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PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 3:01 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Ancient One
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Horror Rises From The Tomb - a classic Spanish horror starring Paul Naschy. The opening reminded me a lot of The Night of the Werewolf, but if there is a connection between the two movies then The Night of the Werewolf will have copied it from this one as this one was made eight years earlier. Very atmpospheric movie in which Naschy plays a character who drives to his estate in the mountains with his brother and their girlfriends to find out about a sorcerer who got executed in the 15th century. They encounter some strange people on their way there and as soon as they have found a chest related to the sorcerer's death, one of the men helping them is possessed by demonic powers. Now they are all in grave danger, who will survive the trip? I was very much in the mood for this and it delivered 100%, very nice film, loved the atmosphere, the acting was nice, watching it with Spanish language immersed me even more. Of course there are some effects by which you can see it's an older film but I didn't mind as it never got corny. One of the better films with Naschy that I have seen, recommended!


PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 6:37 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Don't Breathe 2 (2021): I watched this because I really liked the first part. Unfortunately the sequel is not like the first one. While the first one had a lot of suspense and was more like a horror movie, this one is more like an action movie. The only connection to the first movie is the main protagonist, the blind man played by Stephen Lang. Lang's performance is great in this one too, but like I said the story itself isn't. It's about the blind man now living with a young girl he calls his daughter. Some people break into their house and kidnap the girl. Now it's up to the blind man to get her back.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 12:13 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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The Ancient One
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Die Hard Dracula - a weird adaptation of the Dracula story which can't really choose between a traditional and a modern setting. In the opening scenes we see some historical scenes with Vlad the Impaler and then we switch to present day California where a girl drowns, her boyfriend sees a shooting star and makes a wish that is kind of generic "may a girl who drowned come back to life" and of course in a totally different place that actually happens. And coincidentally that is in the neighbourhood of where Dracula lives. Dracula. who is fat and ugly, and just walks around in daylight still stating that the sun hurts him. Best sfx are inside the "castle" (painted cardboard suggests stone walls) where an obviously fake mouse is moved by a visible iron thread and there are the occasional lightning bolts pasted on the film. I had some good laughs at those effects or at the (fake) accents of the actors. Dracula is of course not scary at all and Van Helsing is more a comic sidenote than a real threat to vampires but hey, who cares as long as you can watch this B-crap for fun? Recommended for bad moviefans!


PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:12 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Till Death - short film (70 minutes) from 1978 about a guy having a nightmare about being locked up in a tomb with a dead corpse coming to life. When he wakes up he is getting married and while on a trip he and his newlywed wife have an accident in which she dies. Upon visiting the tomb, he accidentally gets locked in, is his nightmare becoming a reality now? This film is pretty simple (as it had next to no budget) and floats on the acting which has varying skill levels. It's not a superattractive film but still a tad entertaining somehow, even though there is a total lack of gore and the sfx are limited to the first scene. So if you are in for something out of the ordinary and don't need blood and guts give this one a chance.


PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:57 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Headhunt - aka Inhuman Resources aka Redd inc. Pleasantly surprised by this one. It may look like another installment of torture porn, but it actually has a pretty clever plot which I had thoughts of but wasn't so sure about. A girl gets kidnapped and when she wakes up she is tied to a chair in an office setting together with five strangers. They have a "new boss" who commands them to work and if they disobey he warns them by cutting a wound in their forehead. With five wounds you have overstayed your welcome according to this "regional manager" and then you are being dismissed, in a gory way of course. The boss is a guy who was captured by the police and sent to a mental clinic by the judge for being a serial killer. Now he wants his new "colleagues" to find the real killer, as he states he is innocent. Time is running out on them as they receive warning after warning, getting close to the fatal fifth one. Really enjoyed this one, enough gore but also enough subtlety to not show everything, as said an interesting plot and the lovely Kelly Paterniti whose profession is a stripper as a bonus. Recommended.


PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 9:38 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Had a movienight with friends again:

Killer Party - very 80s slasher which starts out as some sort of college drama about three friends who want to join a sorority, their pledge night is gonna be in an old house where an April Fool's party wemt wrong twenty years ago and one of the students died. There are seemingly several killings going on but they turn out to be pranks all the time so the first actual death is taking quite some time, but near the end the number of victims is rising quickly. How it turns out, as in who is the killer, is quite difficult to anticipate, at some point I had the person correct but not in the way it actually polays out in the final scenes, because it takes quite a turn from the rest of the film, leaving you a bit baffled as to how someone made this up. Music and clothing are extremely 80s so if you are into that this is a must see, it's not your everyday slasher but it gers really close to the classics. After this, the tagline for the night was "I'd prefer a big fat cucumber".

The Ark of the Sun God - Antonio Margheriti brought part of his family and a bunch of friends and then he made this adventure film which is a mix between James Bond and Indiana Jones. It's about a guy who gets the assignment to steal an ancient key in Istanbul with which he can open the temple of Gilgamesh where a scepter is buried with a king's corpse (or a priest, I forgot but it doesn't really matter). The special effects are funny, everything is in miniature: the car chases are toy cars and the mountains are piles of sand in a playpen for kids. The fights are interesting as in show fistfights and the firefights are being performed with the same two Thompson SMGs all the time. The ending is hilarious, if you are into Italo or you are a bad moviefan this is a recommendation.

Satanico Pandemonium - this Mexican nunsploitation from the 70s is already very nice to watch for the cover as it shows a nun lifting her habit and showing off the devil underneath, with the subtitle "From Bride of Christ to Slave of Satan" and "La Sexorcista". Te fil itself is really slow, you get minutes long shots of cpountryside or of walking nuns which is kinda straining on your patience at times. In between there are scenes in which the main character gets possessed by the devil, who for some reason is portrayed by a guy who is eating an apple all the time (might be a hint at Genesis, although the aplle there is probably incorrect). After being possessed she sees things which aren't really there and starts killing off fellow sisters in the convent. Shge totrures herself because of these sins but she can't help but sell her soul to the devil. The kills and the toruture make for the gore in this one which is rather good and if you can endure the long shots of nature and/or walking nuns this is a noce bad movie for you.


PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 9:35 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Time Warrior - a movie which I had in my collection for a long time but never got around to seeing. I think I assumed I saw it and then forgot to review it or something, but I'm pretty sure I didn't see it before after having watched it yesterday. The movie is quite bad, especially the dialogue and the events. The message is also pretty meh. The story is about two guys who are playing computergames: one has a stepfather who is a veteran and used to be in Iraq with the guy's real father who died there, the other has a super rich dad who married a stripper after his first wife, well, we don't really get to know but she isn't there anymore. For some reason the hottest girl in class suddenly wants to contact him and after a while they have a relationship, it sorta grew out of nowhere. He gets into trouble with a tough guy who claims the girl to be his. He and his friend are playing a superspecial game and they have to lend their souls to unlock all maps and weapons etc. While this premise is already ridiculous, it doesn't stop there: while the main character guy has trouble keeping his relationship (the dialogue with his girlfriend is one of the dumbest I have seen in a long time), the other one turns into a real life killer and it all ends in a party turning massacre. The moral message is obviously that computergames are bad for you, and if they wanted to make it a joke, or they meant it ironically in any way, they failed miserably. Watch this if you like movies about games making kids evil, bad moviefans should have enough to enjoy but it's not the golden pick of the day for them.


PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2022 12:47 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Julia's Eyes - Los Ojos de Julia, Spanish thriller with a touch of horror. Julia's sister Sara dies and when Julia visits the house where it happened, she feels something is off about Sara's death. They both suffer from the same eye disease which makes a person blind slowly, and while Julia is trying to find clues about Sara's death, her eyes begin to fade. Now she must not only fight the mystery surrounding her sister's death, but also her disease. Atmospheric film with some genuinely scary moments. You really feel for Julia, especially because nobody believes her, not even her husband. Several storylines come together, sooner or later in the film, nicely done. The acting is top notch and the story makes sense, I didn't guess it 100% right but I was pretty close. Recommended, even though it's not really horror, horror fans will enjoy this, especially if they are into Spanish cinema


PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 9:30 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Death Curse of Tartu - somewhere in the Everglades, an ancient shaman is being awakened. He is annoyed by modern day students, and starts a murdering rampage, often in the shape of a reptile. We can see him show up as several snakes or an alligator, which has the convenience for the director to just use stock footage of animals. So the kill scenes are always like this: shot of snake in stock footage - shot of screaming actor/actress - shot of snake in stock footage - shot of screaming actor/actress - shot of snake in stock footage - shot of screaming actor/actress- shot of snake in stock footage - shot of screaming actor/actress, etc etc. Nice and cheap.In this film there is so little happening that it almost becomes boring. The fun parts are where they are entering a cave which is super obviously not made of stone but of foam with even faker spiders in fake webs and when the shaman is finally showing his real face, because it's such a disappointment. Watch only with friends or under the influence or you might die of boredom.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 4:18 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Night Angel - 80s movie about a witch rising from the ground to seduce men and destroy their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Lilith (the witch) first murders the owner of a fashion magazine called Siren, and the scene in which she does is one of the two best scenes in the film: she rides him in his own bed next to his wife who gets sliced by Llilith's nails when she wakes up. After that, the magazine comes into the hands of Rita (played by Karen Black) who starts making decisions which aren't very tratinal according to some co-workers of the magazine. One of these guys, Craig, has a thing for Rita's sister Kirstie, and this couple becomes the weapon to fight Lilith, because of their "true love". Although this is very corny and cheesy, the film keeps being entertaining enough to get you to the second scene which is totally worth it, in which Lilith spawns leeches from her mouth to kill yet another victim. This looks superbly so bad it's good. I had fun, even though the film stays rather tame and never rises above the average level overall (except for the two scenes described already). Bad moviefans will probably like it.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 10:14 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Witching & Bitching - aka Las brujas de Zugarramurdi. An Alex de la Iglesia film which I had missed, I totally love Alex de la Iglesia, his earlier films especially, like Accion Kutante,  El Dia de la Bestia andof coursePerdita Durango. It had been a while since I saw one of his makings though, and since I was visiting some friends who wanted to see some horrorcomedy (but not the weak residu of unfunny and unscary stuff they produce on the other side of the pond while trying to sell it as horrorcomedy), I brought this one as I had bought it recently. It was a blast! It immediately takes off as a gang, dressed up as street artists, rob a pawn shop with the participation of the son of one of the gangsters. Of course lots of things go wrong and they have endless debates as to how it could happen and who's to blame for it (all in Spanish of course). They end up in a remote village where witches live but they have to pass through in order to get out of the country, but they never get past the village's exit. The witches they encounter are planning not only to eat them at some point but also to perform a huge ritual to bring back the ultra mother of all. The appearance of this mother had me in tears for minutes on end, it's so extremely absurd and funny, I couldn't stop laughing. Acting is superb, atmosphere is very nice, light hearted and dark when it has to be, effects are also very well done. I looked for threads but only had one moment in which I thought I saw some. Very cool movie, I really need to check out more of De La Iglesia's work. Highly recommended!


PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 5:56 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Dead But Dreaming
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I've been on a slasher binge for the last few months. My goal is to see every slasher flick made between 1978 and 1992 (with a few outliers, of course).
Right now, I am up to 100 films (excluding the common major franchises that I've already seen-Freddy, Jason, Chucky, Michael)

Just finished Dressed to Kill: STRONG ****
This flick is TOO TOUGH! Man, I hate that I slept on this one for so long. I had always known about it but never had it in my mind to give it a shot until today. Dressed to Kill starts strong with the sleaze-some t&a with a generous helping of BUSH. We get a really nasty, mean kill as we're introduced to a young, supple, delicious Nancy Allen who carries this flick alongside fantastic performances by Michael Caine as a therapist, Mayor Lenny as his colleague, Dennis Franz as Det. Warren Toomey, and a really young Keith Gordon as Go-Go-Gadget Harry Potter. Brian DePalma's direction was solid, I love how he plays with misdirection, tension, and suspense. I can see now why people were comparing him to Hitchcock-I love how DePalma played with some of the elements from Psycho in Dressed to Kill. Overall, this flick was amazing!

