex with them, later to hunt them down in the wild nature of he island. So it has everything you might expect from a good old WIP film, and it also shows some nice signs of bad filmmaking, like the scene where the two main female prisoners are in a cell out in the open: they sweat like hell and obviously suffer from the heat. However, one meter to their left is shadow from the wall, but they don't moive an inch. In another scene we get to see women leaving a prison group cell. Upon entering the cell, there are two groups of women lining the walls, when they leave the cell the walls are empty. So I had great fun watching this, the number of sexscenes got a little too high, it actually got a bit boring and repetitive! Still, recommended for bad moviefans.

Bite Me! - another Brett Piper film, this one is about a crate of marijuana which doesn't contain just the plants, but also some huge spiderlike creatures who jump on people and suck lots of blood from them. The crate is being brought to a stripjoint run by an Italian mobster, who puts it in the basement. From there, the little buggers can invade the entire stripjoint and suck on the strippers and the audience alike. Not sure whetehr the animals were cghi or not, but they looked cool in any case. Acting is somewhat Ok considering the budget and there are enough naked women and gory encounters to enjoy. Storywise etc there is not much to tell, but this one is recommended for bad moviefans for sure.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 9:32 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Revenge - the sequel to Blood Cult, it picks up where part one ends, and this one was actually better. In this film, the cult thing was put way more forward, so this is more an occultish movie than a slasher, although there are a good many people who get killed in various ways. The cliches of satanistic cults (or in this case, the cult for some dog-god, Caninus) are also there, but they weren't bothering me so much. Atmosphere is OK, acting is still bad: I actually felt sorry for John Carradine, who could barely speak his lines or move his hands because of his illness by that time. The twist is ridiculous, but I still had fun. I still wonder though what the cultmembers were in the final scene, they looked a bit like minions from hell. There are also several plotholes, like that one cultmember who stays unknown but has telekinetic powers to be afraid of: still, he doesn't play a significant role in the cult as a whole, it seems. Well, a B-mobie it is, but it was much more entertaining than part one.


PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 9:25 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Dark Eyes of London - aka The Human Monster. Another Bela Lugosi film, in which he is an assurance company owner this time. A Scotland Yard cop without much experience and even less credit with his boss, gets an American partner because of an exchange project between London and Chicago or something like that. The cop has to solve a case in which several people have been found drowned in the Thames, and of ccourse there is a link to the insurance company. This 1939 film is what you might expect from a B&W murder mystery from those times, but it also has a nice twist near the final scene which actually surprised me a bit. Acting is OK, the comical notes are only comical in the 30s, but the story is good and like I said, the twist gives it a nice little extra.

The Strangeness - a group of explorers goes to an abandoned mine called "The Golden Spike" to see if it is still exploitable. Rumour has it that the mine was closed because the miners refused to go down after a few incidents involving ghosts or monsters. Of course the modern 80s people don't believe in that kind of stuff except maybe the guy who wants to write a book about the mine. The leader of the group, a representative of a big company who is only interested in the revenue this all might give, laughs it away as superstition, but of course, once they are down there and a cave in happenss, they find out that the stories were not so strange after all. The monster looks cool, it is one of the best stopmotion-o-sauruses I have ever seen, and it alone gives enough reason to go and watch it if you like bad movies. The rest of the movie is not so bad, except maybe for the title which is a bit weird. I had good fun, so recommended for SBiG guys.


PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:10 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Sleepover Nightmare - cliche slasher, according to some reviews it's making was funded by the Canadian government. Well, it is a good argument for Canadian taxpayers to demand their money back. This film brings nothing new, except maybe for the bum-rub, which I had never seen before in a film or heard of in real life. But as you might expect, that is nothing really groundbreaking, so besides some OK kills (most happen off screen) and some shaky effects, there is nothing special about this film.

