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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 8:20 am  Post subject:
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a member of the recently deceased

a member of the recently deceased
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Posts: 1194
well, it's going to be conversation between blind and mute.
i readed a lot too. just becouse it is story of my country.
and about pathetic, i can say the same about alies. which had their own reasons for showing their reality.

but when i will have time today - i will answer. sorry, but all my books about WW2 r in Belarus, so i just not able to link my talk to them (i mean references)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 3:27 pm  Post subject:
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a member of the recently deceased

a member of the recently deceased
Joined: Fri Jun 13, 2003 12:55 pm
Posts: 1194
spudthedestroyer wrote:
there's no need PrayeR, i know all about it, i recently wrote a paper on the Holocaust, I've studied it in depth for about 4 years. Infact you didn't answer it at all I'm afraid, it was an answer to a question, you could have questioned parts of it but you just posted controversial views on the matter.

well, at first i would like to say. that i had great History teachers in school and Uni.
i am physicist but history was alway my kinda hobby. and becouse my grandfather and grandother r teachers (1 pair) i always had access to very good library. and they r not fanatics of ussr or communism.
i ANSWERED on your post. becouse without your post i would not write mine.
answered becouse i dont see your point. why u mentioned jewish peeps in your post i have no idea.
u read a lot? that's really great. in our times peoples dont read books.
but what i know now - to think. becouse i read a lot too and there r so many versions about some events.. and sometimes even references to official documents r wrong.
so i READ - and think. and yet - i think speaking with participant of events bring more truth than slutty historics (not all of course)

spudthedestroyer wrote:
Carlos is right, I fail to see the point of this whole little ditty anyways. Care to clue us in anr11? I think I'll leave it unlocked cos history is interesting, but if this ends up like a post where this goes south i'm going to lock and post some books to read, I've read a lot to know where to find some info and interpretations.


spudthedestroyer wrote:
I have an inkling that you simply misunderstood what I said in the first post so i'll paraphrase:
fact: nazi's = anti-semitic

yep. that is what i am talking about. they were ANTI-humanists. i dont know why all of u highlight anti-semitic... well, being anti-norwegian it's better than anti-semitic? sure... nobody cares..

spudthedestroyer wrote:
fact: Poland had the highest Jewish population


spudthedestroyer wrote:
initial anti-semitic policy was expulsion and not erradication, not until 1941 officially

ermm. well, he started politic of anti-semism when he became Kanzler.
maybe u know about Nurnbergs law? (jews lost some peoples right) or "crystal night" in november of 1938? or first concentration camp in Dahau (i think it spells so) in 1933.
about "final solution". in 1942, in Wannsee, near Berlin, shefs of ss and some other bosses "developed" plan of final solution. and half year before Wannsee was brief from Heydrich to Hering (creator of ss) with charge to make all neede work about financial and organizations questions for realization of "final soluion plan"

spudthedestroyer wrote:
fact: expelled Jewish population mainly settled in Poland and the east because a) Allies refused to take in large numbers of displaced jews b) Jewish homeland under british rule c) large displaced community already present due to years of oppresion, and pogroms by many nations.

seems we r talking about different times. i mean not just before war.. earlier..at the begin of 30th.
1921-1937 from Poland to USA, Latin America, Europe moved 395 000 jews.
1923-1937 from Poland to Palestine moved 270 000 jews
reference - "Najnowsze dzieje zydow w Polsce" S. 164,165.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
fact: poland had an even larger Jewish population at this point


spudthedestroyer wrote:
fact: When Germany invaded poland, this population was under German control. Same goes for the populations under all occupied nations

of course

spudthedestroyer wrote:
fact: Nazi's stepped up the anti-semetic agenda, despite war as they believe they had to deal with a problem contained merely to the minds of a few numskulls and party rhetoic

sry, i dont get what u said (might be my english of course)

spudthedestroyer wrote:
fact: Most concentration camps were in poland and the east to reflect this.

i dont know exactly ammount of camps but i think u r right.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
fact: German Jewish population plummited in Germany, but many simply couldn't leave and thusly some concentration camps were constructed in Germany itself, but the Nazis believed that the main body should take place away from the German public

well, that's unsubstantiated statement. knowing about products from peoples leather + there r many doc. movies and photos where u can see a thousands of peoples on mass-meeting with "greetings" to Hitler.

spudthedestroyer wrote:

I think that should make it easier to see what I was saying to a none native english speaker? hope so because there really wasn't anything wrong with what I said.

