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PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:29 am  Post subject: Who are you?
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Dead But Dreaming
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And what do you do? How did you get into cult movies?

Always nice to get an idea / face of the internet personalities. I like that. So I'll start out.

I'm 22, from Denmark, and I'm studying library-and information science. I've been fond of horror/cult flicks since I first saw Dracula (w/ christopher lee) as a 5-year old - running scared and crying out of the room. Always tried to catch that scare again, but never managed to. :) As the years went by, my half brother came to visit once every second year or so - ´though his visitings where so rare, I've come to the conclusion that they were very important to my awareness of culture other than mainstream fare. Films I remember him bringing were Heavy Traffic, that swedish film about Picasso, and a Svankmeyer - for a little boy that was sure some cool and unknown stuff to behold. I guess this awareness, combined with the obsessive compulsive order my dad has towards LPs (he always brought me to various fleemarkets), and his sense of what is good taste within music, made me start collecting stuff; especially movies on VHS and comics. As DVD started to get big, I had quite a collection of Manga Videos, Hellraiser, Fright Night, Halloween, and that kind of more mainstream fare that at least made it through to the box office (mainstream conscience). It was around 2000/2001 that I convinced my dad to buy a DVD Player, and I started seriously collecting a year or so after. Now I'm up on around 1300+ movies on DVD, and still going. I regret selling my 500+ VHS collection, as there were some strange and rare films there I could provide for communities like this one, but back when I sold those films that wasn't in my mind. It was the usual cleaning up before moving out. I now live in Copenhagen with my girlfriend who is studying architecture at her late 2nd year.

Together with the whole cult movie thing, I also became fond of music, which grew more and more extreme and ended up in the extreme music genres as black/death metal. The comics thing was there ever since my half brother introduced me to a shop called Fantask we have here, which was the only one selling US comics. I sold most of my loose comics before I moved, and went on to focus mainly on collections - and now that these Marvel/DC/Dark horse Essentials have sprung out, I don't regret that a bit. They're simply brilliant and I hope to read them all, though I got stuck in the first Spiderman one hehe. Shessh, the stories got better later on, more serious.

Anyway, what else is there to say? The reason I'm here is to satisfy my obsessive compulsive order torwards cult movies; I want to own and see every single one - and I am here with a clean conscience since I spend a lot of fucking money supporting the alternative cinema community through purchases of movies and magazines involving it.

I got a job recently, morning from 5-9 am, so I can earn an extra buck, though it stresses the hell outta me. It's this telephone service/answer job, where I get to work at home, but I have to make decicions about something every time the phone calls, so it can be hectic and frustrating even though I'm sipping my morning coffee and watching a movie. Apart from that, I'm having vacation now until september, where i'll start again at my fifth semester. I'm not that serious about these studies (as in getting the highest grades), but I manage to get through with allright results up 'till now. I'm still searching for "my thing" to get into as a creative person, be it making movies, music, writing, painting, playing guitar; I haven't found "my thing" yet, but I really need one. My theory is that being on the cultural recieving end constantly can make you passive and repetitive in thought. Only thing I'm working on now is my website.

Anyway, this was my meaningless and self-centered rant, be sure to follow up on it. :D

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:01 pm  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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The Ancient One
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I am 33 from England. I am petty much great, but that is another story. I grew up in a stable family environment with open minded parents. I have ben watching horror since my young days, very young. I saw the Elm Street flicks, Jason flicks, the Romero jobs, Evil Dead, etc..... all the classics. Most of these I saw on pirate courtesy of a friends parents who had 'contacts'.

Personality wise I am pretty up and down, not alot in the middle. TBH I am an arse to live with, but I like to think the rewards outweigh the costs. I am not at all violent in a physical manner, but I can be very aggressive verbally. I am a smart man and I know it, sometimes I can seem a bit up my own arse but I really aint. I really hate close minded people, racists, bigots, anyone who is not open to new ideas or tolerant of what others believe in.