Hobgoblins - wow, this was a real bad taste treat! In an abandoned studio, an elderly security guard who walks around like he has shit his pants, has a vault with some alien creatures in it. These Gremlin lookalike handpuppets make yor wildest dreams come true, and then they kill you. According to the manual you have to kill them before the fantasy ends, and then the victim may live. A newly hired security guard (the partner of the elderly one) sets out to save the earth and kill these hobgoblins. Of course he drives straight to the house of one of his friends and oh, coincidence: the critters are actually there! In a drive to prove to his girlfriend that he can be a hero he tries hard to fulfill his mission, but not only the creatures, but also other people are making it a tough one for him. Apart from the ridiculous story and the fact that this is a blatant rip-off of Gremlins, there are numerous weird acts by characters, many unintentionally funny dialogues (Elderly guard: "There is a part of these buildongs that I want you to stay away from." Walks -literally- three steps in the same corridor, and says: "This is the part I was talking about.") and of course the monster effects. I didn't spot a hand, but there were some scenes in which it came close. What you can do with your friends apart from spotting the goofs and laugh about the dialogue, is a bet on the total number of Hobgoblins. I'd be surprised if anyone wins. In the final scene there is actually one good joke, but the rest of the film is one of the biggest jokes I have seen lately: I laughed out loud frequently. Highly recommended for bad moviefans!


PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 1:50 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Beyond Darkness - aka La Casa 5. The last of the La Casa movies I didn't have in my collection, so I'm complete now :) This one is directed by Claudio Fragassao (of Troll 2 fame), and it's a mix between Amityville Horror and The Exorcist, but of course with the inevitable B-movie feeling that so many Italo films have over them. A reverend and his family move into a new home in which nobody has lived for a long time. His son is played by the same obnoxious kid who is the main character in Troll 2, but fortunately he is not half as obnoxious as in that film. He still can't really act, though. The reason why nobody wants to live in the house, is that it is built on the spot where twenty witches have been burnt at the stake in the past. Of course this results in hauntings, and the reverend seeks help but doesn't get any at the church. So he ends up using the support of a drunk ex-priest who used to exorcise for a living. The spirits however, aren't that easily beaten so a battle begins, with the reverend's family as a prize. This is the "best" Fragasso movie I have seen, the number of ridiculous effects and character behaviour is minimal. Some stuff is actually done nicely, like the appearance of the schoolteacher resembling the woman on death row in the beginning of the film (same actress of course, but still a nice detail). There is actually only one part where the film almost spins out of control, and that is when
the boy is being possessed, it is totally unconvincing
Quite enjoyable, less cheesy than La Casa 4, but not a great film or anything. Good choice for Italo fans.

The Day The Earth Stood Still - best B&W scifi movie I have seen in a long time. The story has become a classic: a spaceship lands in Washington to warn the earth of impending doom: when humanity doesn't stop waging war with nuclear weaponry, the other planets in the universe will simply destroy earth to save themselves. This mesage is brought to earth by Klaatu, an alien who has a suspiciously big resemblance to a normal man. He wants to tell everyone on earth, not just one leader or one group of nations. To make a meeting happen between all wold leaders in the 50s was quite a task, so Klaatu tries something else. He also wants to get to know humanity, to learn where their "dumb thinking" comes from. So he moves among the people and visits several places, helps a professor solve a superdifficult math probem and becomes the interest of affection of the mother whose son is his personal guide in town. He also gets in trouble because the humans are very suspicious and think he is very dangerous. The message lies heavily over this film, it's almost too much to bear, but maybe people in the 50s needed it that obvious, i don't know. Acting is good, effects are very tolerable: both the spaceship and the robot look nice. No typical rubber monstersuit stuff in this one, like I said, a good film. Recommended.


PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 9:24 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Trauma - aka Enigma Rosso. In this giallo, Fabio Testi is a police investigator who gets to deal with a murder in a girl's private school. Reputations are important but fragile, as it turns out during the investigation: when he gets to a certain house where older men get their hands on young girls, everything is hush-hush. After more murders and more clues which lead to nothing, some old-fashioned polciework brings the case to a close. I guessed part of the plot right, but the other part was a bit too ridiculous for anyone to guess. Also what follows is quite unbelievabe, but that's giallo for you. Music OK, acting also OK(-ish). Unfortunately the Full Moon's Grindhouse release is full frame with the sides being cut, which is a bit annoying in some scenes where a person is entirely missing from the frame. Still, a nice film, I enjoyed it. Recommended for Italo fans.