This is why I refute what you say next

nope, i got your previous post.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
you are not right

i might be wrong. sure. like anybody else.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
mine was interpretation contructed on the base of the most accepted interpretation of a historical event

i like that. but what is it? "most accepted"? who accept? how many?

spudthedestroyer wrote:
That is really insulting considering that I have studied in depth in this field, and have written many papers on the holocaust

i think at the moment we r talking not only about holocaust?

spudthedestroyer wrote:
You are voicing opinion, and I'd say based on dubious 'evidence', I am voicing an interpretation, based upon the evidence I have gathered and the interpretation of many hisorians.

well, voicing? i read books, i listen to peoples who were at ww2, were in camps.
many historians? that's voice. there r many versions as i said. and u simple say - it sucks, that rocks. (well my post was the same, sry. i was just a bit lame. i belive in something only when i hear that from peoples i trust or saw that or that's just statistic from neutral side)

spudthedestroyer wrote:
Wrong, sorry but that isn't true. The german people were largely unaware of the final solution until it was well in motion, to think they were is demoralising and totally lacking any grasp of the difference between a German and a Nazi. If you were trying to say quite a few knew, probably, but a majority is wrong.

errm. we dont know what they knew. it's just impossible to know. but IMHO they knew all. just were scared or agreed with that

spudthedestroyer wrote:
I've heard claims like that before, but most people will agree that the holocaust was neither common knowledge nor endorsed by the German people.

and again "most". u should use that word very carefull.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
Wrong, most displaced jews emigrated East because both the US and UK refused to accept the vast majority of immigrants from Germany. Some went to the us, but only a minute fraction. fact (source, everyone), look at the emigration statistics of the 1930s, most went to eastern europe, not by choice, they were forced to. Britain even restricted the jewish emigration to Palestine (Britain controlled the area at this time). Like I said I've studied this in depth, and most Jews were dispersed to the east, britain, france and USA took in pitiful amounts of immigrants, even when they learnt of the escalating policies of the nazi party.

I was referring to eastern countries not specifically Russia, I said the east, ukraine, poland, etc. which is what happened. It wasn't choice, they were forced out, you settle where you settle

as i said we were talking about different times.
about east. well, part of Belarus was under ussr, but west part not.
the same with Ukraine.
ok, pure statistic.
1939-1940 many jews moved to Belarus from Poland.
in the beginig of 1940 in Belarus were 72896 refugees from Poland (P.Eberhardt from his book)

spudthedestroyer wrote:
No, your wrong again. The Jewish were the main victims of the Nazi party, they did not participate in WW2 apart from being in the service of the allied armed forces. You make it sound like they were an army, they weren't they were simply members of the Jewish faith, persecuted by the Nazi's for believing in their faith whilst Germany fought in the war Work camps were constructed to deal with prisoners of war and many allied soldiers died in these conditions, but whilst fighting the war, the nazi's stepped up to the final solution, officially in 1941 if i recall correctly, to continue the campaign of ethnic clensing, and sparked by the acquition of new territory and a enourmous ethnic/Jewish population that constructs Eastern Europe.

well again, u divide deads on kinda good and bad...
Gipsys. nazi tryed to destroy them all.
about Serbia (again spelling... sry. that was part of Jugoslavia).. genocide was.. and U, west europe, continued genocide against them in our time.
Slavs.. well.. in Belarus r many vilages that were burned with peoples... a hundreds of vilages. with belarusin peoples... one my grandfather told me how he with in train full of our peoples.. they took them to one place to burn all of them alive. about 1000 peoples. he escaped coz matures break 1 plank in wall.. axis shooted him.. but he ran away..
but he is not jews so who cares.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
One of the down falls of the German army was the Nazi's persuit of racial intolerance... if they would have waited before embarking on their immoral and foolhardy pursuit of eliminating all those who they perceived to be racially inadequet, that is Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, etc. the war could have, and many argue would have turned out differently. But the nazi's were racist extremists, and it's very clear that the hatred for others was central to their very government

