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PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:23 pm  Post subject: Ed Wood Jr: Just another hack?
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Jynks wrote:
I have nvr understood the love of this guy... he is the Uwe Boll of his generation.. a total hack... I mean what is teh apeal? Well peopel look back at House of teh Dead and go.. man that is so bad it is a work or art?

i wish people would stop comparing him to that german fuckwit.

Uwe Boll is a lying criminal that exploits german tax payers to pay his wage, Ed Wood Jr. truely thought he was making great films but just had absolutely no taste. You will never see a Bio pick starring Johnny Depp of that con artist, that's for damn sure.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:51 pm  Post subject: Re: Plan 69 From Outer Space
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Demon Of The Abyss
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spudthedestroyer wrote:
i wish people would stop comparing him to that german fuckwit.

Uwe Boll is a lying criminal that exploits german tax payers to pay his wage, Ed Wood Jr. truely thought he was making great films but just had absolutely no taste. You will never see a Bio pick starring Johnny Depp of that con artist, that's for damn sure.

You just saw that burton film and swollowed it. He was a cheap no talent hack, just like boll. Who stole footage from the stock so he could pump out his trite faster. He simple conned people into givign him money then spent like almost none of it on the film and pocketed the rest. He found small hooks to try and make hsi sale pitches mroe convincing (like pulling junky washed up actors he could hire for scale)... . . He was a crook.. I have no idea why everyone likes him so much. I blame that burton film witch is pure fantasy. There are plenty of proper bio books that reveal the truth.

The reason people compare him to Boll is that both of them make films that are SOOOO bad they are almost unbelivable. Both directors were hated when they were working, both were con men, both had bizzare off screen lives in teh public eye.

You hate boll, i hate boll... well everyone used to hate ed wood and now he is some cult hero... will the same happen to boll in 60 years .. i dunno.. but it has happened before.


PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:04 pm  Post subject: Re: Plan 69 From Outer Space
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No, because boll and ed wood jr aren't really the same.

You, like a lot of the other micro-commentator's don't really take in context, progression and the evolution of cinema. Or the proliferation of video cameras. Boll has more in common with some random tool on youtube, any idiot can claim fame with a video camera now, and they get it. Boll has more in common with Michael Bay than Ed Wood Jr.

Its a very different world we live in, the number of films produced these days is far, far, far beyond Ed Wood Jrs day; which amplies Ed Wood Jrs (lack of :lol: ) achievements.

Ed Wood Jr was a crook, I've read a few biographies on him and frankly, he was talentless, tasteless, troubled and just plain weird. He did con churches out of funds (which I have the utmost respect for), but this was a time when movie productions just weren't the same (and course like media studies didn't even exist).

Boll's comparison only persists from idle statements, imo, obviously. He's just another tool with a video camera. He's handled budgets Ed Wood Jr. could only dream of largely because the budgets, scale of movies, etc. are utterly collosal in the modern word. There's loads of talentless directors, way beyond Uwe Boll who's films are even worse. However, that's because there's loads more directors, loads more films, etc.. All Boll does is threaten violence and try and plaster as many abusive comments as he can everywhere as a pr act.

Ed Wood Jr. had none of these devices, yet he achieved so much more.

That's why I wish people would either put up the parrallels and support or stop elevating Uwe Boll, a common youtube figment of a crap PR promotion system that has only just come into existance.

I really doubt he will get the same status as Jr. He's an internet celebrity maybe, but he's not actually an interesting person. Both their sets of films are shit, but Ed Wood Jr. amazes me more that he could get away with it; given context.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:57 pm  Post subject: Re: Plan 69 From Outer Space
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The Ancient One
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Hear, hear! Your lecture on historical differences is impressive, my dear spudster!

I don't hate Boll: I have seen moivies made by him which were really, really bad and I was ready to pry my eyes out, but I have also seen Boll movies which weren't so very very bad.

I love Wood: his tasteless idiotic cinema is something a bad movie lover like me can not only dream of, but actually watch, by buying Ed Wood DVDs. Great!

It'd be nice if there were more appreciation for bad movies. After all, without them there wouldn't be any good movies either.


PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:25 pm  Post subject: Re: Plan 69 From Outer Space
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Demon Of The Abyss
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oh spud... i totaly disagree man.

He was makign film in teh 1950s for crying out loud. Plan Nine from Outa Space was made like only 3 years before the James Bond film Dr No. The idea that "hollywood" was under developed is tottle bull. Many people think cause it is balck and white it is some kind of prehistoric film. NO WAY.. Ed Wood was makign his trash right in the middle of the years when some of the best films of ALL TIME were produced. His just sucked.