Last edited by PumpThrust on Thu Jul 21, 2022 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 6:00 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Dead But Dreaming
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Last night I watched Deadly Games
Deadly Games: **
A limp slasher with lame kills, poor pacing, weak storytelling, and some unlikable characters. The only noteworthy thing is the sleaze and t&a.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 10:51 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Evil Laugh - a 1986 slasher without much pretence. The cast has mostly under 20 titles to their names, so they're "known for" this obscure flick, of which the plot is supersimple: a group of medical students meet at a house to fix it up so it can be reopened as a children's foster home. Reopened, because ten years ago it was closed after a mass murder of the patients had talken place and since then the house got avoided like the plague by the local community. Of course the students are horny and prone to a killer lurking around the house. There are some nice references to classic slashers like Halloween and Friday the 13th, but overall this is very run of the mill. Guessing the killer is
hard because it's a character which you haven't seen before
If you like slashers and/or 80s movies this is for you, you can't go wrong on this one really but you also won't find anything new.


PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:32 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Btw, nice to see PumpThrust post some reviews as well, so if there are any others: don't hesitate, this is not my personal topic :)

Sting of Death - I probably bought it because of it, but only after I was already half an hour or more in, I noticed that this movie has one of the funniest bad movie scenes of all times in them. I saw the scene in the cinema before, when they had The Night of Bad Taste and I couldn't stop laughing. And now I have seen the film where it's from, well, I can tell you, it's not the only bad taste thing that this movie has to give. Story is simple: scientists in the Everglades have a party, and their somewhat weird assistant is being made fun of. He runs off but is out for revenge. He gathers his jellyfish because he is Jellyfish man! He runs around in a diver's suit with a plastic bag on his head and his minions are plastic bags with some strings attached to them and some paint put on. When they "attack" a victim, they literally do nothing but float on the water. The party is a dated one (very 1960s) but that is just a sign of the times. There aren't any technical things wrong with this film, but they make many mistakes, like in the scene where the scientist's daughter is leaning against the cave's wall, it's clearly giving in, which is no surprise as it's made of foam. When they want to get help they can't "because they only have a gallon left in the boat" but then they chase jellyfish man and they can continue for a pretty long time. Loads and loads of fun to have with this piece of trash cinema, so if you ever get the chance, pick it up, it's priceless for bad moviefans!


PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 5:34 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Slayer wrote:
Btw, nice to see PumpThrust post some reviews as well, so if there are any others: don't hesitate, this is not my personal topic :)

It's not? :mrgreen:

The Sadness (aka. Ku bei) (2021): Horror movie from Taiwan in which a flu-like virus is spreading across the population. But unlike COVID it turns the infected into sadistic killers and rapists. It starts with a young couple that go their own way in the morning while the virus breaks out and want to find each other once things are already out of control. Pretty gory movie with nice blood effects. No CGI. I can recommend it to anybody who likes zombie movies in which the zombies are fast and not lurking around.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:31 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Unlike COVID? Ooohh... :mrgreen:

Had a movienight with friends:
Images in a Convent - Joe d'Amato nunsploitation with a very simple [premise: a countess is being sent to a convent (in what is supposed to be end of 17th beginning of 18th century) in order to protect her from an aggressive familymember. After her arrival, a young man is being found on the grounds of the convent and he is wounded. Taking him into the convent to nurse him, all of a sudden several nuns are getting horny and all and start to kiss, lick and touch themselves or each other. An exorcist is being sent for to solve the problem, but we all know the devil is really strong, especially when it comes to love in the flesh! Because the plot is so thin, you can easily watch for dumb stuff, bad sfx or miss a part of the fiolm by getting beer or something and still follow it after you come back. D'Amato wants to show skin and even though some nuns take it off with each other without getting fully undressed, there is still lots of skin. Pretty typical D'Amato, you can't go wrong if you're a bad moviefan.