As far as work goes, I have done a lot of varied jobs involving computers and technology. I have a good understanding, and the ability to learn fast and problem solve efficiently has aided me in pretty much any situation. I am not a natural born leader, but neither am I a follower, I prefer to work in the background. I have noticed I tend to gravitate towards people that do have power or respect in whatever walk of life they live in, and I become useful to them. I do not have many frends, but this by choice. I pick my friends carefully and tend to bond for a long time.

I have done some warehouse work, truely mind numbing and life sapping, I have to do a job that involves my brain aswell as my body. I absolutely love the tree surgery that I am currently doing, it is extremely physical which is good, not an ounce of fat on me sunshine, but it also requires a good amount of brain power as there are the obvious dangers of 1 ton plus lumps of wood flying around. Being the ground man also means that on jobs where extra grunt is needed I become number 2 in command and am responsible for all the minions on the ground.

I do have to watch my OCD tendencies. I have a real obsession about things being highly organised, even if it makes no sense to others around me. I also have to be carefull about the thought processes in my brain box, sometimes I get stuck in a circle of thought that just keeps going round and round. This is always counter productive and destructive as I blot out other areas of my life that really should be attended to. Fortunately, as I age these 'flaws' are becoming less dominant and now require less 'processor time' to keep in check.

I think the reason I am so into horror is because even from an early age I realised the world is not nice and fluffy and neither are people. I have always been aware that my 'dark' side is not buried very deep and needs to be kept in check, it has occasionally escaped and it has wrecked some aspects of my life in the past. I have always had issues being around people I do not know for the simple fact I trust absolutely no-one that has not earned it from me, and that can be hard because I tend to keep unknown people at arms length, often by constantly being hostile with the things I say.

Basically I am a bit of a freak, not in a bad way but I certainly am hard to be around sometimes. I actually think you guys would, on the whole, fall right into that microscopic pigeon hole that would allow us to be good friends.

Erm, chit chat time over.

Small Time Rippers - 2003-2008 - R.I.P.
'Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?'

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:26 pm  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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Demon Of The Abyss
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I´m 35, from Portugal. I write stupid soap-operas for Portuguese TV. Sometimes I'm lucky enough to write something a little more fulfilling, but it´s rare.
The cult movie thing comes from my youth, were me and all my mates joined to watch cheesy horror movies.

I live with my wife, kid, two cats and a dog in a flat, it´s never dull.

I also kill people as a part-time.

Can´t get this signature thing to work... Oh well, f**** it!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:58 pm  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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The Ancient One
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I am 31 from Holland. I am petty much great, but that is another story. I grew up in a stable family environment with traditional, but pretty much open minded parents. My exaggerated interest in movies (at least that's what my gf calls it ;)) has been seeded in my childhood which was next to anti-movie. My mother can't take watching movies because she'll have bad dreams about it. Same goes for my sister. So I don't have any sentimental feelings for old movies, I missed out on famous TV shows like The A-team (I watched the re-runs when I was a student) and on famous movies like "Back to the Future". Friends and colleagues alike are amazed when I tell them this :)

I'm catching up watching stuff, sometimes even 6 movies per day, to make up for the loss I had twenty years ago. Wow, this sounds dramatic. I'm not suffering or anything like it, it's just how it went down.

Personality wise I am optimistic and usually cheerful. I can be an arse to live with, but I like to think the rewards outweigh the costs. I am not at all violent in a physical manner, but I can be very aggressive verbally. I used to express that a lot, but since a few years I've become a lot milder. I am a smart man and I know it, sometimes I can seem a bit up my own arse but I really aint. I don't like close minded people, racists, bigots, liars, anyone who is not open to new ideas or tolerant of what others believe in.

