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PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 4:40 am  Post subject: Scarey Movies (is there such a thing?)
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Have you ever been scared by a movie? This is something that i no longer get, as much as i want to be scared out of my mind (i know it sounds strange, but i really do, just to know what it feels like i guess). I can't remember a single instance of being scared of a movie, it just doesn't happen to me anymore.

Perhaps i've been decensortised or something? I've seen loads of films from Evil Dead to Exorcist to suspira to child's play to carebears, but nothing seems to have an effect on me anymore. Now is stuff just not scarey, or am i not affected by anything anymore? I always hear lasses going on about how scarey 'such and such' was (my girl friend used to go on about films that scared her on and on), and the same goes to some of my male friends so it can't be a gender thing.

I can remember as a child being 'spooked' by certain parts of movies, for instance Poltergeist springs to mind (i had to really think what startled me when i was little and only just remembered this). I don't this really kept me awake at night or anything though.

Is there a 'scary' film anyone would recommend? What's scared you in the past or as a child?

Damn it it's supposed to be scarey!!!


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 7:28 am  Post subject:
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Blood Sucking Freak
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hehe.. i've got quite the same problem..
i search for fear in movies, but almost always the horror does not affect me... :cry:

the first movie that scared me was "ghostbusters" (i think).. hehe.. but then i was very young (we're talking about around 5). But "the shining" any many other horror movies didn't scare me.
(don't understand why my parents let me look at such horror at such a young age)

btw.. i've got quite scared of "the ring" (us version).. maybe 'cause i was so into the movie.. and i wanted it to be scary...
the original did not scare me. But i've got some reasons.. My friends sawed the movie into 10000 pieces and talked under the hole film. They also played with their cell-phones and did other things.. :cry: :cry:
Ruin a (probobly) god movie is the worst thing you could do.. hate when people does it. Any one agree with me?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 3:17 pm  Post subject:
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i only watch Jackass / south park / etc. with most of my friends because of that, however i do take loads of rips up and me and the guys who actually like watching films just kick everyone out and watch a film in a different room.

I watched exorcist with my brother the first time i saw it, and it really spoilt it. It's a lot better if you watch it yourself when there's no1 else around

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 3:52 pm  Post subject:
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Blood Sucking Freak
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totally agree with you...
much better to see horror movies alone (IN THE DARK!)...
Then you could settle down into it and enjoy..

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 4:34 pm  Post subject:
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The Devil, Probably
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eh, watching too many horror movies gets you desensitized. I dont even watch 'em to be scared. Like any emotion, overexposion will eventually dull its impact. maybe you should take up knitting scarves.

'You - you monster! Why? Why in God's name do you do these horrible things??!'

'I thought it was obvious, you sillly girl.
I'm a monster. I do monstrous things.'

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 6:04 pm  Post subject:
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The Ancient One
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There are very few movies that I find scary, but once in a while get suprised. First of I have to say that if there is a 'BOO!-sequence' in a movie, and you jump, it is not the same as being scared. it's more of a reflex, like if someone claps their hands right in front of your eyes and you blink.

But the ones that got to me were 'The Eye' with all it's straight out creepyness, 'Tesis' since it's just sooo full of suspence, and also 'Cannibal Holocaust' and the 2nd Guinea Pig movie 'Flower of Flesh & blood' because the first time I saw them, it just seamed SO REAL!!

Izac: Funny, Ghostbusters was the first one that scared me too! Didn't understand any english, and couldn't read the subs, but man was there some freeky ghosts.

monkeysmasher: I'm not sure if I agree with you that it's because of watching to much horror that we don't get scared anymore. I think it might be more of an age thing... When you were a child you believed in monsters under the bed and whitches and ghosts and all that stuff, now you know it's all make-believe.. right?

I guess the only thing that could scare me would be Streisand naked. *shivers*

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 6:49 pm  Post subject:
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I think it's that first ghost scene that gets everyone.

What's really annoying about Ghostbusters is that now everyone thinks it's a kids film because of the cartoon. Well i don't see the ghost giving a blow job in the cartoon, do you? :lol:

Mouse nipple for the win! Trackpoint or death!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 9:42 pm  Post subject:
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The Devil, Probably
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eh, i think ive seen a few animae of ghost's giving head.

i agree that the 'boo' sequences are a completely different reaction than actual fear. The 'boo' just activates are natural fight or flight response. The leg shaking, wide eyed deep down full body terrified is more on the conscious level; we know somewhat what is frightening us, while being startled is just in itself its own response.

i believe overeposing/indulging any emotion/reaction will dull it in time. I've read/seen numerous case studies on POWs, hostages, prisoners, etc that have become 'shell shocked' do to overlong exposure to harsh conditions. Depression, distemic response, even some autonomic systems become muffled.

yikes, i sound like a term paper.

'You - you monster! Why? Why in God's name do you do these horrible things??!'