who knows, maybe. i did not think about it.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
You must use statistics carefully, the six million jews killed (estimated, it is not known, the number changes so much because over the many years, vast amounts of effort has been put into discovering the motivation, causation and implementation of the final solution, but even then it is impossible to know what the true death count is [6 main is the most accepted amount]). The communist government was pathetic at recording the tolls of the eastern camps, locking documents in the archives, and government officials of the nations hardly kept acurate recordings of every casualty. This makes it very difficult to get a figure, arguing about it on this basis is futile until further research can reveal better figures.

well, i dont want to say that was 5 or 1 or 10 millions. i dunno.
but i found some very funny things.
let me show it.
1939's census in east Belarus - 375,1k jews
1931's census in west Belarus (polish census) - 283,3k jews (in 1939)
+ 72896 refugees
= 731k

but in some sources i saw that polish census is claimed as wrong and not 283,3k but more
and they say that whole ammount jews in whole Belarus was about 723,5k. ok
723,5 + 72896 = 796,4k
that's all statistic!
ok, now some numbers, in todays literature authors call numbers of killed jews during ww2 in Belarus - from 400k till 810k
that's about Belarus.
foreign authors:
P.Eberhardt - 520,9k *****Eberhardt P. Przemiany narodowosciowe na Bialorusi... S. 104-110
R.Hilberg - 1 million (the same like Encyclopaedia of Holocaust, i think main book about those terrible events) ***** Hilberg R. The Destruction of the European Jews. Revised and Definitive Edition. N.Y.-L., Holmes and Meier, 1985. P. 767; Encyclopaedia of the Holocaust. Ed. by I. Gutman. Jerusalem, 1990. V. 1-4.
M.Gilbert - 246k ***** Gilbert M. Atlas of the Holocaust. Philadelphia, 1982. P. 224.

after ww2. at 6th July in 1946 Poland and USSR agreed to let polish jews and just polish to return to Poland from ussr.
before 15th august 233198 peeps moved to Poland. 136579 of them were jews.
so... who is right? i dunno.. but i dont think that R.Hilberg and Encyclopaedia of the Holocaust r right.. u can clearly c that. mistake? or they write numbers just taking them from head?!

spudthedestroyer wrote:
However, I disagree fundamentally with everything you said really. It is contrary to historical research, my own studies, and my own research and therefore I stuggle to see your viewpoint, or infact what you were trying to say at all (does it have any point?)

well. say now what is fundamentally wrong in my opinion?
i am sorry if i offended u with my rude post. and hope that u had no wish to offend me with your post.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
I reiterate, just because a country is led by a dictatorship, doesn't mean that everyone underneath that dictatorship follows the nutcase.

IMHO, unless u r children - u follow. u dont follow if u fight against.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
All this talk reminds me of my history lessons and I'd rather not dwell on what I've been taught many times. The first answer I gave is correct, or at least, that's the answer I would give and teach others; many, but not as many as in Eastern Europe.

well, i dont understand what u have against Eastern Europe? u was in my country? u judge by articles in "Sun"?
during the cold war i never thought bad about west.. just becouse i was not there. how could i judge them.

as i say i am physicist.
and we have one by-word
i will try to translate it

"many science think they r exact sciences, but this is not truth. only Physic is exact sciences, becouse Physic knows that it's not exact itselfs"
hope u got sence.
History vulgarized itself already long time ago.

btw, i was wrong about Dresden
not 100k but 250k
i got some info about it. with exact times and so on.
there is even short doc.movie. but i will dl it later.
so what is saying official British history about Dresden?

sry again for errors. i dont have time to check all words.
and i write that in Notepad so no smiles

Last edited by PrayeR on Sat Oct 18, 2003 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 4:00 pm  Post subject:
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a member of the recently deceased

a member of the recently deceased
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Posts: 1194
ah forgot
in Latvia 90% of killed jews - were killed by inhabitants.
in Ukraina MANY jew were killed by Cossacks. but that's long story.
their hate to each other goes from old times.
when was Russain Empire - Cossacks were stronger
1917's revolution - jews got the power and many Cossacks were killed.
1941-1945 - Cossacks killed a lot of jews.

old and not nice story.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 9:00 pm  Post subject:
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edit: about the above post, yup, very nasty and deep routed anti-semitism.

