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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 4:21 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Had a friend over, so watched this:

Behind Convent Walls - director is Polish, but it's an Italian movie, a classic example of 70s nunsploitation: in a convent (which resembles the convent from "Images from a Convent" by D'Amato) the mother superior is watching over her nuns who are constantly being seduced by the outside world in the shape of men visiting the convent. Of course there is sex, with and without the men and past halftime there is even an attempt at making a storyline with high clergy coming to the convent because of a murdercase. This gives some original twist to this otherwise pretty mediocre nunsploitation. Had fun watching the creative ways of the nuns to get what they want though. Recommended for Italo fans.

Evil Judgment - a young girl gets into trouble when her boyfriend doesn't tolerate her passing time with a hooker any longer and he kicks her out. She seeks refuge with said hooker and of course the hooker has a job for her. They visit an old man, and together they enter his mansion but apart from the girl being super uncomfortable with the situation, there is also some other danger lurking around: a killer is on the loose, slicing throats whenever he gets the chance. The girl escapes and seeks shelter with the boyfriend who is trying to help solve the case but in turn is being judged a suspect. There is some attempt at making a sort of intelligent plot, but there are some holes which can't be plugged and the whole double identity thing is a trainwreck to be honest. Moer a thriller than a horror, this is a bad movie but not one to have a lot of fun with. I could have known because it's from Substance label, but you can't be sure until you have watched it. I'd avoid this one.


PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 1:17 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Shrunken Heads - sometimes I am really in the mood for a certain type of film and this time I was in the mood for some Full Moon nonsense. So I slid this flick into the DVD player, had some good stuff on the side and sat back and relaxed while enjoying the show. It was very different from what I expected, seeing the cover and reading the title I was expecting some sort of supernatural stuff, and although it did come eventually, it took way longer than I expected. Before the supernatural started, the film was more some sort of coming of age film about three friends in their early teens being bullied by a gang in their late teens / early twenties. A salesman in the neighbourhood used to be a policeman in Haiti and he also knows his voodoo stuff so when the teens are shot dead by the gang, he brings them back to life in the form of the shrunken heads. Gifted with an ability each (one has a knife in his mouth to slit throats, one has vampire fangs and one has an electric beam coming from his head), they transform bad guys into mindless zombies who feel compelled to clean up garbage and other useful and nice stuff. Of course they will go after the gang now, and even after the big boss behind it. Typical Full Moon nonsense, with the heads pretty badly cut into the imagery, but no stop motion little monsters this time. I still had a lot of fun, so if you go in with low expectations you'll enjoy it. Bad moviefans might have fun with it too, especially in the flying heads scenes.


PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 11:39 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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VFW - When I watched this, I had just come home from a metal festival and this is the perfect film to watch in such a situation. The abbreviation in the title stands for Veterans of Foregn Wars, and it's about a bar where these vets gather to tell stories of the past and have too many drinks. The vets (some oldtimers like Stephen Lang and Fred Williamson) are being confronted with a conflict outside though: a young girl runs into their bar with a bag full of drugs, belonging to a crimeboss who killed her sister. So when the minions of the crimeboss enter the bar to come and get her, the vets chime in and they blow off the head of one of them/. Turns out he is the little brother of the crimeboss, so now the game is on. Lots of violence, lots of gore and very little in depth storyline but that was just what I wanted of a movie that night. I thoroughly enjoyed it even though it's not the best film I have ever seen, but my state of mind and the movie just came together at the right time. I'm sure that if you like vigilante films, or are just in for some mindless gore., then you will enjoy this too. And of course if you just came home from a metal festival, then too.


PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 11:12 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Contratiempo (aka. The Invisible Guest) (2016): Spanish crime drama. A rich man wakes up inside a hotel room with a dead girl next to him. He claims to have not killed the girl but was found by the police with the room locked form the inside. While all the evidence is against him and his time is running out as the court hearing approaches he teams up with a famous lawyer and they try to reconstruct what happened that evening and who could be framing him. Lots of plot twists in this one and of course you have the biggest one at the ending. Didn't see it coming. Great movie.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:10 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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8 - aka The Soul Collector. An old man dies and his farm gets inherited by his son William and his wife Sarah, who are taking care of Mary, their niece. They soon get visited by what seems to be a local man, he calls himself Lazarus and tells them he worked for William's father and he is offering his help on the farm. Sarah is suspecting the man to be more than he tells them, but both William and Mary like him so he gets to stay in the shed on the farm. The locals don't react well to his presence though, is Sarah right about being cautious or is she overreacting? Strange things start happening and you as the viewer know why before the characters do, and in a way that is a bit of a shame because it takes away some of the suspense. It's not a groundbreaking film, but it's interesting to watch something South African made for a change. I had fun, a bit more gore and/or suspense would have been nice though.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 10:25 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Collapse of the Living Dead - aka Collapse. A man called Robert is at the doctor, picking up his wife Molly. They recently lost their daughter, and their farming business is going badly. While Robert is trying to take care of his family, things are going from bad to worse as one of his co-workers first tells him he is gonna quit and not much later he is being attacked by a zombie. Robert's son Will is also being bitten so they take him inside to try and give him medical assistance. Robert goes into town to get help but the town is overrun by zombies, so he hauls up in their home, fighting it out with the undead hordes. There are some nice references to other zombiemovies like Night of the Living Dead: the scenes in the house reminded me of that film. Also the fact that the zombies appear out of nowhere without any explanation is pretty Romero-esque. Atmosphere is OK, acting is good and you might wonder why some characters are acting like they do in this film, but then you just have to wait until the final scenes because it has an interesting twist which explains all that. Nicely done, pretty original and also enjoyable. Recommended.


PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:59 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Eternal - my DVD is German and it's called Eternal Shades of the Bloody Sex which is so bad it's good in itself. This movie is Canadian and it's a story based on the legend of Elizabeth Bathory. A cop's wife disappears and he starts an investigation. He meets a mysterious woman in a mansion and she tries to enchant him, but when that fails, she resorts to more extreme measures to shake him off: she can't have the police following her ways around. Her sidekick provides her with her needs and when the ground egts too hot they escape to Europe where the cop ends up in the same costumed ball as them: now the shit is going down for real. This was actually pretty OK: the Bathory story is a nice background and atmosphere, acting and effects are all good enough. Of course there are some characters whuch do stuff which is rather dumb, but overall this was enjoyable. So if you are into vampire-esque movies, then check out this one. Be aware of the fact there aren't any "real" vampires in it though.

Alien Expedition - bought this one because the trailer looked so fake. In this scifi a guy gets command over a group of commandos to explore a planet and the planet turns out to be the home of some fantasy dinosaurlike creatures. So after they land they encounter these monsters which eat the members of the party one by one. I slept through part of it but it felt I didn't miss much, at least I could pick up the "story" without any trouble later. Acting was mediocre at best and effects were cgi, although I have seen worse. This one is better to watch with friends and a keg of beer and/ or other mind expanding goodies. For bad moviefans only.


PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 8:37 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Blood Bags - modern Italo horror with giallo-esque elements. The story is about Tracy, a nerdy American girl studying in Turin who wants to become a photographer. Her friend Petra wants to enjoy life and love a lot more but she agrees to go with Tracy to some old houses in the hills around the city to take pictures. When they break into a house to shoot some photographs, they find out it's not as empty as they assumed... I enjoyed this one more than I had expected. I took a bit of a gamble by buying this, hoping it would revive a bit of the fame the Italian cinema had in the 70s and 80s. It's of course not the same, but it comes close enough: atmosphere was spot on in most scenes (some exceptions, like the scenes with the policemen in their car) and acting was OK. The Italian actors spoke English and Italian depending on the situation mostly, and their English was quite good. Effects were OK, there is enough gore to go around and in the first half of the film the killings are surrounded by mystery which makes for the giallo-like stuff. Nice. The ending was a bit of a letdown to me, but I can forgive the director for it because everything before that was pretty well done. Recommended, especially for Italo fans.


PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 9:19 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Now I'm watching The Martian

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 1:49 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Alone (2020): More a thriller than a horror movie about a woman that is traveling with her car and a trailer. On the road she is kidnapped by a man that locks her up in the cellar of a cabin in the woods. She manages to escape but is hunted by the man who turns out to be a serial killer. This is a low budget effort with mostly unknown actors to me. Nothing special but does the job well so quite watchable if there is nothing else to do.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 10:58 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Split Second (1992): Sci-fi action horror with Rutger Hauer. I was planing to watch this for a long time but somehow forgot about it. Movie is set in 2008, London which is over-flooded because of the consequences of global warming - looks like they were too pessimistic back then. There is a killer on the lose ripping out peoples hearts and it's Rutger Hauer's duty to capture it. I write "it" because the killer turns out to be some sort of huge creature with long sharp claws, which is not a big spoiler because you can see this creature on the cover of the DVD. I liked the pretty dark atmosphere of the movie and the creature design. What I didn't like was that the killer was pretty dumb imho. It had so many chances to kill everybody given its huge physical advantages which it didn't use. The entire final battle made no sense to me. Also it wasn't really explained where the creature came from. If you are a big sci-fi horror or Rutger Hauer fan then I would recommend it. Otherwise I would pass on this one.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:53 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Gonna check out Split Second, thanks!