As far as work goes, I am a teacher and I construct/corrupt little minds while telling them about history. I have a good understanding, and the ability to learn fast and problem solve efficiently has aided me in pretty much any situation. I am a natural born leader, I can yield leadership to people I like and trust, but only to them. I prefer to work in the spotlights. I have noticed I tend to gravitate towards people that have the same level of intelligence and I exchange thoughts with them, which proved useful sometimes. Sometimes for me, sometimes for them. I do not have many friends, but this by choice. I pick my friends carefully and tend to bond for a long time. After you pass the ytest, you can count on a good amount of loyalty on my part.

I have to be careful about the thought processes in my brain box, sometimes I get stuck in a circle of thought that just keeps going round and round. This can cause a situation of temporary unsolvability, but my eternal optimism always finds a way out, which means the circle of thought gets stored in the long-term parking lot in my head. This means I know it's there, but it's not bothering me anymore.

I think the reason I am so into horror is because even from a pretty early age I realised the world is not nice and fluffy and neither are people. I have always been aware that everyone has a 'dark' side. This may also be the cause of my other great interest: conflict in human history, especially war (and thus: warmovies).

Some people might think of me as a freak, not in a bad way but I certainly can surprise people who know me for a long time with unexpected things. I also think you guys would, on the whole, fall right into that microscopic pigeon hole that would allow us to be good friends.

PS: you might have noticed some similarities with another report on this page, this is purely coincidental.


PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:30 pm  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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Lunatic Of Gods Creation
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Who am I?
I'm a 38 year old Dirty Rotten Imbecile...from The Netherlands born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Startin' making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'...

Who Am I?
Who Am I?
Three Simple Words
Who Am I?
A Human Being
Who Am I?
This Weird Thing
Who Am I?
Not What I Seem

I don't worship Satan...I just agree with a lot of the things he tells me

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:11 pm  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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The Ancient One
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LOL, D.R.I. rulez! Saw them on Graspop, have a plectrum with their symbol on it from that gig.


PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:49 pm  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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The Ancient One
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@Slayer, see, I knew we would be similar LOL

@Vermin, you do actually look a bit like the Fresh Prince.

Small Time Rippers - 2003-2008 - R.I.P.
'Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?'

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:21 pm  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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The Ancient One
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TaKYoN wrote:
@Slayer, see, I knew we would be similar LOL

Yes, only thing is I look way better ;)


PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:22 pm  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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The Devil, Probably
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Hello my friends. I am a 24 year young ( :mrgreen: ) male student from Hungary.
I too liked to watch horror movies as a child, even though I got scared most of the time. My favorites from the past are the Stephen King movies (it, pet sematary) and the Spanish skeleton knight horror flicks. In secondary school me and some of my class mates used to write little horror tales. Some were based on horror movies we saw and some purely on our own imagination. I was in charge of collecting and storing them so I still have them in my book shelves. It is very nice to look at them and think about the past times. Later on I was given an Atari as Christmas present from relatives in Eastern Germany. It was kind of a sensation to have such a thing in eastern communist countries - like Hungary. That is when I became more interested in computer stuff. I started to study IT (which I am doing up until now - if I think about it this sums up to 10 years - oh boy). I graduated as degreed engineer. In about one year I will face my final master exam. Besides studying I work as a software developer. Sitting in front of the computer all day long sometimes makes me feel real sick :( . All this time I used to looked out for horror movies in DVD stores. I stumbled across this site because my brother used to visit it. I had a look and found some movies that I knew from the past ("The Supernaturals" has brought back many memories). I try to contribute by doing some rips but it can never make up for the satisfaction caused by the simple fact that so many great movies are available on this marvelous website. Because of my computer work and the fact that I went abroad studying (to a country where I was not really welcome - Austria) my social skills are rather weak. Don't get my wrong. I am a polite and friendly person who likes to talk to people, but just too shy from time to time. So much for me. I'll have a drink now. :drunk:

Keep downloaded files shared as long as possible! You wouldn't be able to download without people sharing the stuff.