Saying a crap carpenter is worse than another crap carpenter before the invention of the circular saw is just silly, they are both just crap carpenters, as is saying that somone with a digital camera is worth less than somone with a Film camera. The evolution of film tech is totaly irrelevent. What kind of films do you think he woudl be makign now if he was around? CRAP... un watchable crap. He would be doing just what he did back then... bilking people out of cash... make a pile of crap as fast as possible, let it bomb.. claim bankrupsy pocket all the money then start again. As logn as teh film was printed and shown on a screen he was able to take teh money and run. Pretty much excactly what Boll dose, but even he is not as crooked.

I am not sayign boll is good .. i hate him.. what i am saying is Ed Wood is just another usless directory that for som reason is NOT remebered as a freak polluting cinima with his souless trash. The major point is that people hated him and people hate boll... but already boll ius starting to get a bit of a following. Once his film pass into time and become quirky old film (say another 30 years) who knows how he will be regarded.

Films made at teh same time as Plan 9, REAL films, by real directors.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:02 am  Post subject: Re: Plan 69 From Outer Space
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I think you are totally stretching so much with that one! I mean come on. You think that as many films were made then as there are now? You think there were as many directors? You think the film industry was the same size. Once again, bring context into the matter. Throw around a couple of films, one of which ironically served a point; a production the size and scale of Ben Hurr was utterly phenomonial and unheard of in its day. Its now a bi-annual event to see blockbusters, as well as scores of drivel, stv movies, art student projects, etc. The film output is beyond scale.

I totally disagree with everything you state in that last post and about the status of Ed Wood Jr. because your missing context, you missed the point I was trying to make I fear. I emplore you to apply context comparisons and understand why uwe boll will never be a Ed Wood Jr, or at least have some restraint and thought on the matter.

Luckily google helped reveal some context for us to muse so I didn't have to do any number crunching:
http://www.popmatters.com/pm/column/hor ... he-numbers
i was actually searching for hollywood movies but the result will do.

There's little point going on with it though, I clearly don't agree with you in the slightest; Ed Wood Jr was a tasteless, interesting fool who's incompetance is hilarious but his ability to get the films made was amazing, Uwe Boll is just another piss ant youtube generation wanker in a world of piss ant youtube directors :lol: I completely understand Ed Wood Jrs status and think Uwe Boll comparisons are rather idle. We'll just have to leave it as a point of contention :)

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:10 am  Post subject: Re: Ed Wood Jr: Just another hack?
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*split from a request thread*

I'm done on the matter I think, but its interesting and thought I'd let other people throw in their 2 cents?
Is Uwe Boll going to be remembered? Is Ed Wood Jr un-noteworthy?

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:14 am  Post subject: Re: Ed Wood Jr: Just another hack?
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Well for me its simple, I like crap movies, so Ed Wood is certainly not un-noteworthy, and even that sack of green balls Mr Uwe Bolls movies I can enjoy. I think some of his movies may have some possibilities in being remembered, some should be forgotten as soon as possible, and some are most certain worthy of being remembered.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:14 am  Post subject: Re: Ed Wood Jr: Just another hack?
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Will Tear Your Soul Apart
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Jynks, your spelling seriously makes my head hurt.

You seem to just misspell the easy words too. Do you just ignore your browser's spell check? Or do you still use IE?

Anyway, it seems to me that you don't like Ed Wood because people like him. You like to seem edgy so much, that you will dislike something that someone likes before you give it a chance, just to be contrary.

Open up and laugh at terrible quality once in a while. Not everything has to be well written or "good" for you to enjoy watching it. Loosen up and kick back man. Just watch a fucking movie and stop being so damn critical. I promise if you relax you'll find a lot more movies worth watching.

Also consider using firefox or chrome to help you with spelling.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:06 am  Post subject: Re: Ed Wood Jr: Just another hack?
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Demon Of The Abyss
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Meh... i like a lot of "bad" movies. And in this thread i am not bad mouthign ed wood in anyway... I have only stated facts. he was a crook, he was a con man, he didn't have any artistic vision, he made bad films on puprose so they woudl flob anmd he could declare bankrupsty and steal all the money.. etc etc... this isn't opinion.. it is col facts than any reading of film history books will tell you.

My main point in this thread is that he is no diffrent from currrent crap artists like boll. People have this wierd image of him from that burton movie that is a typical hollywood fantasy that has nothing to do with the reality.

I like many bad films. In fact I run a live version of Mystery Science Theater in a drive in cinima near my house, from my own film colelction. Been doign so for over 3 years once a week and have yet to even come cloase to exhausting my library of terrible movies.

