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PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 9:42 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Voodoo Black Exorcist - aka Vudú sangriento. Spanish horrorflick about an ancient mummy being transported to a museum in it's sarcophagus on a cruiseship. On it's way there, the mummy gets revived and starts killing people, running away after each (series of) kill(s) to return to it's sarcophagus and take the dead state agai. This leaves the passengers and the crew in the mist as to who the killer is. The kills are usually fast and have some serious fake effects like with the beheading in the beginning, where you see some flashback of the life of the guy who is now the mummy. The DVD I watched of this one is atrocious: the company had the guts to put "digitally remastered" on the cover, wel, in this case that means next to nothing. Colours are washed out, sound is muffled, there are lots of artifacts and to top it off they made it fullscreen by cutting off a large portion of both sides, to an extent where you have scenes with two people talking to each other and you see none of them. So if you are gonna buy this, don't pick the "American Pop Classics" / "The Archive Collection" version. This was a very bad movie which I could have enjoyed if only I would have seen the entire picture.

Zombie Apocalypse - this is not the film with Ving Rhames and Taryn Manning. This one is directed by Ryan Thompson and even though the title is very unoriginal and the cover looks like an omen warning you about a bad movie incoming, this film is actually pretty cool. Even though the main characters are not really explained (one trained the other but you don't know why or for what), the zombies are OK and the gore is nice. Also the acting is pretty well done for a low budget movie like this. I liked the story and how the plots got together, even though it looked like it ripped off The Walking Dead like so many other zombieflicks coming out in 201 or right after. It even said it was based on a comic too. But well, back to the film: entertaining enough, just don't expect ace production values etc, I have seen way worse though. Recommended if you like independent movies and/or zombiefilms.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 12:10 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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My Boyfriend Is A Zombie Stoner - aka The Coed and the Zombie Stone. The cover of this Asylum movie mentions "from the guys who brought you Sharknado", so anyone expecting anything serious or good should get his head checked out. This ridiculous zombie comedy is about a nerdy girl who needs a boyfriend to stay in the sorority house she lives in, and via her professor at the lab she gets one. Tiny detail: he is a zombie, and the only way to suppress his urges to bite people is to give him lots of weed. OK. So puberty mode on in order to sustain this kind of brain damage, which goes along with lots of tits. And lots of tits. I mean really a lot of tits. You even see tits when they don't actually have any kind of function in the story. So having puberty mode on is useful in more than one way. The story is nothing worthwhile to write about, effects are OKish, some gore is cgi but some is nice. The main character is super annoying, the nerds and other social groups in highschool are cliche, but the zombies are kind of fun. I had more fun with Sharknado though. Only for the diehards, or when you are in puberty of course.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:23 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Pandemic - the world has succumbed to a widespread disease. Uninfected humans are hiding inside compounds from which search parties are sent out to find other survivors and supplies. On one such mission a doctor is on her way to find some people in a school, but she also has a side mission: to find her family who might or might not be still alive. Pretty OK premise and the execution is not too bad: acting is OK and it is all quite believable, as far as believable goes in zombies/infected movies. Again had some Walking Dead vibes but maybe that is just inevitable these days. Effects are nice, I liked the twist and the ending. It's not A quality but if you like zombies or infected you should give this a shot: it's better than most of those out there.


PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:34 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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You got an imdb for that one? Too many movies called Pandemic around... :beerchug:

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:58 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Sounds like this one: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3774802/

Mouse nipple for the win! Trackpoint or death!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 12:53 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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If that is the one, it has Reek. :o

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:34 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Yup, that's the one. What's Reek?

Autumn - another zombiemovie, titled "Dead Men Walking" so I thought it'd be the 2005 movie by Peter Mervis, but instead it's a different title for Autumn, a zombieflick I have been trying to avoid like the plague. Which was justified as it turns out. Boring, boring, boring movie, and a very long one at that. I was dead tired, so I could sort of stand it as there was so little happening in the film, my fried brain could handle exactly that. If it were not for my condition that evening, I might have destroyed my screen or my beamer. This is an insult to any movie freak. Avoid! Like the plague!


PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 2:29 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Reek, the character from Game of Thrones. Or rather the guy who played him.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 1:16 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Ah, OK. Only the missus watched GoT overhere :mrgreen:

Zombie Horde - aka Zombie Apocalypse 2. Another Ryan Thompson zombie movie with a bit more budget than Apocalypse part 1. Story is very different: after the nuclear holocaust mankind is outnumbered by zombies 1000 to 1 or something like that. To find any humans among the millions of undead is a challenge in itself, let alone finding humans who are willing to cooperate with you. So what you see in this movie is a Mad Max kind of setting where various groups are riuvballing each other over supplies and then you have zombies. Fun premise, and the attempt at making a decent movie is well done. The execution however, is riddled with cliches, like the woman not wanting to work with the hero and later the two of them falling in love (uuuggghhh), firefights being interrupted by zombie attacks and the villain being beaten by the hero in some sort of an endfight. The effects would have been better if they weren't cgi and some characters could have used some spicing up, but overall this wasn't a total waste of time and if you like either Mad Max or zombies you can have fun with this one.


PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 4:37 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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State of Emergency - apocalyptic infected movie, but the apocalyptic event is happening only locally, so the people in the area are f00ked but not the entire world. Jim is having a car accident with his fiancee next to him, and while he is trying to save her she dies. Trying to find some shelter, he finds out about the disaster and meets some of the infected. After a short while he gets in contact with a guy who is in a different building, only a few hundred meters away. Now he must try to get there and see if they can get help from outside while warding off the infected. Low budget production, but the limited means are being used rather cleverly in my opinion. The infected aren't very numerous, but they are quite scary and you can really get into Jim's situation. Acting is OK and even though the storyline is pretty simple, it's still entertaining. Mildly recommended, there are better movies out there in this genre, but from the low budget ones this is one of the more interesting ones.


PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2021 4:03 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Happy Death Day - Tree, a college student, wakes up in a dorm room with a guy she doesn't know. After she has left, she rushes for college and then lives through her day, which is her birthday, until there is a party at night. On her way to the party, she gets murdered by a masked killer. Next moment she wakes up again in the same dorm room as last morning and she gets to live her birthday once again, only to get killed again at the end of it. Since she starts the day over and over again, she starts to try and find out who the killer is, in order to live through her birthday into the next morning. This movie is Groundhog Day, but with a slasher element. When I read this, I was not really looking forward to the repetition, but fortunately it's not that bad and you get to see some different stuff each "day", so it keeps being entertaining. It also said it was horrorcomedy, but the comedy part was not very big. Acting is good, I'd have liked more effects (almost no gore and Tree's killings are all offscreen) but overall this was quite a nice film, recommended. Now for part 2, which is in the same box.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 10:38 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Nazi Undead - horror with an appealing title and similar cover art, but it doesn't pay off, the movie itself is kind of lifeless. An American couple on holiday in Germany makes a drive to castle Neischwanstein (in a British car for unknown reasons - probably put the GB sticker on to make it look European, as the film is Australian) but they get lost. Of course they don't have reception (I wonder if there is much land in Germany not covered by a network but OK) and they start looking for help in a remote villa. Upon arribval they notice much nazi parafernalia and slowly but surely they find out what happened there during wartime. Weird film, with a Groundhog Day element in it which doesn't make sense at all, characters seeing themselves, sometimes dying this way, sometimes that way. It seems more like the director thought of three different endings and wanted them all to be in the film or something. Acting is not very convincing at times and overall this movie left me wanting. Not gonna watch this one again, pretty sure about that.


PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 7:20 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Happy Death Day 2U - sequel to Happy Death Day. It starts out with Ryan, the friend of Carter from part one, experiencing the same day a few times. Ryan is part of a group of science nerds who are building a machine which messes with dimensions. Soon they are trying it out in the presence of Tree, and she gets thrown back into the day she has lived through so many times in part one. At first it makes her mad, but then she and the science students are gonna figure out how to repair the dimensions. They will have to deal with an angry professor who wants to stop their project though, and of course with a mysterious killer. Nice sequel, well made. I guess they made these two films back to back as they fit so well together and have 90% the same cast. Therefore the sequel feels very natural and not so much forced upon the viewer. Acting is well done again, but like in part one I would have appreciated (much) more gore. Recommended. 


PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:06 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Visit (2015): Since it was Halloween I thought why not watch a horror movie. This was actually aired a couple of days ago on ZDFneo (a German TV station) and I recorded it. The movie is about a girl and a boy visiting their grandparents. Their grandparents are somewhat strange and have one rule: don't leave your room after 21:30. But if you are a curious kid and hear strange sounds outside of your room you are going to have a look, right? I don't want to spoil anything so I'll just shut up about the plot here. I really liked this one. It's a Shyamalan movie with his usual twist that I admit didn't see coming this time. I don't like rap music so I found the boy's performances pretty annoying though. Maybe they are not so terrible in English.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 6:39 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Had an old-fashioned pre-covid movienight with some friends a few weeks ago but I forgot to write the reviews so here they are.

Psychomania - aka The Death Wheelers. In this early 70s British horrormovie we see a motorbike gang called The Living Dead which is being led by Tom. For some reason, most other members have some nickname like "Chopped Meat" which they show on their jackets. They terrorize the community by doing such awful things as riding around their bikes on the sidewalk and sticking out their tongues to drivers. Tom has a strange mother who works with the supernatural and lives with an even stranger old man who is not his father. When Tom is being led to believe that he can gain eternal life by killing himself, he tries it out. After him, the other members are also gonna commit suicide, but it doesn't all go as envisioned. This was not as bad as I had expected, there are plenty of goofs to have fun with but the acting is pretty good overall and the story isn't extremely ridiculous. The effects are a bit Hammer-like, as is the atmosphere but since I like that kind of atmosphere that was very much OK. So if you like to watch a classic-ish atmospheric horror and you don't mind lacking sfx pick this one.

The Devil's Sword - aka Golok Setan. Indonesian fantasy/horror flick from the 80s, almost always a success on the So Bad It's Good front. Inside a mountain there is a magic sword, and a bunch of evil warriors want to steal it. But they haven't counted with Mandala the hero warrior, who is gonna save the day, eehm the sword. Lots and lots of fist- and kickfights from some fighting sport I don't know. There are so many that it gets tiring a bit, but it's made up for by a huge fake crocodile which turns around on a disc in the ground and spits laser beams from it's eyes. Loads of fun to be had with that one and if you just go get some beers while they do the gazillionth fight, you can enjoy this one as a bad moviefan.

Zombeak - the title suggests that this is about zombies and when you check the cover art it looks like you will have zombie chickens in this movie, but as in so many other B-movies this is all a bit misleading. The story is about satanists and the chicken is gonna be the host of the devil himself. This is enough to have a nice bad movie, but overall this wasn't really a memorable title in the genre. There is very little gore and the chicken is obviously moving by someone's hand. I have to admit that by this time the mind enhancing substances were having quite some influence on my ability to watch this with enough focus, so I don't recall 100% of the film. I remember that the acting wasn't so hot and the effects were lacking. But it runs for only a little over an hour so it's a nice filler for evenings like this. Best enjoyed with friends.

Robowar - the title suggests a scifi with robots but instead this is a Predator rip-off where the Predator has been replaced by a guy in a motor suit and a helmet with dark visors, looking vaguely like Robocop. Ugh, kind of a bummer. But, as this is a Bruno Mattei film we should not be surprised as this is one of the aspects of Italian B-cinema: make a movie which resembles a blockbuster or make one with a title which resembles a title of a blockbuster. This one meets both criteria so it's a prime example. It features Claudio Fragasso, the director of the famous Troll 2, as an actor. The rip-off is so well done that even if you haven't seen Predator in ages, you can recognize the parts which Mattei copied almost literally. The robot is very much so bad it's good, especially since it was designed as a secret weapon for the army but it can't handle a few rogue mercenaries in the jungle who can't fire guns for shit. I had good fun because I have a soft spot for Italian B-cinema but if you don't, better pick a different movie.


PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 11:11 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Outpost 3: Rise of the Spetsnaz - had watched Outpost and Outpost 2 Black Sun some time ago, appreciated them at least somewhat so when I was able to buy a box with all three of them I got it and watched part three recently. Unfortunately, it turned out this was the cut version, missing about 10-15 minutes compared to the original, ouch. For some reason they cut it so it could be PG rated, why?? Because the cutting is so heavily done, it is also very noticeable: fightscenes are ending in the middle of the action switching over to an entirely new scene. This took away about half of my enjoyment and the rest was just not enough to make this an enjoyable watch. Sure there are some nice fights between Soviets and Germans and of course between nazi zombies and Soviet prisoners (and also an American prisoner who is way out of his area of operations of course but hey, who cares for historical accuracy) but overall the storyline is lacking a bit. No surprise as this is part three and it is directed by a different guy than the first two installments. So if you have seen the first two, don't spend too much energy on finding number three, especially if it's the cut version.