Image Image Image Image Image Image

Next release will be: La Cité Des Entfants Perdu (1995) + Making Of (Status: working on the subtitles)
Last release was: Svengali (1931)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:37 pm  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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I am Jack's Smirking Revenge...

Well I can go next; I'm 23 (it always takes me 5 mins to remember how old I am, I guess that shows I really don't care or I'm too busy to pay attention to this kind of thing :lol: ), born in England and live in England... at least for the time being anyway. I went through the full academic motions, school, high school, college, and university, and am now woefully employed.

At university I studied Computing W/ Artificial Intelligence for three years, finishing in 2006, and had every intention of studying for a PhD but ended up getting a job without ever actually applying for one through a reference from someone I helped pass their course. Since finishing there I've worked for the same company for approaching two years, and am at the point where I believe I will have to move on, too heavily relied on and not paid anywhere near enough or in a respectable enough position for my skills, or so I think; we'll see how much of a case I have when i become an unemployable wretch.

Now onto the good stuff, I phased into horror in three distinct maneuvers; the first time I got into horror in a big way was in the early 90s. At this point I acquired Evil Dead, Hellraiser, Candyman, Alien, Evil Dead 2, Aliens, The Thing, the biggies let say. I'd not been inexperienced in the genre before this point, notable flicks had been Poltergeist, Gremlins and other lighter films like Tremors, but obviously with my age I was too young to really appreciate movies on the same level I do now, but the enjoyment from horror films was there. This died down a little bit until I got into trash thanks to the then marvelous Bravo late nights; lesbian vampires, troma, splatter, gore, gothic horror... bmovie trash... loved it when bravo used to be good. I'd see the big cronenbergs, lynchs and carpenters at this time too, we are talking mid-1990s. At this point I started getting my VHSs of cheap trash built up. Finally, towards the late 1990s, I started watching late night Channel 4 which led into early morning Bravo, SciFi, etc. Shows like Bits were on at this time and that was really an awesome time for TV, its completely destroyed itself since then to the point where I don't even have a TV anymore. Shame really, it was great low budget trash; but good :) At this stage I liked horror. I do lean more towards high quality, budgeted or critically successful horror movies, largely based upon that big first introduction, and then love the lower budgeted escapades, but need gore and some quality to appreciate them. I also love rarities, not video nasties particularly, but workprints or similar.

Now in case people are wondering how the above ended in where you all are right now; a little bit of internet history where the above became dead-donkey. I'll try to do my best to recall the events. In about 1996/1997 was when I first got on the net, and used to play Quake and download mods. I was 11 in 1996 for a bit of grounding, I remember breaking windows 98 by compiling quake-c, messing with the registry and downloading utilities i got from the net; and having to format at this time. That was fun :) Any way, on to p2p... I had used irc and attempted to use nntp but napster was the biggy, and metallica fucked me. I was one of the people banned, as i had to use the registry hack to get back on the network. This was about 1999/2000. I do remember trying edonkey2000 on 56k, but it wasn't very useful... edonkey2000 was designed for big queues, so it was all about always-on internet connections to be usable, so i abandoned it in favour of winmx, irc, and DC++.

I remember getting ADSL very early on, as soon as the exchange got turned on which was 28/02/2001, from here I then adopted edonkey2000 again. I remember that the devs didn't like hash links on the official boards and that some people got together and from it came masenka.net (later to become filenexus). Now don't let anyone tell you otherwise, ShareReactor came AFTER filenexus, not the other way round. Masenka was first which was run by "BSOD", 'gowenna' posted there and lifted and tagged content which made up 'her' page which became Sharereactor. For those that are curious:
http://web.archive.org/web/200105211400 ... 1.cjb.net/
I didn't post at this time, I started posting when Masenka became FileNexus. At this time ShareReactor was set up, which was a nice resource, but i didn't much care for it because it was rather unmaintained on the forums whilst filenexus was forum driven.

