
Uwe Boll will quit making movies with 1 million signatures
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Author:  mascareiro [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Uwe Boll will quit making movies with 1 million signatures

I just checked the video, my sound was messed up yesterday and I just fixed. Good laugh that video hehe "social-critique george clooney bullshit every weekend" was hilarious hehe one thing is really disturbing though, can't believe people actually got even angrier and bothered about Boll after the video... the guy shows up as a total friggin sport about everything, plays for laughs and a bunch of brainless actually try to use that as another statement of how stupid and cocky he is, jesus are you for real?! (not jesus, people)... wow, anyone slightly considering that video content as a real statement is dangerously verging on retard.

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uwe Boll will quit making movies with 1 million signatures

Sure he's a funny (and incredibly talentless) guy; but i do not like the tax fraud because its damaging german cinema quite signficantly. That's the bad thing about this.

Author:  PC_Arcade [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uwe Boll will quit making movies with 1 million signatures

spudthedestroyer wrote:
Sure he's a funny (and incredibly talentless) guy; but i do not like the tax fraud because its damaging german cinema quite signficantly. That's the bad thing about this.

wikipedia wrote:
Boll is able to acquire funding thanks to German tax laws that reward investments in film. The law allows investors in German-owned films to write off 100% of their investment as a tax deduction; it also allows them to invest borrowed money and write off any fees associated with the loan. The investor is then only required to pay taxes on the profits made by the movie; if the movie loses money, the investor gets a tax writeoff.

While Boll has received a lot of negative publicity regarding this funding method,[7] he was actually one of the few directors to use the tax shelter as intended. His films were financed, produced, and directed by a German company, which was the initial intention behind the tax shelter: to provide incentive for investment in German entertainment properties. Regardless of the law's intention, most of these German film funds ended up funneling money to American studios to finance American blockbusters. The law merely required that the movie's copyright be owned by a German company; thus studios would "sell" a movie's rights to a German company, then immediately lease the movie back for a small fee, while the German owners would agree to very limited control. Essentially, the German company would own the movie on paper, but have no say over its production. Because of this, in January 2006, as had been expected for several months, the German legislature changed the country's tax laws to eliminate the tax shelter. It is not known if this will have any effect on Boll's funding as the new laws only seek to punish investors who are abusing the law for tax purposes; Boll's activities appear to be well within the legitimate usage of the tax shelter.

My emboldening. I'd be wary of saying that Uwe Boll commits tax fraud without some sort of evidence to be honest, as all he seems to do is take advantage of a (previously poorly worded) German Tax Rule. Besides, he'll sue (or box) you if you do!!

Author:  spudthedestroyer [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uwe Boll will quit making movies with 1 million signatures

I wonder how much of his budget was spent on big name american actors? A lot of the studios and names on the credits aren't german... :wink: He also films his films in Vancouver, using local studios not German studios as the law was created for. The good news is the German government has changed that law to prevent Boll from using that method of financing, they obviously saw it as abuse too ;) If he does quit big budget films, its because of the law change, not some silly petition.

Its all a shame that the money wasn't used as it was intended, german actors, german studios, german workers... would be a lot better for their film industry :)

I think i'll stick with the word fraud with that in mind, you take a populace's money by exploiting the government and you are a big smelly fraud in my book :)

Author:  Jack [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uwe Boll will quit making movies with 1 million signatures

Fuck Eli Roth BOLL is KING!

Well I dunno, House of thed ead, saw ageas ago and entertained me. No one forces you to watch, and if your at a film fest then your in the very minority of people who will view his flicks. Let the man do what he does. Peace

Author:  Sandy [ Fri May 09, 2008 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uwe Boll will quit making movies with 1 million signatures

I would actually enjoy seeing Boll getting beat up by Michael Bay :twisted:

Author:  Mataesfola [ Fri May 23, 2008 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uwe Boll will quit making movies with 1 million signatures

Michael Bay would get is ass Kicked... But who gives a flying fuck? :shadey:

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