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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 1:14 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Ancient One
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The Time Guardian - an Australian scifi which got it's inspiration from The Terminator. In the future, mankind is hauling up in cities which have to fight off aggressive robots. Because they can't keep fighting them off, and to prevent mankind from getting extinct, they send a team back in time (coincidentally to the 20th century) to make sure the robots never get made. They end up in Australia (also quite a coincidence), where the local law enforcers are not the brightest bulbs of the bunch. A young geographer teams up with the guys from the future and together they try to make sure that the invasion of the city in the future can be held off. Lots of gigantic robots, superbig weaponry and teleporting going on, no spaceships that I could see. Fun film, with some familiar faces, especially Dean Stockwell. Actually not that bad considering the kind of modest budget of 8 million Australian dollars. So if you're in for a scifi which is a tad different, then pick this one. Bad moviefans might have a good time, but this one is not your typical bad B-scifi (it's better than that), so keep that in mind.


PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:03 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Monkey Shines - a George A. Romero film without any zombies. Romero directed over 20 movies of which the Living Dead films are the most famous ones, many people consider Romero to be the godfather of the zombiegenre in a way. His other films are interesting too, however. The Crazies, Martin, etc I had already seen but somehow I missed this one until recently when I could buy a nice copy of the UK release. It's a , he comes out of the hospital as a pretty long movie (almost two hours), and it is more a thriller than a horror, but I still found it quite entertaining. The story is about Allan Mann, who gets hit by a truck while jogging. After the surgery he comes out of the hospital as a quadriplegic, only able to use his head. Tied to his wheelchair he has to be taken care of for every simple thing: eating, washing, etc. An inhouse nurse does the job, but Allan is feeling more and more alone, especially after his wife leaves him. His friend Geoffrey works at a lab where he is experimenting on monkeys, and one of those monkeys is particularly clever, so when Geoffrey learns of a program where quadriplegics are helped by monkeys, he offers his monkey as a servant to Allan. At first the two of them get along really well, but after while, the monkey starts to grow on Allan in a negative way: he has more angry fits and uses more foul language than before. He also feels like he is connected to the monkey somehow, seeing what the monkey sees, feeling what it feels, etc. When Allan is really angry about the bird of the nurse biting his face, they wake up the other morning with the bird dead in one of the shoes of the nurse. She accuses him and the monkey. He couldn't have done it, being immobile as he is, but could it be that the monkey did it for him? From this moment on, Allan is getting more and more uneasy feelings concerning the moneky and he asks Geoffrey to take it away, but one night Allan hears the scratching of the little paws at his door again... After a pretty long introduction, the last hgour of the film makes you feel uneasier every 5 minutes or so, just like main character Allan. Very well done, even though die hard horrorfans might not like this as there is almost no gore and the kills are few and far between. I had a good time watching this though and it's pretty miraculous how they trained the monkeys to play in this film. So if you're in for a thriller/psychological horror, then this is a good chocie.


PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:58 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The 10th Victim - aka La Decima Vittima. Somewhat weird film by Elio Petri, who I know from the also quite atypical Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion. In this film, we are in the future. Earth is overpopulated and so several governments have agreed that it's best to canalize the human craving for violence and organize a thing called the "hunt". Two people are being put together, one the hunter, the other the victim. The hunter knows everything about the victim, the victim knows nothing. Everytime someone wins, they change roles, and so you are hunter, then victim, then hunter again, assuming you keep winning. The plot evolves around Ursula Andress and Marcello Mastroianni, with her being the hunter and him being the victim. If she wins, she'll get a big prize of money and she can quit the game and live her life without worrying about hunters or victims. So she sets out to win, but things turn out quite differently. I thought it was really nice to see well known stars in a film like this for a change. Mastroianni and Andress both deliver great performances and it really helps this film forward. It's a tad painful to see how bad other castmembers are compared to them, though. Music and atmosphere are both nice, and although this is kind of a niche film, I'm glad I've seen it. Recommended, especially for Italo fans.