PrayeR wrote:
answered becouse i dont see your point. why u mentioned jewish peeps in your post i have no idea.

Because the concentration camps were constructed to deal with prisoners of war and especially ethnic minorities... of course it's important, the significant amount of deaths were of jewish people in these camps. Of course this is dwarfed by WW2 casualties but the two entities are largely different... you do know why concentration camps were constructed right? Death/concentration camps were used to eliminate large populations :o Work Camps and prisons were generally where POWs were sent, not concentration camps if that;s what your meaning.

u read a lot? that's really great. in our times peoples dont read books.
but what i know now - to think. becouse i read a lot too and there r so many versions about some events.. and sometimes even references to official documents r wrong.
so i READ - and think. and yet - i think speaking with participant of events bring more truth than slutty historics (not all of course)

I'd recommend reading:
Dawidowicz, Lucy ?The war against the Jews 1933-1945?*
Gilbert, M. ?The Holocaust. The Jewish Tragedy?*
Hilberg, Paul ?The Destruction of the European Jews?
Poliakov, Leon ?The History of Anti-Semitism? (3vols)*
Reitlinger, Gerald ?The Final Solution?

Dawidowicz is a Jewish historian, but her book doesn't have such a plain view as you might expect. There is no known total death toll, this is due to many governments not keeping accurate records (and by governments I'm talking about the occupied governments). The records in ukraine and Poland are far from accurate and thusly this is why it's impossible to know an accurate figure for the ammounts of death.

yep. that is what i am talking about. they were ANTI-humanists. i dont know why all of u highlight anti-semitic... well, being anti-norwegian it's better than anti-semitic? sure... nobody cares..

No, not really, they were anti-semetic. The nazi's judged people by race and religion, and this is what the word means. anti-humanist is made up btw, but I think you mean they treated everyone non-aryian the same? Not so, Jewish, Blacks and Slavs were at the bottom of the Nazi's idea of the master race.

I think a dictionary definition is necessary:
2: discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion [syn: racist, antiblack, anti-Semitic, anti-Semite(a)]

It means a racist and religious intolerant, it does not apply exclusively to the jews, it's just as a highly persecuted faith, it has become associated with it, just like the word holocaust has (although holocaust was first used to describe the masskillings of the jews in london, but the word means annhilation of entire peoples.)

spudthedestroyer wrote:
initial anti-semitic policy was expulsion and not erradication, not until 1941 officially

ermm. well, he started politic of anti-semism when he became Kanzler.

Of course, this is basic knowledge. Yes, anti-semitism, erradication, no, starting the holocaust, no.

maybe u know about Nurnbergs law? (jews lost some peoples right) or "crystal night" in november of 1938?

Ditto, Of course, but you are saying anti-jewish rhetoric and actions as the same as the 'Final Solution'. It was not. My interpretation is that of the Functionalist idea, not the intentionalist. Maybe you fall under the intentionalist arguement?

In retrospect, evidence points towards the idea that anti-Semitism by the nazis took on a step-by-step approach from the boycott of Jewish businesses from March 26th 1933, through to the removal of Jewish citizens civil liberties in the Nuremberg Laws, September 1935, and finally the removal of the Jews altogether (ghettos/work camps), but this was only much latter, and then the annhilation of the jews (concentration camps, mobile death squads) from late 1939 after the outbreak of war.

or first concentration camp in Dahau (i think it spells so) in 1933.