When Animals Dream - aka Når dyrene drømme. A Danish film taking place in a fisher community on the western coast of Denmark. Marie, a young woman, starts working at the fishing plant while at home she and her father have to take care of her mother who has a serious illness which keeps her tied to a wheelchair. Marie doesn't know what's wrong with her mother and her dad is not ready to tell heryet. When Marie discovers weird spots on her skin, he has to, though. Soon the world of Marie is turning around entirely. Slow and atmospheric, this movie doesn't take iot's credits from the action or the gore, of which there is very little. The tension is in what you don't see and in what you expect. Many reviews compare this to Let The Right One In but I think this isn't a movie like that, there is a different background in this one and a different starting point for the story. Coming of age, yes, but done differently. The ending was somewhat disappointing, it was "too good" actually. Still, this is something you don't see every day so if you wanna see something out of the ordinary pick this one. 


PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 9:01 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Today I watched zombieland 2 after a long time, I understand that it's not really horror, but there are zombies there!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 5:12 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Topic is "The Movies You Watched Today" not "The Horrormovies You Watched Today Topic" so that's totally fine, even though I consider a movie with zombies horror anyway, because no zombies exist in real life. So even if one of the aspects of horror is that it is supposed to be scary, a horrormovie can be not (very) scary at all. After having watched thousands of horrormovies, most aren't scary to me anymore.

Red Lips: Eat The Living - low budget anthology where the wraparound is about two girls having a chat about vampires and it is pretty obvious as to what is going to happen. It has Debbie Rochon though, so at least a little eye candy. The other stories have way less eye candy and share several castmembers. There are four stories and they are supersimple. One is about a man who is mourning his wife, she has become a zombie and he decides to become a zombie himself too, another story is about a group of survivors hiding out during a zombie outbreak. They die and it's because they are all really stupid. The third story is about a man who revceveies a box with his belongings from his e and it contains a vidweotape he doesn't recognize. When he starts playing it he sees fragemtns of his future, which play out in his life directly after he has seen them. This was pretty cool. The last story is a tad worse than this one but a little bit better than the first two, it's about a hitchhiking girl luring a group of teenagers onto the graves of her family and they rise to eat them all. The wraparound then takes over for some final scenes and what you expect is actually happening so the ending is meh. I recommend to watch this only with friends or with copious amounts of mind expanding substances.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:01 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Tell Me How I Die (2016): Some students with money problems take part in a medical experiment. They are given an Alzheimer drug that should increase their mental capabilities. The drug however has a side effect which lets them have glimpses of their future. Unfortunately most visions include their own violent deaths as one of them is a murderer planing to take them all out one after another. Of course you never see the murderer which keeps you guessing and makes it a kind of who-dunnit movie. The movie was low budget with pretty young and mostly unknown (to me) actors/actresses. But it was done in a decent way and I really enjoyed it. The IMDb rating is only 5/10 but I give it a 7.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 5:57 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Jacqueline Hyde - a modern version of "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" where the doctor is replaced by a woman, Jacky, who recently got laid off but still can start living in a luxurious mansion because she inherited it from a relative she didn't know. While exploring the house she finds a secret room in which there is a cupboard full of serums. These make her wishes come true and she transforms herself into a topmodel-like looking woman so she gets more attention from the male part of the population. This other version of herself (Jacqueline), does bad stuff and things get out of hand pretty soon: she even starts killing. Jacky can't control Jacqueline any longer but she tries her best to prevent Jacqueline from killing any more people. There are several elements of the Jekyll and Hyde story which are present in this film but overall it is just a lame excuse to show a lot of skin, as many characters decide to go to stripclubs or spy on their neghbours while they are having sex. So I felt like I was watching one of those 90s soft erotic drama movies on a commercial channel, but copious amounts of beer made it a bit bearable. Pretty forgettable, for bad moviefans there is one nice moment
in which Jacqueline has left her murder victim in the living room of the house, in plain sight for everyone entering the garden
but personally I would go for a different film for a bad movienight.


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