All Cheerleaders Die - when Lucky McKee started out as a filmmaker, he co-wrote and co-directed a low budget horror comedy called All Cheerleaders Die. When he had more money to spend later in his career, he decided to make a remake of his own film. So this one is from 2013, twelve years after the first production. In this film we see a bunch of cheerleaders taking on the jocks from the football team, and when a bunch of them die in a crash, they come back due to some witchery performed by their classmate. Now they crave for blood and are out for revenge! Hot looking babes in nice outfits fighting and drinking blood, what more do you want? There is also some lesbian action and some more witchcraft involved. I had good fun and although thete isn't as much gore as you might expect with such a plot description, the babes make up for it. On the sleeve it says comedy but it's not full of jokes. From time to time thete is some funny stuff, but it's not hilarious scene after hilarious scene. Maybe for the better, because otherwise this film might be sucked down to the level of high school comedies of which there are way too many already. Mildly recommended, don't expect too much horror and you'll be fine.


PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 12:24 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Forgot to post for a while, in the meantime I have seen a bunch of movies:

Creeptales - I recently bought a box called "Afraid of the Dark" and it has four movies on it, of which I had seen one (Mansion of Madness) already. Creeptales is an anthology with a very dumb wraparound story, about two ghoulish guys with hunchbacks and repetitive voicelines who want to see a certain movie but the videostore is closed. So they dig up their uncle, because inside his grave there is another copy of the film. They watch it with some of their friends, who are monsters (werewolf, fishlike creature, etc.). The film looks like it's from the late 80s, early 90s, but it's from 2004. Ouch.
"Warped" is the first tale. It's about a redneck family with a dark past involving a stillborn baby. Acting is really bad, one of the actresses is smiling while she needs to look scared/shocked. There is an extremely fat guy playing the cop, and he barely fits through the doorways in the house. I don't know if it was intentional, but that was sad and hilarious at the same time.
The second tale is "Snatcher". Very short, it's about a pickpocket who meets his demise when he picks the wrong pocket.
"The Closet", also very short, is the third tale: about a monster in the closet. The monster looked pretty cool, the rest was quite forgettable.
The fourth tale is "Groovy Ghoulie Garage", in which two guys are on a roadtrip and they end up in a town called Tower Springs with undead inhabitants. Not scary, and only a tad funny.
Number five is "Howling Nightmare", another very short one about a posse hunting werewolves. Pretty good gore, the best in this film.
The last tale is called "Sucker"and is about a super vacuum cleaner. A woman turns into a huge dustmonster using it, the salesman wants to "clean all filth". Well, job done :)
Overall this is not an anthology thatI'm gonna rewatch nytime soon. Also, the backside of the DVD says runtime is 88 minutes but it is actually 104.

Broken Skull - low budget bad VHS transfer from the Afraid of the Dark box. A construction worker finds a broken skull while at work in an old (well, American old, that is, say 25 years) building. He dies in an accident following the find, but he gets possessed and turns into a bloodthirsty killer. His daughter starts an investigation as to what really happened, in the meantime lots of people die. Fun kills, with crushed heads, squirting blood and all. Some of the cast have a really bad accent and they can hardly be understood sometimes. So if you don't really care about following a storyline, then this might be for you.

Laurin - got this one because a friend gave me a tip about this film. Gave it a spin while I was really tired and then this movie is perfect for you: it's slow, not much happens in it, and it is very atmospheric. It plays around 1900 somewhere in northern Germany, where a man goes out to sea for months at a time, and his family (wife, daughter Laurin and grandma) is left behind. When Laurins mother dies, she starts having dreams and visions about strange stuff. After a while they go away but when the son of the preachewr returns to the village after having served in the army, the visions return. Will they lead Laurin to the real cause of her mother's death? Great acting, and although it is not really a horrorfilm, there is enough horrible stuff to look at. I enjoyed this one, but you might need to be in the right mood for it like I was.


PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:42 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Grandmother's House - this is one of the titles I went after because I watched Screaming in High Heels, the documentary about Linnea Quigley, Michelle Bauer and Brinke Stevens. It was fairly expensive, so I sat and waited until one came available for a more normal price. After having received it from the US, I slipped it in the DVD player, and well, I just don't know. It's a rather uneventful film, with only a few scenes of interest, but it also has that typical 80s cheesiness over it which you juist can't explain to anyone who only saw movies from 1992 onwards. So while I wasn't blon away, it also wasn't a complete waste of 85 minutes. I can't really recommend it, but there are worse "films" out there for sure.


PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 2:40 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Creatures the World Forgot - weird film about prehistoric people. There is zero dialogue, the people only communicate via gestures and grunting. There isn't really a story., it's like a documentary about cavemen, several things in life happen: birth, death, a natural disaster, hunting animals. It's not so bad that you can laugh often, it's kind of average. Fun to see one time, but I don't think I'm gonna rewatch this anytime soon. Only for diehard fantasy/caveman fans I guess.


PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 3:24 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Hollywood Strangler meets the Skid Row Slasher - a pretty short movie (63 minutes) which was recorded without any sound and was overdubbed later on. This trivia was in the intro, so I recommend to watch the intro, it makes the film only 5 minutes longer and does give you more fun watching it. This whole dubbing thing is the major factor of this movie being so bad it's good. The kills are meh, because strangling is boring. The few deaths with blood are hilarious: the redness of the blood is quite off. Because of the dubbing, the main character is "thinking" things a lot instead of saying them, and in the end the two killers meet each other and conclude the meeting in their own typical way. Apart from the dub and the red paint as blood, the wooden acting helps this movie get an honourable mention in the walk of fame of bad movies. If you have about an hour to kill and are into bad movies, this one is perfect for you.


PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 8:45 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Count Yorga - atmospheric, Gothic Hammer-like horror with Yorga as the classic vampire, but coming from Bulgaria and living in California this time. Acting is good, very little effects but they aren't really necessary. The cast speaks very neat English, almost British-like. The story doesn't hold any surprises if you have ever seen a classic depiction of the vampire/Dracula story, but it's nice to see some gore and some characters who don't end very well. I also liked the ending, it fit the story nicely. I wonder why I had never heard of these films (there is a sequel too) before, but I'm glad that I have now. Recommended if you want something atmospheric.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 3:08 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Death Screams - saw this one for sale as a bootleg, so I went searching for an original of this. Found out that the version on a disc together with a crappy version of Deep Red by Argento was boh uncut and somewhat affordable. Had it come over from the US, but received the wrong disc so ordered it again. Finally, after a few months of waiting, I could watch it. Maybe it was the fact that I had put in more effort than usually, but I found it all pretty underwhelming. Quality was below par: a fuzzy VHS transfer with low volume sound. In the beginning of the movie there is one kill, after that you have to wait very long for more stuff to happen. What you get to see is a small town, with it's usual gossip, it's annual fair and it's youngsters doing unwise stuff. One more kill inbetween before the final 15 minutes arrive and they are somewhat worth it: all of a sudden the kills succeed each other more quickly and there is more gore to enjoy. The killer is not really surprising if you paid attention in the boring part, but since that is a bit of a challenge, it might come as a surprise after all. Quite an average slasher if you ask me, but if you're a fan of 80s horror, you can enjoy yourself with this one.

Anthony - aka Kindred. A female scientist has an accident and is hospitalized. Her son, himself a scientist too, comes to visit and she tells him about her last experiment which went wrong and urges him to burn everything related to it. Shortly after she has died, he goes to her house with his wife and Melissa, a woman he has met on his mother's funeral. The three of them are searching for clues about the experiment, and when they find a huge space in the basement, something that has been lurking down there comes out... I loved this one, it's not a very original story, but the effects were awesome! So much gore, goo and slime, together with some great monstermodels made a very cool film for me. Especially the finalnpart is very gross, but unlike Death Screams you don't get a boring middle part and it also lasts longer, somewhere around 25 minutes. I had great fun watching this, recommended for bad moviefans and 80s monsterflicks fans alike.


PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 9:44 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Willie Dynamite - blaxploitation centered around a New York pimp called Willie Dynamite. Typical pimpmovie, with him showing off his bad taste in clothing, managing his "stable" and dealing with the cops. A character making this movie a bit more special is Cora, an ex-prostitute who is now a social worker trying to save prostitutes. She starts working on Pashen, the latest addition to Willie's stable. Cora has very unorthodox ways of getting what she wants, and as the plot evolves, we see Willie's life going from the top to the bottom. Pretty dramatic and less action than usual in a film like this, but still very enjoyable and a good introduction to the genre if you never saw a pimpflick before. Recommended.


PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 8:22 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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We Are The Flesh - aka Tenemos la Carne. Mexican cinema which doesn't have much of a story, but does have a lot of gross and dirty stuff in it, among which are necrophilia, incest, rape, murder and cannibalism. A brother and sister are scavenging for food in a worl you don't really get to see, but is supposed to be postapocalyptic. They find shelter in a weird refuge which has one inhabitant only, a maniacal guy called Mariano. They can stay with him, but they have to work: this means taping in lots and lots of wooden beams and pasting eggcartons onto it. From outisde comes food from time to time, through some sort of a tunnel. No contact whatsoever with the outside world, and that does make people weird: Mariano is the perfect example. He bangs on a drum in the morning, doesn't eat solid food but instead takes certain drops to stay alive, and makes the broher and sister do things they wouldn't ever have done on the outside. In one the depraved sexual acts they are committing, Mariano dies, but that doesn't stop his role: first as a corpse he still interacts with the sister and then he gets some sort of "reborn" out of the building. This was very weird and reminded me of the strange cinema Juan López Moctezuma used to make. Maybe it's the Mexica soil or air doing this to their directors ;) In the end there is one mass scene and the final shots are superstrange and make you believe that you have just been watching some social experiment, or some performance art thing. I haven't seen anything like this, so it's very original, even though it reminded me of Moctezuma and to some extent of Buttgereit. If you want a straight film, with a plot and character developemnt, or with a slasher going around killing college girls then skip this. It's also not for the feebleminded, so go in prepared. And make sure you ate before you press Play ;)


PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:38 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Witchtrap - aka The Presence. Late 80s haunted house movie, with Linnea Quigley who is on the cover, but lives the shortest life in this film. A team of specialists in the paranormal are hired to chase off a ghost. Together with them some security guards come along for protection. From the start there are tensions between the two groups, because the security guys don't believe in ghosts and the mediums think of the security men as obstacles. Shortly after the first session, the ghost kills off it's first victim. Not convinced the ghost is behind this death, the team continues, only to find out that they are also on the ghost's to do-list. Acting is somewhat wooden at times, some lines sound like they were memorized too much. Effects were good, but the cliche dnding about the 180 degree turn in the view of one of the security guys is corny. Mildly recommended for 80s fans and some bad moviefans might like it too.


PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:13 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Manhunter - this one has been on my wishlist for a long time, but since it was about Hannibal Lecter, and I had already seen Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal and Red Dragon, I didn't want to spend much on this one. So when a cheap copy was available, I bought it and I watched it yesterday. My expectations being low because of the subject, it exceeded them quickly: this film is intense, well acted and sometimes even a bit scary. The killer is invisible for a long time, which adds to the tension. The detective trying to figure out who the killer is, works under great pressure and you can feel that throughout the film. Only the scene with the theatre and the guy on the street was a bit dumb and predictable, most other stuff was very convincing and gripping. Hannibal Lecter is good, but I thought he wasn't as scary as in Silence... Good film nonehteless, and not obsolete at all. Better watch this and Silence and leave the other two out if you want the best Lecter experience.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 9:55 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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All Night Long - aka Oru Naitu Rongu. Japanese film about three boys who don't know each other, but when they are waiting at a railroad crossing, they all witness a bizarre murder. This brings them together and they talk about it. They go on with their lives, and have various experiences with violence, especially one of them who gets assaulted with his girlfriend. Later on the three of them are dishing out violence themselves, as a revenge for the assault. This however, goes horribly wrong. The violence and the gore are pretty far between, but this movie makes it's impact by showing how normal kids can become ruthless killers. The over-the-topness of this film is limited compared to other Japanese films, so it's all a bit more realistic and therefore grittier than most others. Not a feelgood movie, so take that into account when you fire this one up and you'll be fine.

The Return of Count Yorga - the sequel of Count Yorga, with a slightly overlapping cast, namely Robert Quarry as the count and Roger Perry who has a different, but still important role in this one. The similarities are plenty, although the buildup is really short now: vampires are already mentioned at the very beginning. Count Yorga has a small legion of the undead now, who bite away at unsuspecting victims and break into houses like Night of the Living Dead-zombies. The ending is somewhat similar to the first film, acting sfx etc all quite comparable. You can easily watch the two films separately or in a different order, no problems there. For recommendations, check the previous review ;)

All Night Long 2 - aka Atrocity. A young and lonely computernerd called Shinichi is messaging with a character who calls himself "goodman". Shinichi feels really bad, because he is being terrorized by a gang of aggressive homosexuals who abuse, threaten and extort money from him. The leader of the gang who terrorizes him, tries to make a violent freak out of Shnichi too, but fails. Shinichi wants to get rid of the gnag, so he tries getting help from "goodman", only to end up with two strangers who were also looking for "goodman". When the two strangers are at his house with a girl, the gang suddenly appears at his front door and then things turn ugly. A lot of gratuitous violence, gore and gross stuff in this film and even though it is shorter than part one, it made more of an impact. This one reminded me more of the Guinea Pig series, the story is getting more and more unimportant as the film progresses and the rollercoaster of violence in the final scenes is kind of total. I won't spoil it, but the violence gets a little bit more out of hand than was planned. I'm curious about part three, will watch that one soonish. This one is recommended for those who like brutal films and lots of gore.


PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 12:34 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Curse of the Crimson Altar - my DVD is called Die Hexe des Grafen Dracula, which is kind of weird because there is no such thing as a count Dracula in this film. It's a sixties horror from Britain, with such big guns as Christopher Lee, Boris Karloff and Barbara Steele starring, so I sat down to have a good old fashioned Gothich horrornight. It wasn't as Gothic as I had expected, but I wasn't disappointed! An antique dealer has his brother missing, so he visits an old mansion where an outrageous party is going on. The owner of the mansion, played by Lee, invites him to stay over as there is nothing much in the town when it comes to rooms for rent. At night, the dealer dreams weird stuff and wakes up with wounds: how did he get those? Trying to find out what's going on, he finds a secret passway leading to the attic. Is this where his brother had disappeared? Great acting, but dialogue is dragging a bit sometimes, especially some 20 minutes in, the first part the dealer is in the mansion, nothing much happens. But the whole witch thing, the ritual of the townspeople, the mansion itself: very nice. I had a good time and I'm sure you will too if you like older horrors, Hammer style.


PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 10:09 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Jack-O - one of the titles I bought after watching Screaming in High Heels. It's a nice B-movie, with a somewhat ridiculous killer: a guy with a pumpkinhead and otherwise barely dressed up. There is some storyline to explain as of why this killer is around all of a sudden and it has to do with every fifth generation of two families who have burnt someone way back when. Now the killer is simply slashing his way through anyone who happens to be in front of his scythe, which makes the background story all the more ridiculous, as it really doesn't matter if you are a member of one of those families. You are just f*cked if you stumble upon him (or get lucky, in a few cases). Acting is somewhat convincing, but quite typical B-movie stuff. Kills are nice, best kill is when a girl sees the killer, decided not to run away but start crying, sinks on her knees and shows her throat to the killer, waiting a few seconds before he strikes. Effects are OK-ish, best effect is when you clearly see a sack of bloody stuff being tied to someone's belly when he gets "killed". The obligatory showerscene with Linnea Quigley finishes this one off. Recommended for bad moviefans!


PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 4:35 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Sheba, Baby - blaxploitation with Pam Grier as a loan company owner's daughter who takes justice in her own hands after her dad gets harassed by criminals and the police does nothing. The film has everything you are looking for in a blaxploitation: fistfights, chases, shootouts and on top of that some fine action on a river. The cast is a bit out of it for some reason, and even Pam Grier herself doesn't act like she can. Whether she drags down the rest of the cast or the other way around is not very clear but it comes off like they didn't enjoy making this film. Several lines are spoken flatly, with a lack of emotion and that's not what I'm used to when watching Grier movies. I even checked if this maybe was her first actionflick but it isn't, so not sure why this is less of a good effort actingwise. So while this is not a bad movie, better pick Coffee or Foxy Brown for a fine evening of blaxploitation with Pam Grier.


PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 7:07 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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All Night Long 3: The Final Chapter - this film is about Kikuo, a weirdo working in a hotel where people come to have sex. He sees girls bullying a handicapped girl one day and he also develops an obsession for a salesgirl in a shop in the neighbourhood. Kikuo's job is to clean the rooms after the people have had their sex there, and he also starts dveloping an interest in filth and rubbish. He even meets a guy who has a collection of rubbish, like books full of women's used sanitary napkins, and used condoms etc. This film is very gross in that aspect, and we also get to see the gratuitous violence these series are infamous for. This time it's committed not only by one of the main characters, but also by a mentally handicapped boy. The lack of respect for human life is disturbing. The story eveolves less around violence and more around weird sexuality, but there is enough blood to go by. Not for the fainthearted, recommended if you like weird Japanese films with gross stuff in them.


PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:27 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Hunter's Blood - sales techniques at it's finest: this DVD had this cover, while the sexy broad with the special knife and the bloodied T-shirt is not in the film at all. It also looks almost HD, while in fact it's a VHS transfer of a film from 1986. On the backside there is a pictuire of a hooded killer who is also not in the film at all. Only the small screenshots below the plottext on the backside are correct. OK, on to the film: five NY city slickers go on a hunting trip in "redneck-land" and soon they bust into a group of poachers who aren't shying off of making fellow humans their prey. So the hunt is on and te New Yorkers have to run for their lives, not only because the rednecks are with a bigger group, but also because they know the land. Nice movie, acting is OK-ish. It's not really horror, but it touches the edge of horror because of soe gore and because of some rednecks acting really like strange creatures. Come to think of it, this is rednecksploitation! Picking the fight with the poachers ranks number one in the "stupidest things to do in this movie". If you liked movies such as Rituals and Manhunt, the you will be fine with this film.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:05 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Werewolf - this rather plain title was given to a 1995 film which stars Richard Lynch and Joe Estevez and by then you should know what kind of movie to expect. It has the atmosphere of a darma/thriller, but it actually is a scifi/horror, because a bad guy in a lab tries to recreate a living werewolf. The film would be veeeeery boring if he didn't succeed so you know what happens next, and after that, etc. The effects are laughable, the first werewolf looks more like a bear (it's black and has a distinctive mask), the other ones look more like the werewolf from the 30s classics. The gore is OK-ish, the story is a bit of a mess and the final scenes are sure to have you rolling on the floor laughing, as it is so damn hilarious/ridiculous. Recommended for bad moviefans.


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