I may be mistaken but this was a work camp, the first concentration/death camp was made in 1939.

about "final solution". in 1942, in Wannsee, near Berlin, shefs of ss and some other bosses "developed" plan of final solution. and half year before Wannsee was brief from Heydrich to Hering (creator of ss) with charge to make all neede work about financial and organizations questions for realization of "final soluion plan"

This is proving my point and conflicting what you said earlier. initially there was no extermination, the polciy was to exclude the Jewish people from german society, but at some point in 1941 as i said in my previous 'answer' the polciy was stepped up to extermination with the final solution. The basis of the biggest school of thought, that being the functionalists is this, and there is a lot of evidence and interpretation surround this. Casting it off in such an offhanded manor is not as simple as you seem to do by simply saying 'u r wrong'

spudthedestroyer wrote:
fact: expelled Jewish population mainly settled in Poland and the east because a) Allies refused to take in large numbers of displaced jews b) Jewish homeland under british rule c) large displaced community already present due to years of oppresion, and pogroms by many nations.

seems we r talking about different times. i mean not just before war.. earlier..at the begin of 30th.
1921-1937 from Poland to USA, Latin America, Europe moved 395 000 jews.
1923-1937 from Poland to Palestine moved 270 000 jews
reference - "Najnowsze dzieje zydow w Polsce" S. 164,165.

True, like I said I'm not denying anything like this, I just said it was irrelevant to what I said in answering the initial question. The vast majority of the Jewish pop. was in the east, and Britain closed access to Palestine and Britain because they felt that anti-semitism would develop in mainland Britain as it had done in the past. USA did the same. Both nations could have and would have taken in a larger percentage if they knew that the exclusion would emerge as annhilation.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
fact: Nazi's stepped up the anti-semetic agenda, despite war as they believe they had to deal with a problem contained merely to the minds of a few numskulls and party rhetoic

sry, i dont get what u said (might be my english of course)

Read up a bit, the anti-semitic polices of the nazis developed over time, annhilation was not commited as a policy until 1939. Hitler's rheotoric is the only place the subject materialised at until then. Explusion and disenfranchising was the polciy before then.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
fact: Most concentration camps were in poland and the east to reflect this.

i dont know exactly ammount of camps but i think u r right.

No i don't know the exact amount either without looking it up, but it was much, much higher than any other nation to reflect the size of the Jewish population, and the sparsity and already anti-semitic roots of this region meant that it was the place where the camps emerged.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
fact: German Jewish population plummited in Germany, but many simply couldn't leave and thusly some concentration camps were constructed in Germany itself, but the Nazis believed that the main body should take place away from the German public

well, that's unsubstantiated statement. knowing about products from peoples leather + there r many doc. movies and photos where u can see a thousands of peoples on mass-meeting with "greetings" to Hitler.-/quote]

Your arguement sounds like it is out of a low brow tv documentry, or from the papers/propaganda. Can I ask where you've gotten the idea from? I hope it's not any propaganda movies, the problem is that most material released at the time will have been.
Can any German member of the board comment on this? I don't think he meant to insinuate that the German people were behind the erradication of the Jewish population (or at least I hope not)

For substantiation:
Dawidowicz, Lucy ?The war against the Jews 1933-1945?
Gilbert, M. ?The Holocaust. The Jewish Tragedy?
Hilberg, Paul ?The Destruction of the European Jews?
Even intentionalists, the historians that believe it was hitler's original intention to erradicate the jewish people don't make far out claims like this, well not that i've read.

nope, i got your previous post.

Read down you didn't else you wouldn't have said what you did which seems like you have totally misread at least large sections of it.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
mine was interpretation contructed on the base of the most accepted interpretation of a historical event

i like that. but what is it? "most accepted"? who accept? how many?

The weight of historical interpretation is behind it. I believe that the annihilation of the jewish population was based on that put forward in functionalist ideas (the largest school of thought), Hitler was a opportunist and if you look at his early life he isn't anti-jewish until he enters politics. I have a long reading list if you would like to look up some books, all of them are in English though, although you may be able to find Russain translations.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
That is really insulting considering that I have studied in depth in this field, and have written many papers on the holocaust

i think at the moment we r talking not only about holocaust?