FileNexus went on for some time, i became scifi mod:
http://web.archive.org/web/200211271114 ... nexus.com/
Then global mod, etc. In 2002/2003 Fileheaven was created because of near constant filenexus downtime, and unfortunately filenexus folded in 2004, although by that time it had been surprised by fh.

In about 2001, I was toying with the idea of a horror edonkey2000 website, and by november 2002, I used a sticky topic compiled by cybersatan as the basis of the first site, which looked something like:
http://web.archive.org/web/200302020132 ... e.host.sk/
and then we dropped the crappy splash page:
http://web.archive.org/web/200303260115 ... e.host.sk/

More info can be found here:
There was a edonkey2000 page with a couple of movies on called "the mortuary", but that was a single page that eventually got moved under sr after we launched.

In 2003, we registered dead-donkey.com and in about july/august we were hosted at station51. We used PHPNuke for a while which looked like:
http://web.archive.org/web/200310162135 ... onkey.com/
Which got redesigned a number of times:
http://web.archive.org/web/200403290244 ... onkey.com/
http://web.archive.org/web/200406180128 ... onkey.com/

We finally got our bespoke solution 11/07/2005, which you can see here...
http://web.archive.org/web/200508040012 ... /index.php
Vastly improved huh? :)

Mouse nipple for the win! Trackpoint or death!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:57 pm  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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The Practice Girl
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Heh....this thread is extremely eye opening :o :lol:

Small Time Rippers - 2003-2008 - R.I.P.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:11 pm  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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The Ancient One
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Slayer wrote:
TaKYoN wrote:
@Slayer, see, I knew we would be similar LOL

Yes, only thing is I look way better ;)

That is something I cannot deny.

Small Time Rippers - 2003-2008 - R.I.P.
'Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?'

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:12 pm  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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The Ancient One
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This is an excellent thread indeed.

Small Time Rippers - 2003-2008 - R.I.P.
'Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?'

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:58 am  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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Buried In The Backyard
Joined: Fri Jun 13, 2008 9:16 pm
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Not much to say, really.

I'm 31 years old and I live in the U.S. (Tampa, FL to be exact).

I wasted my time going to college for a degree in graphic design, but I have yet to find any work in that field.
Thanks to the recent economic downturn, I'm currently unemployed. :(

I basically got into cult, exploitation, grindhouse, what-have-you type of movies through word-of-mouth and from bootleg videos.
My taste in films is quite varied, though. I like the classics and "arthouse" type movies, but I also enjoy the aforementioned grindhouse and exploitation stuff.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:34 am  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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The Ancient One
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Mataesfola wrote:
I also kill people as a part-time.


Small Time Rippers - 2003-2008 - R.I.P.
'Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?'

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:36 am  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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The Ancient One
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jlg77 wrote:
I'm 31 years old and I live in the U.S. (Tampa, FL to be exact).

Well done, the first step is admitting it. We won't hold it against you though :wink:

Small Time Rippers - 2003-2008 - R.I.P.
'Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?'

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:27 am  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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Buried In The Backyard
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TaKYoN wrote:
jlg77 wrote:
I'm 31 years old and I live in the U.S. (Tampa, FL to be exact).

Well done, the first step is admitting it. We won't hold it against you though :wink:

Yeah, it sucks where I live.

I only admitted it because I was wondering if anyone else here lives in my general area, though.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:21 am  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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The Ancient One
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Isn't that where the Tampa Bay Lightnings are from? :)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:41 pm  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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The Ancient One
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Is Tampa where tampons were invented?

Small Time Rippers - 2003-2008 - R.I.P.
'Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?'

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:05 pm  Post subject: Re: Who are you?
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The Devil, Probably
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TaKYoN wrote:
Is Tampa where tampons were invented?

Nope. They come from France. Invented by Mr. Plugg.

Image_____________Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue..._____________

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