Strange Nature - Kim Sweet (played by the not so long ago deceased Lisa Sheridan) returns to her hometown as an adult, after she left as a teenager to try and make it in the world of pop music. Her cause is the fatal cancer her dad has been diagnosed with, and she is gonna take care of him. Her son has to adapt to a life in nature instead of being a city dweller. Not so long after they arrive, frogs with weird shapes are being found: some have six legs, others have two heads, etc. Along with some other info this gives Kim the idea that a local pesticide factory is the cause of all this, but the mayor (Stephen Tobolowsky) doesn't want to interfere as it would mean bad publicity and a blow to the local economy. After the frogs, the deformations spread to other organisms, even humans... What does it take to make people realize what's going on, and can Kim save her boy and her new love interest from the deformed organisms which run around looking for flesh? Pretty standard creature feature, the cliches are overabundant, at one point Kim even says "you sound like a movie mayor!" which was rather funny I must admit. There is a nice appearance of Tiffany Shepis although it's really short. Acting is OKish, interlaced with overacting. Atmosphere is a tad meh, but the deformed creatures look pretty cool. The reactions of the townspeople to all this are rather extreme as in that they keep taking and taking in bad info and don't intend to do anything about it. If you like creature features and are in for about one thousand cliches, this one's for you. Bad moviefans might enjoy it for the creatures, especially the human ones.


PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:41 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Terrifier (2017): Pretty gory Halloween horror movie with the tagline "Makes Pennywise look like Krusty". Two chicks walk away from a Halloween party and are molested by a clown in a black/white costume that I really liked. First the clown is only teasing them, but soon all hell breaks loose and people get decapitated. Nice gore effects with almost no CGI. Some "funny" kills, like a girl hanging upside down and getting cut in two with a saw from top to bottom starting at her p-sleeve. Acting was OK for a quite low budget movie. Story was clearly not so important in this one. Typically not something that I watch or enjoy. I saw that they recently did a sequel which even has a high rating on IMDb than this movie.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 1:44 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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elchupacabra wrote:
Terrifier (2017)
Enjoyed that one too, the firearm was a letdown to me though: imo a killer should always use a knife or an axe or something.

Savage Love - an Ittenbach movie that I found by coincidence. The early Ittenbacjs were quite fantastic, with lots of gore and stories which were mediocre at best but the gore and the craziness made up for that. Seems like Olaf is getting a bit older, because there is still much gore but it can't make up for the deficit of a good story anymore. This one is a nice example of that: the story is so uninteresting that you really need bucketloads of gore to have at least some level of enjoyment, but it's barely enough. The story is about two guys going to a kinky party, one is taking lots of drugs and the other is being a bit cynical about it. When they are at the party, it turns out that all these kinky ladies are some kind of demons who start attacking the guys. This is a blatant From Dusk Till Dawn ripoff, and not very well done.There is a mysterious figure at the party who turns out to be some holy warrior fighting the demons and they simply shoot all demons. The end. Very flat, annoying characters, only a few good looking ladies and gore but should have been more. I'd pass this one on and only if you are an Ittenbach completist I 'd give it a watch, his earlier works are much more enjoyable imo.


PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 7:20 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Dead Again (1991): Reincarnation karma thriller with and from Kenneth Branagh. A woman is supposedly killed by her husband who is then sentenced to death and executed. 40 years later fate reunites them in another love affair. Unbeknownst to them the real killer of the wife finds this out. As the killer fears that the trauma of their past deaths might get activated by their "reunion" and somehow bleed into the present leading to his exposure, he plots out another plan to kill them again. Starts out really slow and takes its time. For me the first half was almost boring. But the second half makes up for it, and once all the pieces of the puzzle fit together, you are rewarded with an ironic ending.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 6:03 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Silent Night - Santa slasher which I watched just after Xmas. Jaime King is a deputy sheriff Aubrey Bradimore and she is suffering from the loss of her husband, meanwhile her town is gearing up for Christmas, with the grand parade of Santas where the mayor will be attending. Before this alls tarts rolling though, she and the sheriff (a nicely cynical Malcolm McDowell) find out there is a killer on the loose dressed as Santa, disposing of sinners as he pleases. So drugdealers, nude models, fornicators etc are all met with a very unpelasant ending: Santa uses electricity, axes and even a flamethrower to end the lives of his victims. Guessing who this Santa is will not take you anywhere, but it's an OK movie to watch during the season. Acting is mediocre mostly, with McDowell being a positive exception. Some of the kills are pretty gory, others are quite tame. If you like murdering Santas, this one is for you, but if you are new to the subgenre I'd advise to start with a different one.


PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 12:29 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Helter Skelter - a pretty long movie on the Charles Manson "family" and the Tate murders and some other cases the family were involved in. Starring Clea Duvall, several Band of Brothers  actors and the guy who plays Howard Hamlin in BCS, this is quite a complete overview of the events end 1960s beginning 1970s, where you get a good glimpse of the "power" Manson had over other people and at the same time what kind of an obnoxious guy he was, thinking he would totally make it in the music scene. How the family members are turned and brainwashed is nicely portrayed, the murders are brutal, even though you already know how they went. Performances of the cast are pretty good, the atmosphere of the late 60s was lacking a tad in my humble opinion, but overall this is quite a good movie, the horror being in the real events which took place in Hollywood back then. If you can sit through 2 hours and 15 minutes, give it a chance.

Dark Glasses - the latest Argento film, and although he has been over his prime for a while now, I enjoyed this one better than the previous two he made before this one. The story is about Diana, a prostitute (played by Ilenia Pastorelli, who is rather gorgeous) who gets into a car crash and loses her sight. She now has to relearn how to live and work, and she gets help by a guiding dog. She also gets assistance from an unlikely ally: the son of the parents who were also victims of the crash. This bond between those two is what makes this film interesting and you can see the character development in Diana regarding this. Meanwhile they have to escape the maniac who drove her into the car crash in the first place: he is not bound to give up soon. Atmosphere is OK, it has elements of his earlier work, like the uneasy feel you get in certain scenes, you just know the danger is lurking out there. Acting is pretty good, especially from the boy, Diana and the maniac. Killings are gory and the ending was nice. If you are into giallo or Italo in general you might want to give it a chance. Are you new to Argento, then please pick one from the 1970s or 1980s, because those still are way above this one.

Heavy Trip - had some friends over for this movie which they really loved to see, and although I enjoyed it, it also left me wanting. In a Finnish village, nothing ever happens. There is a reindeer butchery, a store and a local hangout. The son of the reindeer butcher is the guitar player in a band, with the shy Turo as frontman, a stiff but knowledgeable bass player and an adventurous and impulsive drummer. They play in the basement of the butchery, but the bass player only wants to perform on stage when they have songs of their own. So they make one and they coincidentally run into a tourmanager who is the head of a Norwegian festival. They give him their only demotape and then the rumour spreads they are gonna perform on the festival: all of a sudden life changes drastically for the four bandmembers. People start to act nively towards them, they get to play as an opening act in the local hangout, they even get discounts on food etc. In the meantime they need a name, a promo picture, etc, and time is of the greatest essence because the festival will be soon. Nothing can stop them to perform in Norway, even though they didn't get a confirmation, nothing will hold them back, not even death. Some pretty funny scenes, it's more fun if you are into metal because you will recognise more jokes. This is not horror, even though there are some nods to the genre, like the buckets of reindeerblood and what happens to the drummer. It's no Deathgasm though, so if you actually want some monsters or anything then you'll have to go for something different.

Had movienight with friends and we watched three films:
The Salute of the Jugger - aka Blood of Heroes. In a world which resembles the Mad Max universe, Rutger Hauer is a Jugger, a player of a violent sport where the team who puts the dogskull on the stick first wins and almost anything goes in this game, so therefore many players die or get wounded during the game. Our Jugger used to be in The League, but an affair with a woman, and not your everyday run of the mill woman, made him leave the League and fend for his own in local fights. His team, among whom are Joan Chen and Vincent D'Onofrio, keeps winning and one day he sets out for Red City, i order to qualify for The League once more. This film is centered around the game, so if you don't like scifi sports then this is not for you. It has a big Mad Max vibe going on when it comes to outfits and surroundings, especially in the Red City. For some reason this film did not deliver really: the character development was flimsy, the fights were not very interesting and the story was about to get going and then the film ended. We were all quite baffled by the fact the end credits started rolling, we were all gearing up for the next big fight, but alas. So this felt a bit like coitus interruptus and that is never a good thing.