No we are talking about concentration camps, the tools used to implement the holocaust and thusly I have studied a lot about this.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
Wrong, sorry but that isn't true. The german people were largely unaware of the final solution until it was well in motion, to think they were is demoralising and totally lacking any grasp of the difference between a German and a Nazi. If you were trying to say quite a few knew, probably, but a majority is wrong.

errm. we dont know what they knew. it's just impossible to know. but IMHO they knew all. just were scared or agreed with that

Well, we have a good idea that your wrong, but not a certainty. There is more evidence to support this idea. So you can use your opinion to say I'm wrong but I can't use large areas of interpretation to say your wrong then? Well whatever, I know your opinion now which I wasn't clear of in your first post so I guess I misundertood what you were trying to say. It was in relation to minor facts rather than about my answer to the concentration camp question. My bad.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
I've heard claims like that before, but most people will agree that the holocaust was neither common knowledge nor endorsed by the German people.

and again "most". u should use that word very carefull.

Like I said, it merely reflects the main body of study and the largest amount of historians tend to agree to the contrary. Hence, most. I didn't want to get into depth but it seems to worked out the opposite and I'm now having to clarify the areas of historical study which is a pain in the ass :lol:

I think there is a difference from what you say is eastern europe and I say is so I won't dwell on that. Eastern Europe I am referring to is ukraine and poland, where the majority of the Jewish populations were.

well again, u divide deads on kinda good and bad...
Gipsys. nazi tryed to destroy them all.
about Serbia (again spelling... sry. that was part of Jugoslavia).. genocide was..

Sorry, I can't undersatn this part, it's very fragmented and your paragraphing has gone a bit off. So I can't understand what it is your trying to say. I think your referring to Nazi ideals? Well yes, they were very clear, Gipsies, slavs and Jews were Nazi public enemies as they were the contrast to their master race.

and U, west europe,

Please don't call me West Europe, that's just biggotry and seems very racist. I know that's not what you meant, but that's not what you said.

continued genocide against them in our time.
Slavs.. well.. in Belarus r many vilages that were burned with peoples... a hundreds of vilages. with belarusin peoples... one my grandfather told me how he with in train full of our peoples.. they took them to one place to burn all of them alive. about 1000 peoples. he escaped coz matures break 1 plank in wall.. axis shooted him.. but he ran away..
but he is not jews so who cares.

Again, sorry I can't follow it. Your talking about your grandfather? Of course people care about every casuality of every war. There were casulaties of every army, and casualties from every country involved. But the Jews were not in the war, they were victimised specifically, targeted and eliminated, and were by far the highest civilian casualties. I reiterate this is about concentration camps, not all of the nazi's atrocisities.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
One of the down falls of the German army was the Nazi's persuit of racial intolerance... if they would have waited before embarking on their immoral and foolhardy pursuit of eliminating all those who they perceived to be racially inadequet, that is Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, etc. the war could have, and many argue would have turned out differently. But the nazi's were racist extremists, and it's very clear that the hatred for others was central to their very government

who knows, maybe. i did not think about it.

It's a very interesting and compelling field of study, evidence does seem to point to this being the case. The nazi's spent parallel efforts on anti-semitic policies and the war, and inevitably their instance and narrow minded idealogy contributed to the Germany being defeated. I'll have to dig up some books on this area. PM me if your interested, otherwise it will save me the effort.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
However, I disagree fundamentally with everything you said really. It is contrary to historical research, my own studies, and my own research and therefore I stuggle to see your viewpoint, or infact what you were trying to say at all (does it have any point?)

well. say now what is fundamentally wrong in my opinion?
i am sorry if i offended u with my rude post. and hope that u had no wish to offend me with your post.

It was irrelevant to the question, and fundamentally wrong as an arguement to disprove what I said. I ommited irrelevant details to the question we were posed.

spudthedestroyer wrote:
I reiterate, just because a country is led by a dictatorship, doesn't mean that everyone underneath that dictatorship follows the nutcase.

IMHO, unless u r children - u follow. u dont follow if u fight against.