The Nun and The Devil - pretty complete nunsploitation, with torture by the inquisition and both lesbian and heterosexual sexscenes. The story also holds a message against corruption (in this case in the church), as the story is about a convent in Sant'Angelo where the succession of the mother superior is a hot topic. The bishop must intervene after some rival sisters have ratted on each other in anonymous letters. Intrigues develop and intertwine, and the inquisition has to come and deal with the matter in it's familiar way. Acting is OK for some castmembers, and quite wooden for others. Music is particularly loud compared to the dialogue, a bit annoying. With lots of nakedness and torture, this is one of the best examples of nunsploitation. Recommended for bad moviefans.

White Zombie - the ancient mother of all zombiefilms. Saw it as a curiosity, because as a film it is very underwhelming. Scenes appear a lot like theater stageplay, with the accompanying make up from the silent era. The story is very shallow: a man falls in ove with a woman who is about to marry her fiancé. This man now tries to get the girl for himself and therefore he resorts to some sort of a witchdoctor (Lugosi) who gives him a potion. This turns the girl into a zombie. Not the ones you know from the plethora of zombiemovies made since the 70s, but the Haitian ones: mindless and emotionless creatures who don't speak but just follow orders. The man regrets his actions and wants an antidote, and the fiancé has to get his girl back. Some curiosities pass, like the only black person in the film with more than a few lines of dialogue who is played by a white guy painted black. Nice to have seen once, but I don't wanna watch it again.


PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:22 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Reconnoiter - scifi film with only one actor. He is a pilot on a spaceship travelling through space and finally arriving at a planet. The journey itself is portrayed shortly, the majority of the film is set on said planet. The pilot has to orbit the planet but problems force him to crashland on it. Now he has to find out how he can get home, but all he finds are robots, which seem to be hostile instead of helpful. It is surprisingly entertaining at first, espeecially since there is only one human on screen, bbut after a while it starts to get boring. He runs and hides, trying to find cues about his whereabouts, and the hints are overly obvious and make for a very cheesy plot twist
he is not on a far away planet, he is on earth, after WWIII has destroyed everything in a series of nuclear assaults
While this itself is not even that bad, it is being presented in a way that you might think "oh, riiight". If it was executed differently, it might have been brilliant. Although the runtime is not that long, it feels longer which is never a good sign. You might give it a go, but beware of a bit of boredom.

Alligator II: the mutation - sequel to Alligator. This one also has all cliches of a monsterfilm: chemicals being dumped causing an animal to grow to monstersize, a huge project to help the town grow economically, a shady businessman behind it who goes to extremes to make it all work and of course the alligator spoiling the fun. There is a cop in this one with the nickname Solo Lobo (a crappy Spanish translation of Lone Wolf) which he earned because he is liked by the Latino commnity, and he will save the day on this one, together with his rookie partner, who also gains the mayor's daughter as a girlfriend. And they all lived happily ever after. Acting OK-ish, I liked the presence of Richard Lynch as an alligatorhunter. The croc looks great, much better than the cgi one in Freshwater or the puppet one in Killer Crocodile. If you don't raise your expectations too high, you might have a fun time watching this.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 9:10 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Blood Massacre - great B-movie by Don Dohler, the man who gave us movies like The Alien Factor and The Galaxy Invader. This one doesn't have aliens but it does have a gang of wild Vietnam vets who go on a rampage but get the tables turned on them. Lots of gore, little story and acting which is mediocre at best. A whold lot if fun for bad moviefans!

Women from Cellblock 9 - another Jess Franco WIP film in which a bunch of women get caught by the government and accused of helping out some rebel group. The usual stuff follows, although the torturing device has some originality. Infamous for having underaged Susan Hemingway running around naked, this movie doesn't add a lot to the exploitation genre content wise but it is a very nice example of this type of film. So if you wanna get to know WIP, pick this one. Recommended for bad moviefans.

Shock-O-Rama - anthology with three stories by Brett Piper. The cast consists of several Piper regulars, like Sylvianne Chebance, Rob Monkiewicz, Julian Wells and of course Misty Mundae. The first story has Mundae as a horrorfilm actress wo gets fired and retreats to a remote cabin where she actually meets a zombie. The second story is shown in a film where her ex-director is looking at in his studio: a couple have to fight off aliens in the scrapyard where the guy is working. The third story is another film-in-a-film, in which a doctor conducts dream experiments on women in order to create an independent superbrain. A whole lot of fun if you like B-movies, so this is another recommendation for bad moviefans.


PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:12 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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May - film by Lucky McKee, that guy who makes a little weird films, and this is exactly one of those. The main character is also very weird: she is called May and she never had any real friends because she had a lazy eye which was treated with an eyepatch. She also had a very bossy and overprotective mother, who gave her a doll when she was little, but she wasn't allowed to take it out off the box because it was "special". May makes this doll her only friend, and when she has grown up and the eye is somewhat fixed with contact lenses, she starts dating a guy she has been eyeing for a while. Of course her weirdness comes out all the time so the guy has trouble dealing with it. So then May tries to befriend her lesbian colleague, and then some other people, but when she feels let down by each and every one of them, she takes a very blooddy revenge. It takes a while before you get to this violent finale, but it is worth the wait: the build up in this film is very good, you can almost feel the desperation of May. Acting is great, music could have been better. This film is a thriller with some horror elements near the end, but I can still safely recommend this to horrorfans, simply because it is a good movie.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 2:55 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Satan's Blade - early 80s slasher with bad acting and lots of bright red blood. The story is about two groups renting a cabin on the slopes of a mountain, where a legend goes about some creature murdering anyone present on "his" mountain. Both groups don't pay much attention to it, but when on the group of women one girlg ets killed, panic breaks out. The other group tries to help the girls, but the killer is quite relentless. The plot twist is ridiculous, the open ending to make a sequel possible is a bit hilarious. Not too much of a budget I guess, the one time actors are doing a contest who can look into the camera with the least emotions possible almot throughout the film. I had fun laughing at that and also at the funny dialogue. The fact that this is "satan's" blade is only supported in one very short scene near the end. A good thing about this one is that
everyone dies
which is a nice change of the usual sequence in films like this. Recommended for fans of 80s slashers and a little recommendation to bad moviefans too.

Convict 762 - 90s scifi about a spaceship with an all female crew who almost crashland on a planet. With damaged fueltanks, they have to make an emergency stop in a penal colony to refuel. In this colony there has been a revolt and only two guys have survived the onslaught. A mysterious inmate called 762 now has to be apprehended because he murdered everyone. The problem is that the women don't know who this 762 is. This film has crappy outside sfx looking like the early computergames, so you can be amazed by the fact that the filmmakers actually thought that people might accept this. Although everything happens in outer space, and there is a mention on the DVD cover about "not being alone", there is no sign of any alien, which is a bit disappointing. Not bad for a B-movie, but nothing very memorable either.

The Beast with 1,000,000 Eyes - 50s scifi monsterflick which takes the cake in misleading the audience. Although both the title and the poster mention a fantastic beast (with a million eyes no less), there is no such thing in the entire film. Usually you get disappointed by these films because they only show the monster in the last 5 minutes, but here there is no monster at all! Everything alien in this film is a little tin can in a hole in the ground sending out noises, and this way the "alien" influences the minds of animals which are gonna act weird. That's what the film is about and it is really a waste of time because of it's boringness.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:11 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Hatchet II - nice, gory and at times funny slasher. Takes off where part one ended, and is a true sequel in that way. Victor Crowley will be hunted down in his swamp once more, this time because Reverend Zombie wants to organise tours in the swamp to make money. Marybeth, the survivor from part one, is hellbent on taking revenge and bringing home the bodies of her family. The new hunting party conains all the cliche people: from the blonde girl to the redneck and the funny black guy. They will all know what Victor Crowley looks like: for a very short time. I had great fun, especially because it is very gory and the kills are sometimes hilarious. The humour was a bit more sparse than in part one, but it was still good enough. Recommended. I already ordered part three, but I noticed it is not an Adam Green film anymore, shame.

