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PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:09 pm  Post subject: Fun (1994)
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Master Of The Dead Donkey
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IMDb - 7.2/10 (393 votes)

<table border=0 align=center><tr><td width=50% bgcolor=PowderBlue>FILM REVIEW

In "Fun'' two teenage girls kill a nice old granny for the heck of it. They do it for fun. Later, in the juvenile correction center, they have to explain why. And since murder is one of those acts that seems to require a philosophy, they come up with one: It was fun. "Fun is king.'' Whatever you do for fun is all right.

Hearing them, the viewer is reminded that their philosophy is not so different from the prevailing one outside prison. "Fun,'' which opens today at the Roxie, is too sophisticated to lay blame for the murder on a single cause. But it does suggest that selfish parents who abuse their kids and behave hedonistically are cooking up disasters for the next generation.

A story about two girls who become best friends and kill somebody might sound like a knockoff of "Heavenly Creatures.'' But "Fun'' is, in fact, the earlier film. Shot and completed in 1993, it languished for two years without a distributor. Considering what actually gets distributed, the neglect of this film is astounding.

"Fun'' is not the most structurally inventive picture.

It moves almost entirely between scenes of the girls' interrogation in prison and of the day of the murder. It seems at once less ambitious than "Heavenly Creatures,'' yet more satisfying. It's also more chilling: Unlike "Creatures,'' "Fun'' doesn't explore a freak occurrence but an emblematic one.

Bonnie (Alicia Witt) and Hillary (Renee Humphrey) are two pretty 15-year-old girls in Southern Californiawho have major skeletons rattling in the family closet.

</td><td bgcolor=PowderBlue>Hillary's father is serving a prison term for raping her. Bonnie, whose past is less clear, was abandoned by her mother.
In an entirely convincing se ries of scenes, they connect immediately, at first with a sense of relief, then of exhilaration. They run through the streets of a suburban neighborhood, ringing doorbells, cursing at people and running away giggling. The murder is just a giddy product of their newfound illusion of invincibility.

Every so often a movie comes along in which the acting is so good it that it seems to be presenting a whole new dimension of truth. Witt and Humphrey are that good. The expression on Witt's face as Bonnie stabs the old lady the first time is hard to forget. It's a look that says, "Oh. How fun. How easy. How interesting.''

As Bonnie, Witt is a flailing child, always in motion, while Humphrey is grounded, hostile and always feeling threatened. Both give strange, haunted performances. There's never a question of doubting them.

The girl-bonding rings so authentic that it comes as a surprise to find out that two men were behind the picture: Writer James Bosley, who adapted the script from his own play, and director Rafael Zelinsky.

"Fun'' has the virtues of complexity and ambiguity. There's no pat explanation for the murder, even though the audience sees it and fully believes it.

San Francisco Chronicle

<table border=0 width=50% align=center><tr><td bgcolor=black>
~699Mb, 01:44:02
Video: 464x352, 23.98 fps, 805,0 kbps, XVID 1.0.2
Sound: MP3, 128kbps, 48000, Stereo
Software: MEncoder 1.0pre5-3.2.2

It still eludes me how such good a movie and such cult favorite could be so hard to track down. The recent rip from ICICLE never made it to the mule network, so finally
I bought the DVD and ripped it myself. I don't regret it :mrgreen: Recommended.


Fun (Rafal Zielinski 1994)(Alicia Witt - Rene Humphrey).avi

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:12 pm  Post subject:
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The Ancient One
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great! I tried to get another rip of this, but no full source ever appeared. tnx. =)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:29 pm  Post subject:
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Mummified In Barbed Wire
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Looks fun ;)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:31 pm  Post subject:
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The Practice Girl
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Looks like a winnner...much appreciation man :beerchug:

Small Time Rippers - 2003-2008 - R.I.P.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:35 am  Post subject:
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The Ancient One
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thanks for this rip (no FS on teh other) :beerchug:

I Need More Parts!

<a href="https://forum.dead-donkey.com/viewtopic.php?t=7143" target="_blank">Giallo Collection</a>

PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:25 am  Post subject:
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Master Of The Dead Donkey
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Please go HERE to learn about it.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 7:51 pm  Post subject:
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In Hell I Burn
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yeah I remember this being out on Tartan video a few years back,,,I loved Heavenly Creatures so if this is the same kinda idea only more satisfying then its one I highly fancy cheers dude your a G :jesus: D among the art set here


PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:41 pm  Post subject:
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Master Of The Dead Donkey
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As I resurrected this thread, here's another review ;) :

A Film Review by James Berardinelli

<IMG SRC="http://movie-reviews.colossus.net/images/ratings/4star.gif" VSPACE=5 ALT="4 stars">

It's said that the worst thing for a parent is to watch the burial of their child. But what about watching the burial of someone murdered by their child? In Rafal Zielinski's insightful and unsettling Fun, the premise is that two teenage girls meet, form an immediate friendship, and go in search of something "important" to share. That "something" becomes the brutal and conscienceless slaughter of an elderly woman whose only crime was to trust them.