Discopath - a guy has a weird syndrome: he gets murderous when he hears discomusic (why he has this is explained in a hilarious flashback scene). He kills a bunch of people and then flees to Canada. The cop who was trying to solve the murdercase back in NY, calls his station when he sees murders appear in Canada with the same MO, some 10 years later. This cop, who is a lookalike of Nicholas Cage (and his partner is a lookalike of Samuel L. Jackson), travels to Canada to see for himself. Can he catch the killer or will he be too late? Ode to 80s slashers and to 70s music at the same time. This mix sometimes doesn't really work well, but it's a fun film where you can enjoy oldschool style made by a fresh crew. For slasherfans and bad moviefans alike.

Timegate: Tales of the Saddle Tramps - softcore pornfilm with a cool babe on the cover, dressed in a leather top, carrying two scifi pistols and being surrounded by planets and UFOs. Unfortunately, none of this is in the film, not even the babe. There are other babes though and they have the tough luck that their husbands are busy with work, too busy to make some love. They do have tickets for a wild west show though but since they are so busy they can't go, so the girls go by themselves. In the showtown they find a magical mirror and *POOF* they are back in 1888, where they are being received by madame Michelle Bauer, who orders them to get into their work clothing asap. Of course, as prostitutes they now each meet a guy who resemebles their husband 100% and they have some steaming sex. They are having steaming sex at every opportunity btw. The best one being one of the babes being jailed (awaiting her hanging the next morning, accused of murder) and her epxressing her last wishes to the sheriff... If you go in expecting no story, lots of BS and lots of skin then you'll be good.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 4:54 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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It Comes at Night (2017): A man, his wife and their son have barricaded themselves in their house in the forest. The reason is that outside an unknown disease is spreading and killing all people. One day a stranger tries to break into the house. He is captured by the father who is a quite though guy. The stranger says that he was only looking for some food for his family and thought that the house was abandoned. The father leaves his family to bring the stranger back to his family and to verify his story, They also want to invite the stranger's family to live with them if his story turns out to be true, so they are protected better should someone else try to attack them again. The movie is done well, but you can feel that the budget must have been low. I like how there are metaphors through the movie and the whole movie delivers a message. There is not much gore. The movie creates suspense by not giving away too much details.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:08 am  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Dead But Dreaming
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Savage Weekend: ***.15
A sleazy but lukewarm slasher with four sex scenes (one with implied anal), a semi bestiality scene (the wife gets turned on stroking a cow udder), plentiful t&a and some dick and nuts, a snarky gay character, a flashback to a woman getting branded, a fight scene with the gay character, and a clever kill toward the end
(girl is tied to a saw on a bench activated by a light switch. She gets killed accidentally by Mac the farmhand when he's investigating the basement and flicks the switch)
. There really isn't much blood and no gore to be found. The kills were mehhh though the saw kill, the needle through the ear kill, and the final chainsaw kill were okay. The movie drags until the last half hour where the kills start to happen. The killer reveal was kinda predictable but confusing
(it was the ex husband who went crazy because his boss, the governor, committed suicide or something).

PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:01 pm  Post subject: Re: The Movies You Watched Today Topic!
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Chainsaw Slaughter - aka Hack! which is obviously the better title, as there is only one chainsaw kill in the entire film. With that out of the way, this is a pretty much run of the mill slasher where a group of coeds visit a deserted island, well not entirely deserted: a couple lives there and the woman wants to make a slasherfilm without telling the students. One by one the students get chased down by a mysterious force and whenever the woman, aptly named Mary Shelley, gets the chance, she records it on camera. This film is run of the mill storywise, because in every other departments so many things go wrong, it's hard to keep track. Editing / continuity (girls runs off bare chested, wears shirt in next shot), plotholes (there is a guy on the island but it doesn't really get explained why he is there), dialogue (the references to other movies are a bit too much, although I had to smile at the Free WIlly reference), and acting / character development (when the plot takes a turn, one of the characters starts behaving 100% differently, seemingly without noticing that it might occur to the people in the surroundings that that is kind of odd). Effects are quite OK though and there is plenty of gore. So if you just want gore and nothing else, turn off your brain and slide this one in.


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