Witchouse II - I had seen Witchouse and Witchouse III already so I knew it totally didn't matter if you knew about those films or not. Typical Full Moon bullshittery by JR Bookwalter, in which a bunch of above average good looking students are on a field trip with their professor who is a Tori Amos lookalike. They are gonna dig up human bodies from either the 18th or the 19th century, there is some confusion as to from what time they are as the 18th century is mentioned, but also the year 1826 in which they died. They dig up a body which only starts to smell bad after the second part of the lid is being removed (all the while the other half was already open so that is a little odd). Best stuff has to come still, though: one of them gets "infected" by the witch and then the fun part begins. Glowing eyes, injections, flying bodies, ghoulish screams and presawn parts in buildings make this look like a tasty B-movie. I must say the ending in this one was rather blunt, but it was also refreshing in a way. Switch off your brain, take in some mind altering substances and you are good to go, recommended for bad moviefans.

TC 2000 - this is like the first film, set in the future again, but this time with lots of technology and better fights. You could call this one "Salute of the Jugger on Steroids" and you wouldn't be too far from the truth. In this film, there are two worlds: Aboveworld and Underworld. In Aboveworld poor people live and try to get by, the circumstances are bad and criminality runs high. In Underworld, there is some kind of a high security police state which tries to keep out the poor and control the criminals. Billy Blanks and Bobbie Phillips are a set of cops patrolling the area, and even though there is some confusion as to how much of a rookie Phillips is (they make jokes about her being new and then she says she has been on the force for ten years), they are thrown into action just after their shift ended. During this fight Phillips gets killed, but with some hypermodern technology she is brought back in the shape of a cyborg cop, sporting some tight leather outfit because that is apparently very comfortable to do kung fu in. Her former partner now gets accused of treason and is being hunted, because he doesn't want to cooperate with the evil plan of his direct superior: destroying the population of the aboveworld and take over the grounds. This part rang a lot of Running Man bells with me. Now he has to team up with the criminals to fight his corrupt boss and save the cyborg cop before she helps him to fulfill his evil plans. Lots and lots of fighting going on, with several familiar faces like Bolo Yeung and Matthias Hues. Had a lot of fun because there is so little storyline and it all doesn't make sense, Phillips looking nice though. It was actually a bit like a pornmovie with the sex replaced by fighting, so if you don;t like fighting steer clear of this one. Otherwise: turn your brain off, etc, etc. recommended for bad moviefans.


PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 3:45 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Night Fright - this was a candidate for the movienight with friends but it didn't make the selection so I watched it the day after. A 60s horror, it has all the elements of an early attempt at frightening people which seems silly nowadays. Some youngsters get killed by a creature which you don't really get to see very well (this reminded me of Creature from the Black Lake) and the local sheriff gets frustrated by the fact that the national military is present in his area because apparently a rocket had landed and now his access is being denied. Other youngsters are planning a party in the woods where the forst two people were killed and so the sheriff and a few friends of them try to stop them, but of course there is a bloke who thinks everyone is out to spoil his evening, so he sticks around even though the majority of them leaves. Then the creature shows up, oh no! Slow paced, with long scenes of partypeople dancing around in the forest, a thin plot, some wooden acting and a half invisible creature who kills offscreen only. To enjoy this I suggest the company of either friends or a large bottle of beer.


PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:11 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Diabolical Doctor Z - aka Miss Muerte, which is a better title. Early Jess Franco movie in which a doctor has been secretly experimenting on a human being in research about the brain: he has found the parts where he could manipulate someone becoming nice or evil. His colleagues scold him and he suffer a heart attack and dies. His daughter swears revenge and goes pretty far to achieve it. Shot in black and white, this film is pretty atmospherical and also quite serious when you compare it to Franco's later, crazier and sleazier works. Some Franco regulars appear like Howard Vernon. If you liked films like The Awful Dr Orlof or The Sadistic Baron von Klaus you might also appreciate this one.


PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 4:16 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Sledgehammer - an 80s slasher which was the first one recorded on tape for the homevideo market according to the backside of the sleeve. The story is very shallow: a group of friends is on a weekend out and they are visiting a house which we have seen in a flashback. The flashback showed us two adults cheating on their wife/husband respectively, and the son of the woman being locked up inside a closet so they can have sex uninterrupted. One of the friends tells this story in the evening, as some sort of a ghost story, but then all of a sudden a killer is on the loose in the house, swinging a huge hammer! The kills are meh except for a few ones in which you get to see the crush on the back of the skull (very fake btw) and almost the entire film takes place inside the house which is rather boring. Acting is mediocre and production values are low: all colours really look washed out and this VHS to DVD transfer is not among the best. One of the more boring slashers I have seen as it is so super obvious from the beginning who the killer is that it's laughable when the characters finally realise. Only for bad moviefans and hardcore slasherfans I guess.


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