Fun is presented in two time lines: the present, when Hillary (Renee Humphrey) and Bonnie (Alicia Witt) have been tried, convicted, and sentenced; and the past, when events before and after the murder are recounted in flashbacks. Although the different time frames are interleaved, there's little opportunity for confusion. The sequences in the correctional institute, which feature Hillary and Bonnie's interactions with a counselor (Leslie Hope) and a magazine reporter (William R. Moses), are in black-and-white, while the flashbacks are in color. Not only do the different cinematographic styles separate time periods, they emphasize tone. The "fun", reckless day of freedom is saturated by color; the aftermath is presented in bleak, monochromatic 16 mm.

The meat of the story focuses on the psychology of the girls' actions. Together, neither is likely to commit such a crime, but, as a pair, they become lethal. There is no guilt or remorse. The killing - - a bloody, sadistic crime -- is shrugged off as just another way to enjoy life. It's the source of an adrenaline rush, a way to get high without drugs. It forges the kind of permanent bond in a new friendship that no mundane act can accomplish. And it's a way for the killers to prove to themselves that they exist outside the boundaries of normalcy.

Hillary and Bonnie's friendship is neither traditional nor healthy. From the moment they meet, the pair experience a mutual, instant connection. The gradual development crucial to most relationships is bypassed. This is love at first sight, and it leads to one intense, passionate day of sharing everything -- life stories, secrets, and a murder. There is no moderation, and the desperate neediness with which these two interact is disturbing. Hillary and Bonnie are no longer individuals -- they have acquired a single, psychotic identity.

Character development in Fun is superior. Not only does Zielinski delve into the personalities of his protagonists, but he gives us random pieces of information to flesh out the less important characters. The counselor, for example, is not just a mouthpiece of judicial platitudes -- she's constantly fighting to overcome a misspent past. And the journalist, despite the scavenger- like nature of his job, learns to care about the subjects of his latest article.

But, of course, everything comes back to Hillary and Bonnie, and the marvelous manner in which their characters are written and realized. These girls have deeply rooted problems. As a child, Hillary was repeatedly sexually abused by her father, and it's indicative of her nature that she claims he didn't hurt her -- he just raped her. Bonnie, with a wild, flamboyant personality that contrasts with her friend's introspective moodiness, is desperately in need of love, and will do or say anything to get it.

Obviously, there will be no Academy Awards for Fun; even if it had a U.S. distributor (which it doesn't), this isn't the sort of movie to attract the necessary publicity. That said, however, Alicia Witt's remarkable performance is far better than that of most Oscar winners. Renee Humphrey is good in her own right, but she is constantly eclipsed by her co-star. Only when the two girls are separated does the strength of Humphrey's performance come across.

Zielinski has a tremendous sense of mood and atmosphere, and he uses all the tools at his disposal to fashion the perfect tone. His choice of music ranges from the heavy metal rock of a group called the Armagedoon Dildos to the classical strains of Handel's Messiah (this is probably the most unique usage ever of the choral "And He Shall Purify"). The camera work is impressive, and the choice of mixing color and black-and-white works to better effect here than in Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle.

With themes and ideas in common with the likes of Heavenly Creatures, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Natural Born Killers, and Kieslowski's A Short Film About Killing, Fun is an example of a motion picture willing to tackle more than one thought-provoking concept. The intelligent, gripping result succeeds impressively, and presents a more complete and provocative portrait of relevant issues than any of those films. Above all, however, Fun gives us a chance to peer into the psyches of two memorable characters. The images we come away with will not soon be forgotten.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:42 pm  Post subject:
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Master Of The Dead Donkey
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I'm resharing this one due to a request down at FH, so if someone is interested here's your chance ;)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:11 pm  Post subject:
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Blood Sucking Freak
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Looks interesting, so I'll check it out. Thanks for the rip and reshare. :)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:14 pm  Post subject:
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Will Tear Your Soul Apart
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does it have b00b13s?

"showed it to GF the other day. she didn't like it. maybe I dump her now." - John Doe

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:57 pm  Post subject:
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Servant Of The Dead Donkey
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I try this one...thanks trep


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