'I thought it was obvious, you sillly girl.
I'm a monster. I do monstrous things.'

PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 2:07 am  Post subject:
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Mummified In Barbed Wire
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There's only been 2 movies that scared me.
I saw the Exoricist when I was 14 and at that time, that was the sleep with the light on Bible under my pillow kind of scared, LOL
In the 70's, that 1 had a *lot* of people scared, not just 14 year olds. We went to the theatre to see it when it came out again (when was that - last year?) supposedly with never seen before parts. I was surprised at how different the audience was compared to back in the 70's - people were actually laughing!

Then there was the chauffer in "Burnt Offerings". He didn't scare me like the Exorcist did but he surely did creep me out :D
(can't wait until that 1 comes out on DVD - I heard a rumor that is due out in August)

PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 3:10 am  Post subject:
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The Devil, Probably
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i thought the mom in burnt offerings was frightening.
Those creepy cross eyes of hers.

jaccobs ladder is scary.

'You - you monster! Why? Why in God's name do you do these horrible things??!'

'I thought it was obvious, you sillly girl.
I'm a monster. I do monstrous things.'

PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 8:32 am  Post subject:
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Blood Sucking Freak
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spudthedestroyer wrote:
I think it's that first ghost scene that gets everyone.

What's really annoying about Ghostbusters is that now everyone thinks it's a kids film because of the cartoon. Well i don't see the ghost giving a blow job in the cartoon, do you? :lol:

haha.. sooo right!

@John_Doe :wink: hehe.... ghostbusters ownz da house...

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:56 pm  Post subject: Re: Scarey Movies (is there such a thing?)
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The Devil, Probably
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good thread

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:25 pm  Post subject: Re: Scarey Movies (is there such a thing?)
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Demon Of The Abyss
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spudthedestroyer wrote:
Have you ever been scared by a movie? This is something that i no longer get, as much as i want to be scared out of my mind (i know it sounds strange, but i really do, just to know what it feels like i guess). I can't remember a single instance of being scared of a movie, it just doesn't happen to me anymore.

I think film "buffs" have these problems. Much the same way a movie critic or a art critic can start sounding like a wanker. The more you see the more you have seen it before, and also.. lets face it 99% of it is complete crap in the first place. Witch means you train yourself to watch a film while hardly paying it any attention. So as you watch the film you are no longer experiencing it as a film.. but deconstructing it on the fly. Thinking critically, not imaginatively, or flat out ignoring it.

I think this is the main problem that many so called film "fans" have... is that they have forgotten HOW to watch films. They do not experience it as they are meant to be, they watch films they may not really like cause it is a "classic to the genre" or some crap like that.. professing love to a film they might not even enjoy, while a "low brow" film that really do enjoy they convince themselves to hate.

The solution is simple... stop watching so many. Start just picking some good films. Instead of watching like everything that comes out.. watch only a few ... and when you do.. really get into it... Turn the lights off, do not talk though it, stop thinking critically and really let your imagination run.

Anyone can stand with their back to a dark alley and imagine horrors just behind them and start to feel a little skittish. Try it.. I bet you can... do that shit while watching the film... get into it.. WATCH them... like you are meant to.


PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:31 pm  Post subject: Re: Scarey Movies (is there such a thing?)
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The Ancient One
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Mmm, I'm a mass movie watcher, but still I can get grabbed by a film which does it just right. I don't watch everything which comes out, I make a selection based on the storyline. If it doesn't appeal to me, or if I have seen it 1000 times before, I won't watch it. Still, there are these unexpected little gems which make me smile, and I enjoy them the most.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:27 pm  Post subject: Re: Scarey Movies (is there such a thing?)
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Buried In The Backyard
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insidious was freaky to me, although not scary it had a level of freakyness which kinda got to me, at no point was i affraid but there was this freaky element which made me feel wierd and spooky , also kept thinking of darth maul and how cool he really was until george lucas raped him and left him 4 dead as a one time guest star on nikita and was again poorly used .. poor fella :D

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:32 pm  Post subject: Re: Scarey Movies (is there such a thing?)
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The Devil, Probably
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When I saw La habitación del niño there was one scene with a dark silhouette with shiny eyes lying under a bed. This freaked me out and made me scream out loud. This was the only time this ever happened to me and for a moment I was scared like hell.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:27 pm  Post subject: Re: Scarey Movies (is there such a thing?)
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Hardcore not exist! :moon: :drunk: :beerchug:

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:41 am  Post subject: Re: Scarey Movies (is there such a thing?)
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Buried In The Backyard
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Alien scared me quite a bit when i was a kid. As did Exorcist. But mostly movies are to predictable to be scary

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:56 pm  Post subject: Re: Scarey Movies (is there such a thing?)
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In Hell I Burn
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maybe try...

jesus camp.

there's some real scary shit.

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