Livid - aka Livide. From the makers of Inside (A L'Interieur) comes this pretty simple yet very effective horrorfilm. The story is about a girl going to work as a home nurse for elderly people together with a woman seasoned in the business. When the woman tells the girl about some hidden treasure in the mansion of an old lady who never leaves her bed, she returns with her boyfriend and his brother to share in the riches. However, the treasure is not what they expect and it turns out that the mansion not only houses the woman in the bed... Atmosphere is good, I felt actyually a bit scared in the part where they first enter the house. Later it becomes a tad more straightforward, so the scares diminish then, but still quite a feat to give me that feeling. The gore is great and there is quite some of it. The story behind the old woman and the treasure is quite cool and interesting, but in the end the film goes a bit over the top, especially in the part where
the girl tries to escape with the daughter of the old lady and the house is drifting in thin air, on some floating island or something - way too much fabntasy there. That was also after you find out that the girl will make it, while in the part before, where she gets her eyes sown shut, you might get that desperate feeling that some flms give you: this will never end well.
So while the ending is a bit too much and could have been way better imo, this film is still, a good one and I recommend it, maybe even highly.


PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 8:22 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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La Sombra de Nadie - Spanish ghosthorror from 2006 which ticks all boxes for Spanish ghost horrors. The story is about a girl being found, drowned in a swamp near a boarding school. Threatened by closure, the headmistress wants to prevent any other incidents from happening, but soon another girl shows weird behaviour, starting with her sitting on a ledge of a window on the topfloor, where she couldn't have come all on her own: still she claims that she was alone. Meanwhile, a man rents an attic in an old woman's house in the vilage near the school. He plans on painting the room and then live in it for a while, but he gets involved in the school's problems. Of course he has his own story too, and the two stories start intertwining and in the end there is something behind almost every person in the story. This plot is very well written: it has multiple angles, there are plots and subplots being interwoven very flexibly. It has all ingredients: mystery, ghosts, scary moments, gripping atmosphere, the emotional detail (especially for those who have kids). If you are familiar with this type of film youi might not see anything new, but it is very well executed. I wonder why this film isn't so well known, at least I didn't hear about until I saw it was for sale on some DVD sale site. I recommend this one highly, not in the least because it succceeded in giving me the creep repeatedly: the goosebumps stayed on for quite a while.

Survivor - this is a bit of a pitiful attempt at making a postapocalyptyic film in the wake of Mad Max. The film starts out with one guy remembering, and everything he thinks of is presented to you by a voice over. This means that nobody is actually talking in this film until we are almost halfway through: I thought that was quite annoying. After he has caught up with his memories, he falls in love with the oly available woman, and when she is being idnapped the other day by some minions of a guy called Kragg, the hero goes after them to liberate her. Of course he ends up having to fight all baddies inluding Kragg himself. A bad flashback to "beyond Thunderdome" came over me while I watched this part which plays out in a factory-like building underground. Acting was exaggerated at best, story was cliche and uninteresting. I think this film is only for postapocalyptic completionists.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 9:17 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Just For The Hell Of It - H.G. Lewis film which is not horror but a film about violent gangs terrorizing people because they have nothing else to do (hence the title). Actually the entire film is a chain of bashings and other mischievous behaviour which ranges from tackling a blind guy and stealing his cane to dumping a baby in a trashcan while destroyibg it's babycart. There is one guy who fights back though, and the gang has a tough nut to crack with him. The film made me think of Clockwork Orange without the deeper layers of that film. The ending states that this is "the end of this story, but not the end of violence". Acting is mediocre at best, dialogue is average and also often avoided (you will see the characters move their mouths but there is no sound or just music). Weird film, I watched it because it was a Lewis film, I wouldn't know why you would watch this film otherwise.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 10:06 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Ancient One
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Enemy Mine - scifi about a war between the humans and the Dracs, a reptilian people from a distant galaxy. In a dogfight, human pilot Willis Davidge has to make an emergency landing after shooting down a Drac fighter. When he is the only survivor, Willis goes to explore the planet where he has landed and soon he finds out about the Drac's crashsite. At first he wants revenge for his dead crewman, but when he fails, he is being captured by the Drac. After a while, a partnership develops, and then friendship. Davidge and Jeriba (the Drac) fight monsters together, seek shelter against meteors together and learn of each other's civilizations. Their friendship goes beyond death and into the future as things develop and both humans and Dracs have to face the consequences. Nice scifi adventure, acting is great and surroundings look pretty cool for 1985. Only the meteors look a bit meh, the rest is quite amazing. It has a bit Spielbergian emotional stuff, but overall this was a nice film, one which I'm gonna show to my kids later, as it also has a good (albeit a bit corny) message. Recommended.


PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:14 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Byleth - weird Italo film which holds the middle between a giallo, a Gothic hirror and a sexploitation. The story is set around 1850 and is about a young nobleman returning home to his sister about whom he finds out she got married while he was away. He sees this as some sort of betrayal because they were very close in their youth and he has incestuous feelings for her. After his arrival some people turn up dead: a whore and a maid among others. Is he killing out of frustration or is he possessed by Byleth, the demon of incest, aa suggested by the local priest? Atmosphere is tense, you cann almost feel the emotions and the sexual lust. Acting is OK but sometimes kind of exaggerated. Music is good and cinematography is great as in most Italian films. Recommended for Italo fans. Bear in mind this is an unusual film.

The Night of the Devils - aka La Note dei Diavoli. A Giorgio Ferroni (Mill of the Stone Women) film about the Wurdulak, the creature which was also the center of attention in Black Sabbath by Bava. In this one, a man is found near the border of Italy: he is hurt and suffers from amnesia, so the doctors are trying to find ot who he is., Throuigh flashbacks we get to see how he got in such a shape. While visiting Yugoslavia he ends up with car trouble in the middle of a forest. The only people present are a family who love a solitary life in the forest, some half century in the past, too. There is no modern equipment in their home which the man finds out when he has to take shelter there.In the night, the terror from the forest comes and visits the house, trying to take over the inhabitants: this is the Wurdulak. Can the man help the family in their struggle against this evil, or how did he end up wounded near the Italian border? Acting is good in this film, just like the music and the atmosphere, all are great. I had fun with the mysterious events happening around the cabin, because of the title I thought it would be more about satanic cults, but it wasn't and I wasn't disappointed in the least. Very nice example of Italian filmmaking, recommended.

Superstarlet A.D. - crazy Troma film about a future where men have devolved into cavemen and women are split into factions depending on hair colour. These factions wage war against each other and when they aren't fighting or having witty dialogue, they sing starnge songs about hoew good they arfe and how bad the other girls are. They caa\rry around weapon which are way too big to be practical and there is some intrigue in the plot to spice things up a bit. I couldn't follow all the time, but I think the main reason to make this film was to show women in old-fashioned underwear carrying filmreels on their backs. If that's your thing you must give this a watch. I thought it was all rather strange, but since I like films who do strange things I wasn't let down in any way. Go for it if you want to se something odd and different. Quote of the day from this film: "I wonder what things would be like if they were different."


PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:37 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Mad Foxes - aka Los Violadores. A man driving a Corvette Stingray kisses the girl next tpo him at a traffic light when he is being harassed by a motorgang. In the following chase one of the bikers dies and then it's war between Hal (the man) and the gang. The rest of the film is about the violence erupting between the two sides and their allies. Hal for example enlists the help of a school for eastern fighting arts so the gang gets kickboxed and taekwondoe'd (is that a word?) to smithereens and the leader of the gang loses his member to a sharp knife. Revenge is harsh with grenades and automatic arms fire in the school leaving a pile of dead on the floor. Hal fights on and makes love inbetween with several women (not in the least because the first girl is in the hospital after having been raped). Some of the scenes are quite hilarious, like the one with the dominatrix and one of the bikers. The film is not really a story but a chain of fights, but I still enjoyed it because it was so strange at times. The violence is quite heavy, so this is not one for the entire family. For exploitation fans this is a nice treat.


PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 5:01 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Killer Crocodile 2 - this was more of the same. It starts where part one left off, so the egg hatches and the dumping of radioactive waste continues so the hatched crodocile becomes huge too, like his mother. A femnale reporter is sent to the area to investigate and she gets help from the hero of part one. Music is from Riz Ortolani again, the croc is the same model, etc. What set this one apart a very tiny little bit is the scene in which the crocodile
kills a bunch of guys inside a cabin by breaking it's body through the wall, getting stuck and then dragging the cabin with itself back into the water
Of course the croc needs some extreme measures to kill it again, and this time it's a bit less hilarious than in part one. Where part one gave me frequent laughs, this one is just a bit too repetitive. If you have the choice, pick part one.


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