Very true, I did ommit this but I was talking about the vast adult population, and those around in establishing the Nazi gov, not the brainwashed children most of whom have learnt since what they taught was fundamentally wrong. There were some that still believed in what the nazi's did, but not anywhere near a majority. Afterall hitler did say "If you get them while they're young, you have them for life". However, looking at the reaction of the german pop, it is clear that there was regret for allowing the nazis to do what they did.

well, i dont understand what u have against Eastern Europe? u was in my country? u judge by articles in "Sun"?
during the cold war i never thought bad about west.. just becouse i was not there. how could i judge them.

This displays a total misunderstanding of everything I wrote, content and context, you say don't get offended, but you sprout absolutely baseless stuff like this, it can only count against what you try to say. i fail to see how you could even arrive at this through anything I was saying. More so, I fail to see how you can argue against the basis of what I was saying, please read the question that was posed and then the answer I gave and not just try and analyise a fragment as a totality (even then, there is no single part where I would imply this because its totally and utterly wrong and I've never implied anything of the sort, ever). I know the allies took refugees, of course they did, however I am saying they failed to take in substantial numbers of displaced Jews and ehtnic refugees, and the vast majority emigrated Eastward into poland and ukraine. When the Nazi's expanded eastward, they acquired territories containing large ethnic populations. Hence the construction of concentration camps reflected this. I find this statement totally baffling and out of place I'm afraid.

History vulgarized itself already long time ago.

History is history :(

sry again for errors. i dont have time to check all words.
and i write that in Notepad so no smiles

no problems, very easy to understand, and I do see your point of view on many things, Just not how they apply to the question but you are right on most matters, or consitent to what I have learnt and been taught.

ps. Can you use this writing style for dicussions, Its a lot easier to follow and read in sentaces and real paragraph structure, the fragmented lines make it hard for me to understand some stuff your trying to say which wasn't as clear in your first post :)

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 11:52 pm  Post subject:
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oh, so much to write now.
i am going to find to eat sumthing and then will answer.
but u skip some parts again :P

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2003 3:01 am  Post subject:
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but u skip some parts again

Only those that are irrelevant to the question, you do a huge bit of 'skiiping too' so don't fault someone on answering appropriately, I wouldn't fault you on doing the same. Also please try and stick to the subject cos i really don't care about anything unrelated, or rather have to churn through lots of stuff you don't need to say. I will have most likely heard it all before, so it will save you the effort of typing and me the chore of reading it :)

I'll let you have the last word though, I think I answered the question accurately highlighting the main reasons why concentration camps were more present in poland, ukraine, etc. and if you can include some books of reference too it helps so I can eventually get round to reading up on where your coming from.


PS. Can you reveal what the results of the test are please?

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2003 3:38 am  Post subject:
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test? which one?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2003 3:39 am  Post subject:
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PrayeR wrote:
test? which one?

the reason why we are even talking about this:
anr11 wrote:
I would like to pose a question as kind of an experiment, the question being this:

How many concentration camps were there in Germany?

you wasn't you, but anr11, don't worry :)

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2003 4:02 am  Post subject:
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spudthedestroyer wrote:
you wasn't you, but anr11, don't worry :)

doh! i think i must worry..
me is not me :shock:

btw, it's 5am here
4am in England...
i must admit - it's not good for health. :P
internet in the night.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2003 7:27 am  Post subject:
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The Devil, Probably
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say, this is turning into quite the histo-political debate, and its good to see it not turn into namecalling and shit.
citing historical information and statistics doesnt have too much impact for me, history is written by the victors like winston 'chubbiekins' churchill barked. i do believe other countries jumped in on the bandwagon and did some wholesale slaughter of peoples they wanted to get rid of, use as slave labor, or just didnt like the looks of.
i'm sure most germans,nazis, polish,russians,itallians,japanese, even ones who were involved directly with genocide are not that much different than you or me, they were just under different circumstances at the time, and that is just sad. no matter how 'enlightend' a species we are, we're never far from what we really are.

'You - you monster! Why? Why in God's name do you do these horrible things??!'

'I thought it was obvious, you sillly girl.
I'm a monster. I do monstrous things.'