It isn't the "bad" film angle about ed wood i hate it is that fact that he didn't give a shiot abotu films, or film making. He was a explotationm director who made bad films so he coudl rip of charities and old people of there cash.. It is how the main stream acepts him as soem kind of hero with out any attempt to understand teh truth of history that pisses me off.


PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:07 am  Post subject: Re: Ed Wood Jr: Just another hack?
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Will Tear Your Soul Apart
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Jynks wrote:
Meh... i like a lot of "bad" movies. And in this thread i am not bad mouthign ed wood in anyway... I have only stated facts. he was a crook, he was a con man, he didn't have any artistic vision, he made bad films on puprose so they woudl flob anmd he could declare bankrupsty and steal all the money.. etc etc... this isn't opinion.. it is col facts than any reading of film history books will tell you.

My main point in this thread is that he is no diffrent from currrent crap artists like boll. People have this wierd image of him from that burton movie that is a typical hollywood fantasy that has nothing to do with the reality.

I like many bad films. In fact I run a live version of Mystery Science Theater in a drive in cinima near my house, from my own film colelction. Been doign so for over 3 years once a week and have yet to even come cloase to exhausting my library of terrible movies.

It isn't the "bad" film angle about ed wood i hate it is that fact that he didn't give a shiot abotu films, or film making. He was a explotationm director who made bad films so he coudl rip of charities and old people of there cash.. It is how the main stream acepts him as soem kind of hero with out any attempt to understand teh truth of history that pisses me off.

Meh... I like a lot of "bad" movies. And in this thread i am not bad mouthing Ed Wood in any way. I have only stated facts. He was a crook, he was a con man, he didn't have any artistic vision, he made bad films on purpose so they would flop and he could declare bankruptcy and steal all the money... etc. This isn't opinion. They are cold facts that any reading of film history books will tell you.

My main point in this thread is that he is no different from current crap artists like Boll. People have this weird image of him from that Burton movie. That he is a typical Hollywood fantasy that has nothing to do with reality.

I like many bad films. In fact I run a live version of Mystery Science Theater 3000 in a drive in cinema near my house, from my own film collection. Been doing so for over 3 years once a week and have yet to even come close to exhausting my library of terrible movies.

It isn't the "bad" film angle about Ed Wood. What I hate is that fact that he didn't give a shit about films, or film making. He was a exploitation director who made bad films so he could rip of charities and old people of their cash. It is how the main stream accepts him as some kind of hero with out any attempt to understand the truth of history that pisses me off.

I corrected it for those who couldn't read it.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:46 pm  Post subject: Re: Ed Wood Jr: Just another hack?
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Jynk's can you source your claims in the first paragraph of your last post? I would like to read this. He was pretty dodgy with sourcing funds for movies, and rarely returned much back on investment (at least to investers), but your claims are well beyond what I could find.

Google didn't really support the scale you state. I thumbed through a biography of Wood Jr. many years ago, and whilst he bankrupted his company a couple of times; that was largely because his film cost money, and he didn't make a any money from it :lol:

He never achieved the mass tax break and corruption of Uwe Boll, who took millions from the German government to fund his films, he did swindle a social club and even better a church out of a couple of thousand though which I find utterly hilarious given a) it was a church b) he had no movie making ability c) the film that he made from it :lol:

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:23 pm  Post subject: Re: Ed Wood Jr: Just another hack?
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Skull Full Of Maggots
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Okay, Uwe Boll makes Video Game movies for christ sake. Movies that are made for people with little to know attention spans and who care nothing about a movies plot. The are just pretty colors, movement, and other stupid modern film devices. I truly believe that most working porn directors have more talent than Uwe Boll, period. If porn directors could get the funds that Uwe Boll gets in Germany due to his tax shelter investors I believe that many of them could make better movies. Film Makers are supposed to be artists and he is just a disease carrying leech that suckles on the teet of society. And in saying this I must apologize to the leeches for the comparison. So in turn for comparing Ed Wood to him you should apologize to the ghost and/or corpse of Ed Wood for the comparison, in my humble opinion.

Ugh, Uwe Boll. :suicide:

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:21 pm  Post subject: Re: Ed Wood Jr: Just another hack?
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Mouse nipple for the win! Trackpoint or death!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:00 am  Post subject: Re: Ed Wood Jr: Just another hack?
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Skull Full Of Maggots
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That is the funniest shit I have ever seen. Apparently you should keep your little brothers and ketchup away from Uwe Boll as well... I fell off of my computer chair and went into convulsions laughing on the floor watching this. :mrgreen:

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