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2003 4:21 pm  Post subject:
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monkeysmasher wrote:
say, this is turning into quite the histo-political debate, and its good to see it not turn into namecalling and shit.
citing historical information and statistics doesnt have too much impact for me, history is written by the victors like winston 'chubbiekins' churchill barked. i do believe other countries jumped in on the bandwagon and did some wholesale slaughter of peoples they wanted to get rid of, use as slave labor, or just didnt like the looks of.

Very true, but I think in a pm to prayer I said something about history.
There is no such thing as "The history of the world" there is only a history of the world, and each one must be analyised as that. :)

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2003 5:06 pm  Post subject:
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when i will have free time today or tomorrow i will answer on pm
i am so fooking busy today... no wish to think.. :(

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2003 5:19 pm  Post subject:
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oh please, i think this discussion is really interesting, don?t shut us (me) out by continuing over pm. seriously, as long as the discussion coninuies like this in a civilised manner...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 3:17 am  Post subject:
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Seems this thread will never die :?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 4:44 am  Post subject:
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so whats up with the french? frogslegs, snails, chicks with hairy armpits? isnt it aboot time they got invaded again?
i'm looking at you, norway, so c'mon, invade 'em, show the whole world norway isnt a bunch of punks.
next stop, invading antartica. the penguins would never expect it.

'You - you monster! Why? Why in God's name do you do these horrible things??!'

'I thought it was obvious, you sillly girl.
I'm a monster. I do monstrous things.'

PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 8:28 am  Post subject:
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don?t undersetimate the penguins, they?re ice-cold killers.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 10:22 am  Post subject:
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the attack plan is brilliant:
we all show up, saying it's a surprise party. we come dressed in business casual atire.
then when they all are embaressed for being overdressed, we slaughter them mercilessly while they are changing out of thier tuxedos.

then we head to the other pole, conquer it. at last we can copyright/patent/whatever the magnetic field, thus anyone using a compass must pay royalties.
monkey 'king of the polar bears' smasher.

'You - you monster! Why? Why in God's name do you do these horrible things??!'

'I thought it was obvious, you sillly girl.
I'm a monster. I do monstrous things.'

PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 11:01 am  Post subject:
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I think what prayer just wants to say is that the russians got a rough deal when it comes to credit for stopping hitler.....

Hitler had very nasty plans for the russians indeed...to the west it was conquest - to the east it was extermination......this word choice I quote from a recent documentary....and not some old cold-war biased public school history book.....

Here's something that'll infuriate a few of you , but I don't give a damn for it's the truth ; Britain would have collapsed were it not for uncle sam's lifeline......were as russia would still go on existing even if stalingrad collapsed...in whatever form.....
I mean come on ! there just weren't enough soldiers to occupy every square km of the sovjetunion.....and those supply lines getting longer and longer...

Russia did indeed take the bulk of the pounding - but what do western history books focus on ? Just on how many millions stalin killed in his own country.....HEY ! not denying it didn't happen, but stone cold thruth is, if it weren't for russia (i.e europe directly bordering on china), those of us allowed to get born would all be speaking german today.....

.....Extended holiday at the funny farm......

PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 12:07 pm  Post subject:
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actually i did not mean that. lol
i think all made their job good.
just now i sometimes hear from americans that they won the war. they made even ussr free. just funny.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 1:51 pm  Post subject:
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of course, Russia had the highest death count of all Allied armies and without their participation the whole of Europe would have crumbled and fallen. America was instrumental to the Allies winning the war though, without their participation D-day could have gone hideously wrong. It's just that's nothing to do with concentration camps.

Russia did indeed take the bulk of the pounding - but what do western history books focus on ? Just on how many millions stalin killed in his own country.....HEY ! not denying it didn't happen, but stone cold thruth is, if it weren't for russia (i.e europe directly bordering on china), those of us allowed to get born would all be speaking german today.....

Actually your very wrong if your referring to the English education system, we were taught nothing of the sort really, of course we were taught of the rutherlessness, genocide and the great pruges for example, but infact the main body of study was analysis of what Stalin did for the empire and what he did to harm the empire. It isn't as one sided. Not here at least, possible in other education systems. The only thing regrettable is that it can not possible be taught in great depth over a two year period. There are many books on the subject, but not solely.

However this is offtopic and I'll be quiet now :)

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